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Chapter 1055: Make-up plan

"It will take some time to study luck and promote the way of destiny."

Release hundreds of thousands of gods, toss around in the heavenly world, collected many samples, and there are many references. Li Yu also had a lot of thoughts on the way of luck.

The "Destiny Atlas" in "Shang Qing Bao Lu" is just the opposite of the way of luck. This is "destiny", which is destruction, end, doomsday, and calamity.

There is also a magical power that can cut off the luck of others.

This is also very helpful for Li Yu to study the way of luck.

However, it is still very difficult to elevate the fate of human beings and turn it into "everything is fate".

"In my opinion, fate is also an order, and even, it is a sign of order."

Everything in the world, everything in the world, is in fate.

To understand this kind of thing, we need to analyze the relationship between everything in the world, everything in the world. This connection ... must be order.

"The so-called destiny is actually the necessity under the running of order. Therefore, the analysis of the way of destiny is closely related to the analysis of the way of order, and it is worth taking time to study."

Release distraction to study fate, but other "research projects" cannot stop.

"It's time for Yu Shenxiao to preach."

With a change of heart, Li Yu, a potential repairer in Penglai, smiled and gathered up, and took out a rune to contact Yu Shenxiao.

"Wife, how is your practice?"

Li Yu flickered to study "gravity" and wanted to take the road of strength, Yu Shenxiao, should be frowning during this time?

"Don't be noisy! Mother is annoying!"

The study of gravity is a primer, but ... the material structure of this world does not always have such things as "atoms".

The more research, the more confused Jade God Xiao became, the more he didn't understand.

"You are also half a step away from Jinxian. You have been practicing for so many years, making cars behind closed doors, and going out. It ’s true. You do n’t understand this! Go out and walk around. Seeing more often, you can find out the rules."

Li Yu asked Yu Shenxiao to study "morality" for him, and naturally she flew out.

"This is also true!"

Yu Shenxiao nodded, "That line, I'll go out. Listen to the boy Xu Zhifei said, you have a good relationship with the Five Elements ancestors. After I left, I didn't worry about Yu Yutian being an idea."

For so many years, has n’t Yushen Xiaozhai stayed out at home because she wants to guard this broken Yu Yutian?

Since Li Yu has a good relationship with the Five Elements Daozu, after Yu Shenxiao left, he did not worry about Yu Yutian being tossed and broken.

"By the way, I'll give you a hint. There are many worlds in the heavenly world that don't have the authentic ancestral avenue. You can preach! Create a avenue for one world. You will gain a lot from it."

This is not a nonsense.

Enlighten sentient beings, have moral affiliation. The moral air is the air of wisdom. Obtaining morality is very helpful to Yu Shenxiao's realization of the "avenue of power".


Yu Shenxiao waved her hand, shook her body, left Yu Yutian World, and went to the heavens to find her own chance.

Yu Shenxiao was very concerned about the "preaching" suggested by Li Yu.

This "master" can actually have a relationship with the Five Elements ancestors, and the origins of previous lives must be scary. The hints given by such characters cannot be ignored.

"Yu Shenxiao left Yu Yutian and lost the guardianship of Yu Shenxiao. The extraterrestrial demon and other heavenly figures in the heavenly world will become interested in Yu Yutian."

Li Yu looked up and looked at the broken Yuyu Celestial Mask with a smile on his face, "Benefit, this is great merit!"

Reached out and patted the table, Li Yu shouted loudly, "Little Xuzi, come here!"


Xu Zhifei's figure instantly appeared in front of Li Yu. "What did the ancestor say?"

"Yu Shenxiao has left Yu Yutian, and he will go to the heavens to find a chance to join the path. Without Yu Shenxiao's guardianship, the outer demons will come to attack."

Li Yu smiled and pointed to the sky, "So ... your trouble is coming."

"Is Master Xiaoxiao going to unite?"

Xu Zhifei's focus is no longer on the extraterrestrial demon. With an ancestor here, what extra-terrestrial demons are you worried about?

"Junk stuff!"

Li Yu slapped it in the past, "This is your chance. Since Yu Yutian has been broken, the boundary film has been damaged and cannot resist the demon outside the domain. It is a great virtue to make up for the sky!"

"Yes Yes!"

Xu Zhifei is also a fairy, can he not know the effect of merit? Protection of merit, all evil will not invade. Even crossing the robbery was a little easier.

"It's just a godsend? How can it be done?"

The heaven and earth boundary film, but the heaven and earth are naturally generated, and you do n’t know how to repair it?

"This is the way to fill the sky!"

One of the jade slips was thrown away by hand, Li Yuchao Xu Zhifei waved his hand, "there is too much material for refining the boundary film, your family can't carry it. Notify other good friends, let's work together!"

The method of refining the boundary film is no longer a problem in the heavenly world.

After "floating chamber of commerce" searched numerous data, Li Yu casually chose a method with a single effect and less demanding materials ~ ~ threw to Xu Zhifei.

"Thirty-three days for Da Luo?"

Seeing the refining method of the heaven and earth boundary film, Xu Zhifei was startled.

Thirty-three heavenly scenes, each heavenly scene has an emperor, commanded by a million heavenly gods. After the thirty-three days of refining were completed, there were thirty-three Heavenly Emperor Gods, and more than thirty million Heavenly Soldiers.

Do this ... who still practices? Don't forget God directly?

More importantly, this waits for the treasure ... we can also make it?

"It takes at least millions of years for the gods to condense from the heavens and the earth. Within a short time, there are only some heavenly soldiers."

Li Yu has turned the ghost teachings into the "god of the Yin Master" and has little interest in the deities. Given this "Thirty-three Days of Da Luo", I just feel that this thing is a bit interesting.

"Heavenly guards the boundary film, this is very necessary."

Xu Zhifei nodded his head. "The disciples will now call the various martial arts to discuss the matter of supplementing the sky."

Said, Xu Zhifei left.

"The make-up plan is to gain merit."

Merit has also been studied by Li Yu. This thing doesn't have much research value. However, the relationship between merit and air transport is worth studying.

"It has never been heard that a person with merit is unlucky."

The blessing effect of merit on air transport has also become one of the "projects" of Li Yu's research.

"These studies leave the ontology to work. I still focus on practicing."

Although many studies have been conducted, some gains have been made. However, Li Yu never forgot to let this avatar practice in this world, create the "order" and "material" avenue, and finally harvest the rules of heaven and earth.

Everything was brought into order, and finally I realized "chaos and disorder."

From "order" to "disorder", this is the first difficulty for Li Yu to perceive chaos.

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