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Chapter 1057: The protagonist's template wins the sky, but don't hang it in one click

One year, two years ... ten years.

The Nether Sect has been guarding the boundary film for ten years, and Li Yu has also studied for ten years.

In the past ten years, there was only a blink of an eye in the heavens world, and nothing changed at all. However, some people's changes are more scary.

"Yuan Shen? Patriarch ... you have proof of Yuan Shen?"

Fourteen-year-old Li Yu is already a handsome boy!

In ten years, from bleed air to spirit, to Jin Dan, to Yin God. Then, break the entrance of life and death in one fell swoop and promote the **** of the yuan.

With such speed, Xu Zhifei, who was frightened to make "Da Luo Thirty-three Days", rushed out of the retreat.

"Che! Who is the ancestor? It's not a matter of minutes to be promoted to Yuan Shen?"

Li Yu waved his hand carelessly.

In fact, except for the promotion of Jin Dan, the intersection of dragons and tigers, and the sympathy between heaven and humans, so that Li Yu realized some of the laws of heaven and earth, other realities really have little value.

Only ascending as quickly as possible, and at least reaching the level of Taoism within a hundred years, can Li Yu be exposed to the Tao of this world, the law of heaven and earth.

"Yes Yes!"

Remembering that the ancestor was a character in the eternal realm, Xu Zhifei was relieved.

"Patriarch, what are your plans for the future?"

The ancestor promoted cultivation to Yuan Shen, and there must be something to do. Xu Zhifei hurriedly asked to see if there was anything he could do on his own.

"No need! You can concentrate on refining the world film. The ancestor went out by himself."

Li Yu smiled, stepped forward, and drove away.

"I went to pit people again this time. How could it take you to wander around! Letting you see the ancestral pit people's affairs, it has affected the image too much."

There was a strange laugh in my heart, and Li Yu's figure rushed to the sky instantly.

"In a place called the Seven Immortals World, Ontology found an interesting guy."

That guy named "Dream of Heaven" is exactly the "protagonist"!

Although it is still in a waste material state, in the future, it is really a magic weapon that will be delivered to the door automatically. The beauty has no brains and sticks to it. Everywhere you go, everyone is an envious target.

"Such a character is exactly the object of my research. It must be a good pit ... Oh, give me a chance."

Following the space-time coordinates given by the ontology, Li Yu exerted his transcendental supernatural powers, broke through the void, and rushed to the "Seven Immortals World".

The practitioners of this Void Universe, walking in the heavenly world in search of the opportunity to advance to the Yuanshen in the realm of the gods. Supernatural powers are not uncommon.

Therefore, although Li Yu's magical power is a little faster, it has not caused the world to reject it.

"This is a soul in the world heretics no door authentic heritage. And here Shen Xiao Yu also did an experiment."

Through the limiting membrane, Li Yu fell on earth.

"This is the World of Tianyuan seven cents a government."

In front of a bustling city, Li Yu is the destination of this trip.

"Fang's eldest son was break off an engagement!"

"Sure enough, break off an engagement yet? Party that odd scrap wood, the body meridians fragile, very pretty poor practice qualification Miss Liu is spiritual genius. Such a waste how worthy of Miss Liu?"

"That's it! That's it!"

Li Yu has just entered the gate, I heard people talking about things in the street and from "the eldest son of the break off an engagement party government," the.

"Break off an engagement? Ha ha! Ah really is the protagonist of the template! Waste material plus break off an engagement, is not that the protagonist of the basic configuration it?"

Li Yu soon doing all looked up to see the direction of the "party house", and she saw a brilliant buried gas transported in the dark, as Qianlong in the deep.

"Jinlin How can it abounds ah! This son of air transport situation will soon be up."

Smiled and shook his head, Li Yu leisurely walked past the DPRK government.

"Fang Qi, we are not a world of people!"

In the House side of the living room, a beautiful young girl looks blankly in front of a thin and stubborn boy said.

"You can not practice, and I have extraordinary talent, qualified for promotion saver. Mortal life but a hundred years, and I just promoted to bleed, there are two hundred years of life element, not to mention saver? Not to mention wears? Longevity and even immortality the true immortal soul? "

"Xian Fan is different! I have worshiped the Qishan League and asked Master for a decree."

The girl waved and handed out a piece of golden rune, "Retreat! This is what I mean, and it is also my Master, the master of the Seven Mountains Alliance Jindan Pu Yuhua."

There is a huge breath on the golden rune paper, which is the power of Master Jindan!

Under this pressure, everyone in Fangfu turned pale.

"Retirement? Still threatened by the power of Jin Dan?"

The thin boy clenched his teeth tightly, and the humiliation and anger in his heart made him tremble for a while.

"Don't regret it!"

The boy stared at the girl coldly, and flicked his sleeves, "I'll promise you!"

After speaking, the boy turned and left.

"Well! I don't even say such classic words as" Mo bully the poor ". How can we get rid of the stream of marriages?

Li Yu watched the scene, didn't hear the famous saying, and suddenly shook his head.

"Father, I want to return to their ancestral home to live for some time."

After a great deal of humiliation, the boy named Fang Qi wanted to leave this sad place.

"It's okay if you go back to your ancestral home for a while ~ ~ Fang's father understands Fang Qi's mood very well and nods in agreement.

"Ancestral house? Haha!"

Li Yu laughed again and again, "After being humiliated, I returned to the ancestral house sadly, and then found a treasure left by the ancestor. This is the treatment of the protagonist!"

When the spirit swept away, the location of the ancestral house of the Fang family was known from the subordinates and souls of the Fang family.

"I won't pit you for the time being. I want to see how your luck changes. You are now" Qianlong Zaiyuan "luck, and see how you become" Flying Dragons "luck."

Hidden in shape, fell to the position of Fang's ancestral house.

When the spirit swept away, Li Yu really sent something in the ancestral house of the Fang family.

"Born reborn? Tianxin Qisha Sword? Xuanri Tongyu Zhenling Jade Book?"

Seeing something hidden in a statue in Fang's ancestral house, Li Yu couldn't help but be shocked.

"This is one of the strongest inheritances of the Seven Immortals in this world. Although it is only a method of foreign gods, it seems that this is destined to be given to Fang Qi."

The way of luck is really amazing.

Is everything a coincidence? Due to inadequate qualifications leading to a divorce, because the divorce will return to this long abandoned mountain ancestral home, and then obtain the treasure.

Seemingly accidental, but inevitable!

"The way of luck is part of the way of destiny. Sure enough, everything is destiny. But ... destiny is never absolute!"

Li Yu smiled, "So, you were later chopped by Shi Xuan while pretending!"

Hiding in the vicinity of Fang's ancestral house, Li Yu intends to take a good look at this "protagonist template" Fang Doutian!

If I do n’t give it to me, I will win it!

How loud and slogan is this slogan?

"Hope you can play longer, don't hang yourself in a minute!"

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