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Chapter 1064: Plunder the avenue? I tell you what is plunder

"Life, death, and good fortune, right and wrong, are in fate."

After being tossed by Li Yu, the destiny of Qiqing Fairy changed tremendously.

Through the connection of fate, Li Yu saw countless subsequent developments, and saw the countless fate of the future of Qiqing Fairy.

"Destiny is the process of order running. For the whole world, from birth to end, this is an inevitable destiny. This is the origin of 'destination'."

Li Yu looked up at the direction where Qiqing Fairy left, with a smile on her face, "But for a certain person, there are many future destinies. This is the general doom, details are uncertain."

In Li Yu's eyes, he saw the future destiny of Qiqing Fairy. There were also disasters and calamities, as well as luck and ups and downs, as well as cause and effect entanglement.

"No wonder the way of destiny, that is, the way of" too easy ", is called the" congenital avenue. "Throughout the universe, everything must be the congenital avenue."

The number of Dayan is fifty, and the day performance is forty-nine.

This side of the world has 49 innate avenues.

Integrate any of the three thousand roads and make yourself the embodiment of this road.

However, only by merging the two a priori avenues, and thus evolving its own three thousand avenues, can we prove it.

As for eternity ... then we must cut off the two innate avenues of pros and cons. Let the Three Thousand Avenues originate from themselves, not from heaven and earth.

The Three Thousand Avenues all originate from themselves, they can transcend the heavens and the earth, and the proof is eternal.

"In essence, the way of this world is somewhat similar to my" order "and" material "way. My path is also the root of all" material "and" order. "

However, Li Yu's path of cultivation finally fell into "nothingness", "chaos", and turned into the state before the "material" and "order".

"So, the road is still long!"

The "fate" verified by Qiqing Fairy is just a trivial matter in practice.

Such pit people ... Oh, for the opportunity, Li Yu has been doing it, and he must continue to do it in the future.

On the piece of merging of the Seven Love Fairies, Li Yu has already manipulated it. All "fate" changes that happened to her will be recorded, and there is no need to keep an eye on them.

"Clone still practice seriously. To toss, let the body toss!"

With a dazzling figure, Li Yu's avatar broke out instantly, returned to Penglai Island, and continued to retreat.

As for Li Yu's body ... I started tossing again.

"Well? This guy is very interesting!"

In the chaos and floods, Li Yu's ontology observed "lost the way and mixed holes" all the way, and also harvested some incomplete road laws.

In the chaos and floods, Li Yu found an interesting guy.

This is a silent, dark void, with no stars, no broken continents. There are countless lost chaos all around.

Li Yu originally collected some incomplete laws of heaven and earth from these stray holes, and suddenly made new discoveries.

In this void of shrouded tunnels, there are three worlds full of life and vitality.

In the middle of these three worlds, there is a giant red tree like blood. A giant rhizome sticks out of the giant tree and runs through the three worlds.

Every leaf of the giant tree was covered with thick blood, copper odor, decay of rights, and battle.

Countless tree roots have penetrated into the core source space of the three thousand worlds, devouring plunder, absorbing nutrients, and supporting themselves.

Beneath the giant tree, sitting on the trunk of the tree with her legs crossed and legs crossed, she was a beautiful woman with silvery hair and beautiful appearance. She was wearing a light gold dress, her eyes were closed, as if out of the wild.

The woman's head burst into a cloud of celebration. Qingyun is circular, with a square hole in the middle, like a huge copper coin.

"The way of the sky, there is more to lose than to make up! The way of humanity is not enough to serve more than enough! This is the way of man, and the way of plunder!"

Li Yuchao glanced at the blood-stained giant tree and smiled, "Is plundering the avenue the day after tomorrow, using money as a symbol of the avenue?"

Although it looks weird, ... think of it, isn't money the biggest plunder?

Money is nothing in itself, it's just an equivalent exchange!

However, this worthless thing can be exchanged for everything! This is not plunder, what is it?

"However, your predatory approach is all about robbing, with no technical content at all. No wonder you can't agree."

Li Yu grinned, "Let the poor tell you what predation is!"

As he said, Li Yu reached out his hand and waved a faint glance, silently fell into the sea of ​​the woman in the golden skirt under the scarlet tree.


The woman in the golden skirt who was passing through the scarlet tree and realizing the way of plundering, suddenly found that an inexplicable message was felt in her mind.

"Bank? You can buy anything with a single piece of paper, without using a spirit stone?"

"Stock? Just put a name on it and you can collect money?"

"Lottery? MLM? Monopoly? Currency appreciation or depreciation?"

"Anything else?"

Feeling the "Plundering Avenue" for countless years, a woman in a gold dress named "Kong Fang", at this moment, suddenly found out ... She hadn't even started on the road of plunder!

Realizing the "Dadao mantra ~ ~" that came out of my mind, Kong Fang only felt that "Zhuzizhuzhu", every operation method is simply the perfect embodiment of "Plundering the Avenue".

"I'll do it! I'll do it!"

Such a clever "Plunder Road" fits perfectly with the laws of heaven and earth. As long as you practice this Road, you will have a deep understanding of it.

"Just ... where does this information come from?"

This world has never had a "piracy avenue" without witnesses. Naturally, there cannot be such a character as robbing Daozu.

But ... without plundering Daozu, who knows so well about "Robbery Avenue"?

"Is it a flash of my aura, suddenly enlightened?"

Kong Fang himself did not believe this statement.

Such a high-street avenue, so perfect operation, is unheard of, it is simply not what you can imagine.

"No matter what happened, it's a good thing for me anyway. There is no Taoist ancestor in Acquired Avenue, and no one counts. Then ... treat it as an opportunity!"

Confounded, Kong Fang was too lazy to think about it, and realized the "Mantra of the Avenue" with all his heart, and plundered the Avenue for an early certificate.

"Girl, it is not necessarily the plundering of Daozu that has such profound insights!"

Li Yu recalled his previous career in hanging silks, shaking his head silently, "After seeing these means, you will naturally have the general perception of plundering Daozu."

Of course, this is just an episode.

Li Yu set his sights in the depths of the chaotic floods. "The innate spiritual treasure 'Zhouguang Bell' of the Innate Way of Time, the innate spiritual treasure 'Uji Ding' of the Innate Space Avenue, and the 'Mixed Yuan Gold' Dou ', these things are in chaos! "

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