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Chapter 1090: Just planning to pit people

"In the place where the continent originally originated, is there still a world being bred?"

After dissipating the "ancient sight" in front of him, Li Yu looked at the original place of origin.

There, in that chaotic void, a universe is gestating. It is not huge, but it faintly reveals the breath above the endless time and space.

"Is the origin continent Nirvana reborn? Or is it the birth of another origin continent? This is the best research object."

Li Yu smiled, stepped out, crossed the endless void, and instantly came to the world that was being nurtured by this side.

"In the future, before the world has had time to conceive, it will be chopped down by Ji Ning, who is dominated by mania! From a poor perspective, this is really a waste!

With a wave of one's hand, a bit of aura fell into the original world that this side is gestating.

"In the last world, poverty has become a world with avatars. Isn't it too much to go here again?"

Although it takes an infinitely long time for this world to be nurtured, we can now study the process of the birth of chaos. Isn't this what Li Yu needs?

The process of the birth of matter by chaos, in turn, is the process of materialization into chaos.

Although this process has been studied once by Li Yu, the experiment has been repeated tens of thousands of times. As long as it is successful once, it is very rewarding.

"Everything in this world comes from the continent of origin that was shattered in ancient times."

Looking back on time again, Li Yu's eyes crossed the river of time again, seeing the ancient times, and seeing the origin continent.


An emperor in black robes battled the 129 ultimate supremacy. It fell apart and shattered the entire continent of origin.

"The emperor in black robes is the original will that originated on the continent. The one hundred and twenty-nine rebels are the strongest realm in this universe."

Time continues back to ... until the one hundred and twenty-nine ultimate supremacy was born. They come from various races, including human beings, some beings that are animals, and some beings that are plants, and some beings such as mountains and water, and all kinds of energy.

"The 129 ultimate supremacy, the exercises they have practiced and the supernatural powers they have created are the most powerful force in this universe."

It is necessary to study from many sides, and the power system of this world cannot be ignored.

The 129 ultimate and supreme exercises are the strongest inheritance in this world and represent the most powerful force in this world.

Going back in time, I have carefully watched the experience of each of the ultimate supreme lives, and they have a thorough knowledge of their spiritual journey, and the process of creating the magical powers is one by one.

"One hundred and twenty-nine gates point directly to the ultimate and supreme method of inheritance.

With these samples, as long as Li Yu analyzes it, he can fully grasp the power system of this world. Then ... you can just flicker.

"Just ... this one hundred and twenty-nine Supreme, is there another guy who escaped by chance?"

Li Yu turned his head and looked at one of the nine celestial bodies, "Sith Universe? An old black bull? The‘ Yin and Yang Supreme ’among the 129 Supremes? You are one of the best experimental subjects!”

This yin and yang supreme is also a good life.

In ancient times, the decisive battle with the origin of the origin of the continent reached the end. One hundred and twenty-nine ultimate supremacy, with the origin of the will.

The old black bull with great luck, just as the true spirit was about to be annihilated, he just saw that the "delimitation monument" of the original will fell, and he hid the true spirit in the "delimitation monument", thus avoiding a disaster. .

Until the broken world finally stabilized, the old black cow invested a piece of the original continental fragment, which is the "Sith Universe", one of the nine Great Hongmeng universes, and was born again, and eventually became the master of the "Sith Universe".

"The delimitation stele has all the laws of the origin continent. As long as the origin continent is reborn, the old black cow can rely on the 'delimitation stele' to become the origin of the will, and can control endless time and space."

It's a pity ... Ji Ning saw his calculations. Regardless of it, he directly chopped the reborn continent and let the old black cow's calculations completely fail.

"This side of heaven and earth was originally transformed by the broken origin continent. Therefore, the law of origin of the land on the delimitation monument is the law of this side of heaven and earth."

Li Yu smiled, "The laws of the world are really easy to come by."

The state of the old black cow is not enough, and he cannot grasp the laws of heaven and earth in the delimitation monument. Only when the birth of the original continent is completed can he have the opportunity to control the laws.

However, Li Yu has always started with the laws of heaven and earth, which is what Li Yu is best at.

"Old black cow, you have to control the laws of heaven and earth, you have to control the endless time and space, but you have the power to understand the laws in the delimitation monument. The laws are in your hands, but you ca n’t master them, so you are helpless? Opportunity. "

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and Li Dahuo was pitting again.

Stepping out, Li Yu immediately came to the "Sith Universe", silent, and even the master of the universe, the old black bull, could not find the existence of Li Yu.

"Chaos immeasurable", "chaos intangible", "chaos disorder", the three "chaos characteristics" add up, as long as Li Yu does not appear on purpose, unless it is on the road of "chaos" that exists farther than Li Yu, Otherwise, no one can find Li Yu.

"The old black bull is not luxurious."

As the master of the "Sith Universe", one of the ancient supremacy, the place where the old black cow is located is an ordinary floating island in the "Sith Universe".

A floating island shrouded in endless space, a quaint black stone temple, a middle-aged man wearing a green robe and born with double horns, sits in an empty temple.

In front of the ceremonial horns of Qingpao, there is a black stone that reveals deep black light, as if even the light should be absorbed.

This is the "definition monument", and this is the supreme authority of this heaven and earth.

"Like the ancient jade seal of the kingdom of Shenzhou, when the emperor got it, he was in charge of the world's shrine artifact. The courtier held it in his hand ... nothing."

Li Yu shook his head ~ ~ Yin and Yang Supreme, you have only practiced the yin and yang way all the way, how can you master the ‘boundary monument’ that represents all the laws? "

To reach the limit of a path, we must integrate all our hearts and minds into our own path, except for our own path, there is no way out of our hearts. Therefore, after the yin and yang supreme is achieved, the old black cow can only feel the "way of yin and yang" forever.

"Only by returning to its origins and being transformed into chaos and nothingness can it bear the heavens and the earth. This truth must be correct. But ... you finally practiced, or you did not practice yourself, and the poor way is not clear, it depends on you Luck! "

Silently before the delimitation monument, Li Yu shook his head with a smile.

The old black bull is the ultimate supreme. Li Yu did n’t know if his actions would shock him. He could only scan the law of heaven and earth, and then engraved the incarnation of his conceived avatar in the depths of the delimitation monument. .

"The pit has been dug. In a certain realization, you will unintentionally find this method of incarnation. Presumably ... you will be tempted to practice!"

She shook her head with a smile, Li Yu disappeared silently.

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