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Chapter 1096: innate? This is innate!

"Damn! He's got him ahead of time!"

Seeing this scene, Ji Lie was so annoyed that his chest was full.

Just vowed to confront the enemy together, and under the oath of Heaven, it is impossible to violate it, but unexpectedly, the "Dongyun Mountain Demon" turned out to be this origin.

Conceived in the early days of the congenital treasure, once the treasure is taken by the iron wood ... eh? Just vowed to only say that we are facing the enemy together, but we cannot say that we cannot fight each other afterwards!


Ji Lie sneered and held the war spear tightly, "Let you grab it first! After you grab it, the old man will let you know what the yellow bird is behind!"

"Boy, come here!"

Tiemuzhan rising up into the air, with a smirk on his face, a black whip in his hand whistled.

This is a thorny rattan covered with poisonous thorns, and it is Tiemuzhan's weapon. The venomous spikes cut through the body, and the poison infiltrated the bloodstream instantly.

In the congenital period, most of the monks' battles still depended on melee combat. Only the children of the big tribe and big family with rich family bases can have the magic weapon of inaccessibility.

Tiemuzhan is from a large tribe and has a wealthy family. He has a magic weapon of "Yin Yang Er Qi". It is a pity that the inexhaustible array magic weapon must be deployed before it can work.

"In the beginning of the congenital period, how much more capable are you? Let me see the strength of the innate later period! Go to death!"

The poisonous rattan whip breaks through the air, and the wind is shaking!

Even in close combat, Tiemuzhan has enough confidence to kill this innate boy. The realm is two floors higher, that is completely crushed!


"Late congenital? You also call congenital?"

Immediately after leaving the house, Qi Heng was very angry. When he saw Tiemu taking the attack, he gave a cold hum and raised his hand. "Let you see, what is innate!"

"The body of the earth, the power of moving mountains!"

A bit of yellow light flashed, and Qi Heng patted it with a wave of his palm against the empty rattan whip.


As if the whole earth was shaking, it was shot with one palm, and a yellow light shone, showing a huge and boundless mountain, and slammed into Tiemuzhan.

The stone hit an egg!

With one blow, the rattan whip burst, and Tiemuchan's body burst. The whole person burst into a cloud of blood, leaving no residue.


Seeing the power of the blow, everyone screamed in shock.

"So horrible? So powerful? He ... he ... is it really a demon? He opened a purple house and turned into a human demon?"

At this moment, Ji Lie's face turned pale, and cold sweat on his forehead rolled down. "Fortunately! Fortunately, I was preempted by Tiemu! Otherwise, I will be blown away!"

"A group of ants, dare to offend this seat?"

Qi Heng glanced at the army array in front of him, and an anger was raised in his eyes, "I am the supreme dazzling plain, even being insulted by a group of ants? What a reason!"

Reaching for a hand, the huge and boundless mountains smashed into the army formation of the Tiemu Department severely!


Crushed stone splashes and dust!

When the dust was gone, the army formation of the Ministry of Iron and Wood ... was gone! There is only one big pit deep in ten feet!

"I ... we ..."

Seeing this scene, Ji Lie was already shaking. Ji's black armored army ... almost all stood still.

Total Annihilation! It really swept the army!

With a single blow, the 3000 Ironwood Army of the Ironwood Department hit the ground like this!

"Oh it's you!"

Qi Heng turned to look at Ji Lie and frowned.

That year, Ji Lie brought him out of the bear's den. Although he didn't take much care of him anyway, he also raised him for two years, allowing him to return to the human world from the bear's den.

"Ji's and I have a bit of a relationship too, let's stop here!"

Qi Heng Chao Jilie glanced and waved his hand, "Get away quickly!"

"Yes! Yes! Thank you! Thank you!"

If he was pardoned, Ji Lie couldn't even wipe the cold sweat, and quickly turned around with a black armor and ran.

This is Qi Heng's convergence of breath, otherwise, the black armor rider ... I'm afraid I can only go back with the war horse!

"Now the 'innateness' of this age is already weak to this point? Just practicing innateness, the body is so unbearable, and the soul is so weak. Is this also called innate?

In the era of the origin of the mainland, practicing qi, refining the body, refining the gods, all three were promoted to innate at the same time. This is called innate!

"However, my memory is too long. I have to learn about this time."

Turning around to see where Ji Lie left, Qi Heng smiled, "Ji, go to Xifu City first!"

Ignoring the "Black Mountain Department" who had been paralyzed, Qi Heng soared a yellow light, rushed into the earth, and hurried towards Ji's Xifu City.


Qi Heng, who was flying below the earth, suddenly heard a roar of distance from his head.

"Huh? This is ... the monster eats people?"

Press down on the light, look up to the ground, and see a large **** snake with a bright silver belly, raging in a small tribe's residence.

"Ah ... help!"

"The demon is raging, and my sharp corners will die!"


"The daughter-in-law and the elderly retreated, and the men followed me!"

A group of strong men raised their weapons and killed the red snake demon. They used their blood and life to fight for life for women and children.

However, the strength of these people was too weak, and the snake demon ate one by one and soon swallowed the men clean.

"For Hunyuan I, I am not a human race, but I am closer to a demon. But ... I am a human on this earth and now!"

A flash of cold light flashed in his eyes, Qi Heng stepped on his feet, and the whole person turned into a yellow light, rushing out from the ground.


Rushing out of the ground and seeing the broken tribe resident, blood and stumps on the ground, and the trembling and desperate woman and child, the memory of Qi Heng from the earth, made him irritable to this scene.

Photographed with a slap, a huge force rushed up, smashing the huge snake demon with a broken muscle and a bone, the flesh fluttered, flying all the way away.

"Well? Not dead?"

Although it was just a random hit, it was no lighter than the attack on Tiemuzhan. I didn't expect that this snake, which was only in the middle of the innate, had not burst into blood.

"Well, the body is much more powerful than that of the iron wood, and ... the blood veins are also abnormal, it seems that there is some power in the blood veins."

Qi Heng raised his hand ~ ~ was about to make another blow, and suddenly heard a booming horseshoe from behind the cliff in front.

A cavalry in black armor rushed forward with its banner high.

"Sharp corner, hold on! We are here!"

A knight with a big bow shouted all the way, and led the cavalry with his horse.

"Ji's Black Armor? Then leave them to them!"

Ji's army came to help, Qi Heng no longer needed to shoot, the light flashed, the figure flashed away.

"Uh? The snake demon was beaten with only half a breath?"

"A teenage boy in a black robe? Looks like he's only a dozen?"

"When did this area have such a powerful character?"

Ji's cavalry heard reports from the sharp-cornered tribe, one after another, shocked and confused.

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