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Chapter 1161: 1 detached typical

"Cut off the barriers and feel at ease, see the truth from the shackles. Ranwen novel ra"

The mighty yellow light soared into the sky, the sky shook, and the heavens trembled.

The mighty voice spread throughout the Three Realms. At this moment, Qi Heng appeared in the endless time and space of the entire Three Realms.

Among the thick yellow light, a figure wearing a black golden robe, reached out his hand, and in his hand a pentagon black golden whip appeared.

"This is ... transcendence? Qi Heng Daozu realized the method of transcendence?"

Seeing such a scene, the Three Realms of Immortals were stunned!

Actually ... Someone realizes the method of transcendence?

"Truce! Armistice!"

At this moment, all fighting in the Three Realms stopped. Countless monks stared at the sight in the sky, without blinking.

Someone surpassed, this is a rare opportunity!

If we can get some insight from Qi Heng's transcendence, what else should we fight? If it can transcend the Three Realms and stay away from cause and effect, what significance does this engagement have?

Once detached, they are killed and killed, what matter to me?

At this moment, the three realms, the gods of the heavens, looked nervously and expectantly at the figure in the air.

Qi Heng, the ancestor ... Could it be detached?

"Cut out of vain, it will come true for me!"

With a terrifying roar, in the horrified eyes of all beings in the Three Realms, Qi Heng waved the golden whip of pentium and slammed heavily on his head!


There was a loud noise, and the figure of the black gold robe was suddenly killed by myself!

Between the heavens and the earth, only the yellow light flowed, and the figure of the black golden robes disappeared suddenly.

"Did it fail?"

The three gods gave a long sigh. The method of detachment is really not that easy!

Since you can't escape, let's ... continue to fight!


As the war was about to reignite, a terrifying roar suddenly sounded in the void.

The yellow light rose up in the sky, and among the yellow light, a tall yellow bear roared to the sky.

"Since today, I am no longer Qi Heng, my name ... Hunyuan!"

The mighty voice spread throughout the Three Realms, and the yellow light shone in the sky, and the huge yellow bear re-formed into a figure of black golden robe.

It seems no different, but ... the gods of the Three Realms have clearly discovered that Qi Heng has no breath of the Three Realms at this moment!

Jumping out of the Three Realms, not in the Five Elements, as if independent of heaven and earth, cause and effect are not occupied, and destiny does not exist.

He ... has been detached!

Qi Heng Dao Zu has been detached!

"The teacher's avenue really works! The method of transcendence is true! Really transcendence! Really transcendence!"

At this moment, all the immortals of the Three Realms were shocked and surprised.

"Please give way to Hunwon!

"Please give way to Hunwon!

"Please give way to Hunwon!

The gods of the Three Realms, countless beings, bowed in worship to Qi Heng, asking Qi Heng to give him the method of transcendence.

"There is only detachment, but no detachment!"

Qi Heng was silent for a moment and shook his head, "Everyone is different! Different causes and effects, different destinies, and different mindsets. Only I can use my law. You can't use it!"


Hearing Qi Heng's words, the gods were silent.

They all knew that Qi Heng was right! Everyone is different, and the method of transcendence cannot be the same.

Qi Heng ’s path of transcendence cannot be reached by others!

"I'm still from the Three Realms, so I'll tell you my method of transcendence. This method ... can only be used for reference, not copied!"

Qi Heng smiled, "I once entered a powerful scroll world. When I got out of that world, I realized a truth. How can I not be in a painting? That is, erase myself in the painting All traces of it. "

"Today's Three Realms is also a truth. Cut off everything in the Three Realms, leaving only a little immortality. This is my method of transcendence."

With that said, Huang Guang was rising up, and Qi Heng's figure burst out of the sky instantly, into the chaos of nothingness.

"Qi Heng, actually detached from the bloodstream of the muddy plains given by the poor Tao? Let him happen!"

Li Yu smiled and shook his head. "Since someone is detached, my fantasy will expand!"

When I reached out my hand, too much power spread out, and beyond the Three Realms, a vast star field appeared.

"Although it's just a fantasy, but ... it's too easy to turn false into true, which is also very easy. Therefore, for those who are detached, all the perception and strength can be retained.

Li Yu turned his head to look at the Three Realms. "Qi Heng's detachment should inspire the fighting spirit of countless people. Next, more people are bound to devote themselves to detachment."

There were no successful examples before, and everyone did not have much confidence to grasp the "transcendence of Xuanhuangdaozu".

Now, a living example is in front of everyone, and everyone has witnessed it, which is very motivating!

Qi Heng can succeed, why can't I succeed?

"Truce! Truce!"

With Qi Heng's example, the gods of the Three Realms have greater confidence in detachment, and everyone does not want to fight anymore!

At that time, it would be better to retreat as Qi Heng. You haven't seen Qi Heng not participating in the war, now he is detached?

The wars spreading across the three realms, with the tacit understanding of the two sides, just like that ... don't fight!

"Asshole! Why not fight? Why not fight? Just a little bit! Just a little bit, this seat can get out of the way!"

The true demon ancestor, vomiting blood ... well, he's just a bit of the true spirit, he can't bleed!

"Qi Heng ... detached?"

Another behind-the-scenes "source old man", seeing Qi Heng's detached scene ~ ~ frowned tightly, "Qi Heng was sitting in the first row when the Xuanhuanggong listened. It seems that Xuanhuangdaozu was intentionally arranged! Qi Heng is truly extraordinary! "

"In addition to Qi Heng, there was another Ji Ning who sat in the first row at that time! Zu Jining of Beiming Road!"

Old man Yuan can think of this, as can the gods of the Three Realms.

"Friends of Beimingdao, Chiming came to visit!"

The first to come to Ji Ning was the Chiming Daozu who was in charge of a series of worlds such as the Daxia Dynasty.

"When the Xuanhuang Palace heard the words, Beimingdao friends were sitting in the first row. Now, Beimingdao friends have been promoted to Jinxian Daozu, and they are really talented. Xuanhuang Daozu's arrangement is really meaningful!"

Upon entering the gate, Chiming Daozu complimented with a smile.

"The Chiming Taoist friends have won!"

Ji Ning smiled and shook his head. "Compared to Brother Qi Heng, I'm far behind."

"Yeah! Daozu Hunwon's first awakening method, creating a precedent, I will admire it extremely."

Chiming Daozu looked at Xianging Ning with a smile. "Beijing Daozu, I don't know ... What do you think of the detachment?"

"Excessive ..."

Ji Ning sighed, "I don't have any clue! I have cut everything, without all traces of the Three Realms. I can't do it!"

Actually ... if Ji Ning wants to be detached, he can already be detached!

Seeing Qi Heng's manifestation of Huang Xiong's true body and the moment of transcendence of the Three Realms, Ji Ning had understood that the "sword of oblivion" given to him by the "township" that year was the method of transcendence.

As long as the true spirit merges with the "Sword of Oblivion", you can cut off the fence and jump out of the Three Realms!

But ... Jining is not willing to be detached!

My parents are in the Three Realms, my master is in the Three Realms, and my aunt is also in the Three Realms. How can Ji Ning be free? Unless everyone is detached together.

But ... how can we get rid of each other together?

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