System Supplier

Chapter 1168: Oh it's you

"Oh it's you!"

Li Yu looked at the sleeping giant in front and shook his head with a smile. "Luo Tian, ​​it's you guy!"

Who is Luo Tian?

To be precise, this is the first time Li Yu has met Luo Tian! He has never seen Luo Tian, ​​nor even heard the name Luo Tian.

But ... Li Yu and Luo Tian have cause and effect.

"At this time, is Luo Tian just when he was in charge of the vast world? Then ... Xianxian Continent was just born? Wang Lin, Wang Yue, Ju Mo, and even fate and mouse have not appeared yet?

Luo Tian was afraid of immortality, and tossed the vast world to a mess.

Then ... by God, the demon, and the ghost, one person chopped off a finger, and was destroyed by a mouse!

"No wonder there is cause and effect! I gave‘ God ’’ brother Wang Yue a system and straightened the timeline of killing Mo, and I must have cause and effect with Luo Tian! ”

Li Yu laughed, "Since there is a cause and effect, then cause the cause and effect to be deepened. The poor" Chaos and Nothing "method still needs people to do experiments!"

Isn't Luo Tian such a strong guy suitable for experiments?

Stepping forward, Li Yu's figure instantly appeared in the vast world, appearing above Luo Tian's head.

"Is Luo Tian conceiving with the vast world at this moment?"

Seeing Luo Tian at his feet, a glimmer of inexplicable light flashed in Li Yu's eyes, "Luo Tian, ​​you pose so well, you can't help but pit you!"

With a flick of his fingers, a radiance fell into Luo Tian's brows.

Contains the glory of "Chaos and the Way of Nothingness", integrated into Luo Tian's spirit. The pit has been dug deep!

"Uh ... I ..."

The chaos and the intangible way merge into the soul. This highest level of power perception allows Luo Tian to control the world in an instant and Luo Tian wakes up!

"You ... you ... are you?"

Opening his eyes, Luo Tian found Li Yu standing above his head.

Feeling the inexplicable, inexplicable, incomprehensible, and unimaginable breath on Li Yu's body, Luo Tian was shocked and frightened.

"Through the heavens and the sky, I am the immortal!"

The long song was insignificant, and Li Yu's figure disappeared instantly.


Luo Tian was inexplicable for a while. "This fairy, sent me a peerless truth, so that I can complete the process of controlling the world in an instant. And ... just left?"

No one can think of acting well.

Luo Tian shook his head. "What kind of realm is this fairy? What a mysterious and mysterious atmosphere is so profound that it is impossible to imagine."

Seeing the "Mixed Yuan No Great Luo Zhenjing" appearing in his mind, and feeling the Dadao mantra contained in it, Luo Tian only felt that the words were dazzling, mysterious and unpredictable, which is a unique peerless true biography.

"This immortal sent me such a truth ... without saying a word, he turned and left? Yes, in that realm, what else can be seen by him? This truth is to me It ’s the most precious thing, and for him, it may be nothing! ”

Thinking of this, Luo Tian didn't care too much about Li Yu's actions.

In fact ... the incomprehensible breath felt by Luo Tian was just the root breath that Li Yugang came out of.

Because of the root breath, this caused Luo Tian to elevate Li Yu's realm infinitely!

Step by step, step by step! Luo Tian, ​​just fell into a fire pit!

For Li Yu, this is just an experiment.

"I've been in the roots for a long, long time, and I don't know how long it has been. You have to go back quickly."

Luo Tian's pit has been dug up, just wait for the results.

More importantly, Li Yu found that his current timeline is very chaotic. The roots spent countless hours, and then came to the time node where Luo Tian controlled the vastness.

"In general, the timelines of other worlds do not affect me. But ... who knows where the roots will affect my timeline? Or go back first."

With a thought, Li Yu's figure broke away from the vast world and returned to Xianfu space.

"Actually ... no time to change?"

After returning to Xianfu Space, Li Yu suddenly found that the uncountable long time spent in the place of origin did not seem to exist at all.

"Sure enough, it is indeed the place of the roots! The root of everything is naturally the root of time. No matter how long you stay in the place of root, there is no time at all."

There was a longing for Li Yu's face, "The place of the root, the root of everything. That should be a realm with my avatar chaos. Once I achieve chaos, it is also the root of everything."

But ... the root cause is unique, it is possible to have only one!

"So ... I want to achieve chaos and become the root cause. This road must go into conflict with that 'root place'!"

It would be easier if the "land of roots" already existed in the heavens and the world, not the root of some great achievement.

If the "root of origin" is the root of others, then ... it must face the attack of that "root"!

Li Yu frowned tightly ~ ~ He seemed to be overcast with a cloud.

This is well understood!

Even if Li Yu himself is the "root", if someone finds that he wants to take his place, it will definitely be strangled. It is impossible to be noble to sacrifice himself to achieve others!

"Maybe I think too much! However, people must worry about without far-sightedness! This matter must be vigilant."

The plan to enter the "God of Heaven" through the statue was defeated, and the system returned to the days of the Emperor of the Heavenly Emperor or the Ye Fan era. Those people's strengths have not yet reached their peak, and they do not have the strength to counterattack the Gods.

After all ... Li Yu was doing experiments, not helping the Emperor Huang and Ye Fan to level the sky. Killing lives and deaths has no benefit at all, so there is no need to go!

"So, I next need to find a place suitable for experiments!"

Thinking of the hands and feet that had moved on Luo Tian before, Li Yu's eyes brightened, "System, can I enter the mountains and seas? Can I enter the era of Meng Hao?"

Digging a pit for Luo Tian, ​​Li Yu naturally went to see the experimental results.

What's more important is that the method of Fengtian in the mountains and seas, as the son of Luo Tian, ​​cut off himself, and transcended himself, is also a useful reference for Li Yu's next "body into chaos".

"In the course of that world's practice, in the process of beheading, there are three swords of beheading. Extinguishing the soul lamp in the ancient realm and promoting the realm of Taoism is also a process of beheading itself, which is very useful for reference."

Thinking of this, Li Yu also became very interested in entering the mountains and seas and entering the Fengtian era.

"You can enter the Heavenly World. Can you?"

"Can you enter? Fine!"

Hearing the system's answer, Li Yu's eyes lighted up, "So ... Enter Fengtian World!"

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