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Chapter 1170: The method of accession to the WTO really works

"Mo listened to the sound of forest playing leaves, so why bother to scream and move slowly. Ranwen Novel"

"Bamboo stick mens shoes are lighter than horses, who is afraid of it?

The white robe turned into a blue shirt, the jade crown turned into a bamboo crown, and a mottled small bell and black stone seal were hung around the waist. According to a rusty long sword, the scholar Li Yu of Changhe Town walked out of the house.

Along the ancient town, walking along the country road, Li Yu headed for Daqingshan.

"See, don't study the craft seriously, you will be like Li Yu in the future!"

The villagers on the side of the road used Li Yu as a negative teaching material for educating children. "There is no use for a scholar. Like him, even his wife will not be found in the future!"

"Sure enough, ups and downs is life!"

Hearing the ridicule of the villagers, Li Yu shook his head with a smile, "This time, I really went the right way. If I were the former, how can I feel such ridicule and ridicule? The high above me is out of normal How can life be cut off into chaos? "

I have never felt a normal life at all, and naturally I cannot escape from life.

The big sleeves flutter, even if the blue shirt is loose, there are other styles.

Li Yu looked at everything in front of her, feeling the truth in the dullness, and felt that she was really on the right track.

"How long haven't you passed?"

Feeling the exhaustion and exhaustion on the body for a long time, Li Yu suddenly laughed and laughed, "That's it! That's it! I haven't felt the physical fatigue, how do I understand my body, and how to turn the body into chaos?"

A leaf can't see Tarzan!

Covered by his own power, Li Yu suddenly discovered that ... he had never really understood his body.

No fatigue, no hard work, and even ... no fierce fighting.

In this case, how do you turn your body into chaos?

"So ... just have a good life in this world!"

Along the way, it took a long time for Li Yu to walk from Changhe Town to Daqingshan.

After dozens of miles, I walked for a long time, and I felt very tired. This is a new experience that Li Yu has never experienced in a long time.

In the realm of Li Yu, the space is also under control, and it can completely reach any place in an instant regardless of distance.

But ... directly to the end, but overlooked the scenery of the road. Sometimes the process is more important than the outcome.

"Well? Someone on the mountain? Is that ... Meng Hao?"

After walking along the mountain road and boarding the Daqing Mountain, Li Yu found that on the top of the mountain, a young scholar who was also wearing a blue shirt sat on a rock with a sad face and looked up to the East, as if he was thinking of something !

"This dude, naughty interrupted!"

The movement of Li Yu's arrival interrupted the thinking of the young scholar and awakened the young scholar from the memories.

"Li Yu in Xiachanghe Town, have seen Xiongtai!"

Saluting the young scholar, Li Yu greeted him with a smile.

"It's Brother Li!"

The young scholar stood up with a smile and saluted Li Yu. "Meng Hao in Xiaqingshan Town, I have seen Brother Li."

"Is Brother Li coming to Daqingshan this time?

Meng Hao greeted Li Yu with a smile. Both are scholars and are of similar age, and Meng Hao has a feeling of finding the same.

"In March, Xuexiu only tried, and she was unknown on the list. When she was depressed, she came to Daqingshan to relax."

Li Yu went to Meng Hao and looked up at the sky. "Climbing to the top, looking at the world, feeling the magnificent beauty of the rivers and mountains, and the vastness of the heavens and the earth, it also relieved my depression.

"Is Brother Li frustrated, too? Don't hide Brother Li, but he is still unsuccessful in school, and his heart is lonely and depressed."

Hearing that Li Yu was also down the list, Meng Hao's heart gave birth to a feeling of "both fallen from the horizon".

"Help! Help!"

Between them, they suddenly heard a cry for help under the cliff below.

"Huh? Someone fell?"

Meng Hao was shocked, hurried to the edge of the cliff, stretched his head and looked down.

I saw three teenagers trapped under the cliff. One of them was a fellow fellow of Meng Hao, Wang Youcai, the son of Wang Carpenter's family.

"Meng Hao! Is it you? Meng Hao, come and save me! Come and save me!"

Below the cliff, Wang Youcai saw Meng Hao and screamed for help.

"Wang Youcai? How did you ... fall off the cliff? Hold on, I'll save you right away!"

Said, Meng Hao turned around quickly, looking for rattan around, intending to rescue Wang Youcai.

"and many more!"

At this time, Li Yu suddenly uttered, "Did you notice? The cliff is twenty feet tall, but they did not die after they fell? Don't you think there is a problem?"


Meng Hao was startled, "Yeah! Twenty-something high cliffs didn't die after falling down? Is this ... Is there a ghost?"

Scholar, who doesn't read a few books like legends? The story of the demon and the ghost, the story of the scholar and the fox, that's a lot to see!

"Bright daylight, long and bright, ghosts can't be haunted by ghosts. They may have been carried away by others! You know ... there are immortals in this world!"

Li Yu reached out and pulled out the worn long sword at his waist, staring with vigilance all over his face, "Brother Meng, go to the rescue, I'll be on guard! If they are really ransacked by others, I am afraid that this wicked fairy is also on the left Demon! "

"Junk! You're the demon!"

At this time ~ ~ a gust of wind came, the sky was shining brightly, a beautiful girl in a silver long skirt, a glamorous and unparalleled girl, her eyebrows turned upright, staring coldly at Li Yu.


This young girl who suddenly appeared and was flying in the air, shocked Meng Hao, "What a ... fairy!"

"You demon head!"

The girl in the long silver dress roared, "Since the two of you have come to your door, take them together!"

With a flick of his hand, Qingguang tossed up and dragged Meng Hao and Li Yu into the bluelight.

The girl in the silver skirt rose into the air and rushed under the cliff. In the exclamation of Wang Youcai and others, another wave of sleeves rolled up Wang Youcai's three.

"Five teenagers, yes, they can finally make a difference!"

The girl in a silver skirt muttered, the figure rose into the air, rushed across the Daqing Mountain, and at the end of a river, rushed into a huge cave.

For a while, Meng Hao returned to the gods and found that they had reached a huge mountain surrounded by clouds and mist.

"Sister Xu is really brilliant! This time brought back five youngsters? Great, I do n’t have enough handyman!"

The woman in the silver skirt fell to the middle of the mountain. A young man with a green robe and a horse face greeted her with a smile on her face, saluting the woman in the silver skirt.

"Well, it's up to you!"

The woman in the silver skirt replied lightly, waved her hand to let go of Qingguang, threw out Li Yu, Meng Hao, Wang Youcai and others, and then ... turned around and drove Qingguang away.

"We ... are we here at Xiuxian?"

Meng Hao was stunned when he saw the sight in front of him.

"Maybe! Who knows?"

Li Yu shrugged his shoulders, his face indifferent.

Here ... Naturally, it is the Mountain Sect, which is the Fengzong Sect!

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