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Chapter 1181: The special features of the bronze mirror ... so terrifying

"The ancestor of the blood demon has arrived at the patron saint?"

Wang Youcai was rescued, proving that the blood demon ancestor had arrived. Li Yu shook his head with a smile. "The ancestors of the Blood Demon want to change the style of Feng Yao's pulse, came to rely on the mountain sect, which is the original Feng Demon sect, in order to find the descendants of Feng Yao's pulse?

The blood demon ancestor did not have any malicious intentions, but it was a kind heart, and such a matter Li Yu naturally would not bother.

Li Yu and Meng Hao dispatched together and sent the small fat man Li Fugui to the place where the disciples lived.

Outsiders who met along the way, looked at the arrival of the three.

However, after Li Yu repelled Wang Tengfei, the reputation that could not be provoked has spread among the outside doors. Li Fugui, a little fat man, has also been labeled in the eyes of others.

"Little fat man, you have all the magic instruments and elixir. You practice first, and then you come to us if you have any problems."

After all, the path of spiritual practice depends on oneself, helping one hand, and sending one way, is already the greatest help.

When the fat man was commanded, Li Yu and Meng Hao left the outer gate station and returned to their respective Dongfu.

"I have seen the copy function of the bronze mirror. I have not tested the function of suppressing the enemy's first-order repair, or even the special function that Brother Li said."

Back in Dongfu, Meng Hao took out the bronze mirror, and thought of trying out the power of the bronze mirror.

After all, at this stage, the weapon is the main part of the combat effectiveness. Familiar with the function of the weapon and practicing the manipulation of the weapon are the main tasks of this phase.

Thinking of this, Meng Hao stepped out of Dongfu.

"The special function that Brother Li said needs to be manifested by playing against monsters. Then you can only go to Montenegro."

There is a huge mountain in the back of Zonghou Mountain, in which countless monsters live. It is suitable for Meng Hao to test the magic power.

A flying sword was released, the royal sword flew up, and Meng Hao hurried towards Montenegro.

After a while, Meng Hao came to Montenegro.

"Well ..."

"Roar ..."

When he entered Heishan, he heard a roar of beasts.

"Sure enough, there are countless monsters. With my current practice, there is not much danger in Montenegro. It is just a matter of practicing spells and being familiar with the manipulation of magical instruments."

Grasping the bronze mirror, Meng Hao stood up and penetrated into Montenegro.

"Well ..."

Just after entering the mountain, a huge long blue wolf in front of him flashed out from behind the cliff.

A pale cyan hair fluttered in the wind, and his fangs flashed a cold cold light. The huge blue wolf leaped forward and flew towards Meng Hao.

"Om ..."

The blue wolf flew, and Meng Hao was about to drive a flying sword to attack, and suddenly found that the bronze mirror held in his hand burst into a fierce trembling, and almost got out of his hand.

"Is this the special feature of the bronze mirror restraining monsters?"

The bronze mirror eager to try in his hand seemed as if something was awake. It seemed that ... the bronze mirror had an inexplicable excitement and longing for this blue wolf.

"It really is a special function to restrain the monster."

Meng Hao sighed, grabbed the bronze mirror and looked at the blue wolf coming forward.

"call out……"

An inexplicable air flow burst out of the bronze mirror. As if with an incomprehensible excitement, the air flow burst into the air and rushed to the blue wolf's ... hips instantly.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

A sharp shock sounded, and the blue wolf fluttered, and a cricket fell to the ground.

"Well ..."

As if suffering from indescribable pain, the green wolf with a pair of green eyes seemed to feel incredible, and seemed to feel extremely humiliated.

"Well ..."

The next moment, the tail of the blue wolf burst suddenly, and the entire hind legs and buttocks were blasted into a pool of broken meat by the inexplicable airflow.

"Well ... wow ..."

The blue wolf uttered a long grieving mourn, and fell to the ground. Eyes opened in anger, as if with endless humiliation.

"Om ..."

The invisible air seemed to be extremely happy, swirling back into the bronze mirror.

"What's happening here?"

Seeing this scene, Meng Hao has been stupid!

This is the special function of the bronze mirror to restrain the monster? Why ... I always feel weird?

illusion! It must be an illusion!

How can such an inscrutable and extraordinary magic weapon have such a ... indescribable function?

This is definitely not the case! I must be wrong!

Meng Hao took a deep breath, and quickly eliminated the indescribable guess that came to mind.

"Continue testing and you should know the truth about this feature!"

Leaving aside the blue wolf, Meng Hao rushed into the forest.

"Well ..."

A pheasant feathered blue-clouded bird, dragging its long tail, roars past.

"Om ..."

The bronze mirror in Meng Hao burst another invisible airflow.


Feathers flew and blood splattered. The Qingyun bird's ... hip was suddenly broken by an invisible shock!

"Uh ... this ... a coincidence! It must be a coincidence!"

Meng Hao shook his head fiercely.


A golden-haired great ape was blown away again by the invisible airflow rushing out of the bronze mirror ...


A long-haired giant bear smashed on its hind hips and mourned to the ground.

"Uh! Uh! Uh ..."

The monsters screamed and fell down!

As long as it is a beast with abundant body hair, without exception, it is the hind hip burst and died!

"This one……"

Meng Hao has been stunned!

Once by chance, twice by coincidence, three times, four times, and countless times ... that's inevitable!

Looking at the bronze mirror in his hand, Meng Hao's face was extremely strange.

"Why are the bronze mirrors attacking monsters so special? Isn't it ... the senior master who made this bronze mirror has a certain indescribable hobby?"

Meng Hao was embarrassed, and secretly rejoiced, "Fortunately, I am a human, and fortunately my body hair is not plump, otherwise ..."

The consequences are simply unthinkable!

If the vast ancestor who made the copper mirror knew Meng Hao's thoughts, he would express his grievances with all his faces: This pot old man doesn't memorize! This is the hairy parrot tossing on its own and has nothing to do with the husband!

"Well? I was just shocked. I didn't collect Yaodan!"

The monster Dan is also transformed by the monster beast, which is worth more than Ningqi Dan. Yao Dan is also a good thing!

Meng Hao, who likes wealth, thought that there were still dozens of monsters confiscated.

That's all money!

"There are many monsters on the mountain, and ... the bronze mirror can restrain the monsters, wouldn't it ... get rich?"

Thinking of Yaodan's harvest, Meng Hao can accept even the strange function of the bronze mirror.


A fluffy monster fell down, Meng Hao stepped forward, opened the monster's head with a flying sword, and took out a thumb-sized monster.

"Get rich! Get rich!"

Folding up the monster dan, Meng Hao darted into the light of gold, and rushed into the depths of Montenegro.

Unknowingly ~ ~ Meng Hao, who has been rich all the way, has come to the depths of Montenegro.


There was a terrifying roar, and in the valley in front of it, a black snake with a length of one hundred feet stretched up, and roared upward.

Suddenly, the situation was turbulent, flying sand and rocks, and a huge demon straight into the sky!

"His ... there is such a terrible monster?"

Meng Hao looked at the giant snake with a shock in his eyes.

What shocked Meng Hao even more ... he suddenly saw a sword at the tail of the roaring serpent!

A sword firmly nailed the huge black snake to the ground.

What a treasure to nail such a terrifying serpent to the ground ... what a treasure!

Meng Hao's eyes flashed again!

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