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Chapter 1186: Shangguan Xiu is a good person

"Hey, I made a treasure today!"

Shangguanxiu returned to Dongfu, looking at the rusty bronze bell in his hand, his eyes glowing, and he couldn't help but "I didn't expect that kid Li Fugui, there was such a treasure in his hand. Ranwen Novel"

Aura of light surging, Shangguan Xiu driving spiritual power, poured into the bronze bell, began to refine the bronze bell.

With the influx of spiritual power, a nine-layer superimposed, extremely complicated rune appeared in front of Shangguanxiu.

Spiritual power pours into the rune array on the ground floor, a mysterious, immense breath is coming.

"Sure enough it is precious! Sure enough it is precious! In my current state, it is impossible to completely refine the rune in this magic weapon. It is truly a peerless treasure!"

Feeling the immense breath revealed in the Rune, Shangguan Xiu shivered with excitement, "This kind of treasure can be delivered to you, my husband is really lucky!"

Constantly driving spiritual power and continuously refining the bottom rune. When Shangguan ’s spiritual power was almost exhausted, the bottom rune was finally refined.

"Om ..."

A trembling sounded, and the bronze bell in his hand flew off into the air, bursting into endless brilliance.

The mottled rust has long since faded away. The purple-gold bell-shaped body of Baoguangying reveals its brilliance in the brilliance.

On the purple bronze bell, the upper half of the outer wall is like a vast starry sky. Stars shine on the outer wall of the bronze bell, like a river of stars. On the outer wall of the lower half, storms, lightning, frost, rain, and snow show the image of alternate seasons and time and space.

The inner wall of the bronze bell is another scene. The mountains are towering, and the rivers are rushing, revealing a vast landscape.

The golden dragon emptied, the phoenixes soared, the plants and trees were gloomy, all things breed, the reincarnation of sentient beings, revealing endless mysteries.

"This is ... what a treasure!"

Seeing the mysterious scene on the bronze bell, Shangguanxiu's eyes widened and he shivered with joy.

"Showing such a heaven and earth image, to fully explain the principles of Qiankun, this clock ... Maybe it was originally called Qiankun Bell?"

Reaching out a hand, the bronze bell pulled away the heavenly vision, and turned into a bright purple gold bronze bell, and fell into the hands of Shangguanxiu.

"Sure enough it's Qiankun Bell, and indeed it has Qiankunna!"

At the touch of God ’s knowledge, Shangguan Xiu found that the bronze bell has a vast and expansive space, as if it is a huge world!

"What kind of power is this to make such a treasure? Opportunity! This is a peerless opportunity!"

No wonder the little fat man could run wild in the outer door with this bronze bell, no one can stop it!

This kind of treasure, even if the fat man can't refine it, as long as he drives a little force, it is not something that ordinary monks can resist.

The inner world! Whether it is storage or sleepy, it is extremely convenient. Also, the defense power of Bronze Bell is so powerful!

To break the defense of Bronze Bell, unless the "Qian Kun" can be broken with a single blow, even the mighty power will be absorbed and destroyed by the "Qian Kun" inherent in the Bronze Bell.

"With this bell in hand, even if the first level of prohibition is refined, the old man can walk sideways in the practice world of Zhao Guo!"

If it is to be upgraded in the future and the nine-layer prohibition of bronze bell is completely refined, then ... to what extent will the power of bronze bell be strong?

In a single blow, Qiankun is destroyed! That is ... the power that destroys the world!

Such a peerless "opportunity" made Shangguanxiu tremble with excitement, excited with blood and excited to want to yell madly!

Furiously holding the excitement in his heart, this made Shangguan Xiu's excited mood calm down slightly.

"There is such a treasure in the hands of Qiankun, what storage bag does the old man need? Qiankunzhong is more than a million times stronger than the storage bag?"

It has a vast inner space and has a vast space. Even if it moves into countless mountains, it will dissatisfy one ten thousandth of the space.

Shangguan Xiu didn't hesitate, he quickly put all the treasures in the storage bag, put himself in full possession, and put them into the "internal connotation" of the bronze bell.

It can defend, trap the enemy, kill the enemy, and store things. With this treasure in hand, where does Shangguan Xiu see the low-level things like storage bags?

"This is the first level of prohibition. I must promote cultivation as soon as possible, and refining the nine-level prohibition of bronze bell as soon as possible. By then, the old man will be invincible!"

Shangguan Xiu squeezed his fist tightly, flushed with excitement!

At this time, Li Yu ... was also very happy.

"Yu Huang Bell is my thing. You have stored your entire family in the space opened in Yu Huang Bell, haven't you just sent it to me?"

Sitting leisurely at the stone table, Li Yu reached out a move, and Shangguan Xiu stored an ancient jade bamboo slip in the "Yu Huang Bell", which fell silently into Li Yu's hands.

"Is this the perfect foundation for Shangguan Xiu? Shangguan Xiu is such a good guy!"

Picking up this old jade bamboo slip, Li Yu let go of his consciousness, and just swept away, he took all the information in the jade bamboo slip into his heart.

"Perfect foundation, perfect Jindan, that's it!"

Li Yu waved his hand to throw back the Jane Jane, set his mind, and began to interpret the perfect foundation and perfect Jindan method in Jade Jane.

"The technique of the outer dan, condenses the power of the plants and plants, so that when the foundation is established and the elixir is established, the power of the outer dan can make up for the deficiency of the sky and achieve perfection!"

Li Yu interpreted it carefully, and nodded with a smile, "It turned out to be this way! This method really works!"

Although Xiuwei was sealed at ~ ~, Li Yu ’s practice and insights were not sealed. Seeing this "perfect method", Li Yu quickly understood the essence and grasped the principle.

"Understanding the essence of the" perfect method ", in fact, it does not necessarily require elixir. It can be a charm, it can be a formation, it can be a magic weapon, it can be a spirit, there are many ways!"

As long as the foundation builds up and builds up the Dan, the foreign objects complete themselves, and the achievement does not leak the true body, that is not necessarily the only use of elixir.

"Shangguan Xiu sent the" Perfect Method ", and the rest is to be promoted to the inner door and get the Tailing Jing!"

Li Yu smiled, and has no intention of recovering the "Yu Huang Bell" for the time being. After all ... they have not finished the official repair, it is too early to recover the "Yu Huang Bell".

"Brother Li! Brother Li!"

At this time, on the opposite mountain, Meng Hao had refined Yaodan to go out.

The breeze whistled, Meng Hao walked against the wind, and immediately fell in front of Li Yu.

"Brother Li, this way of guarding the wind is really amazing!"

Meng Hao stretched out his hand, a breeze whispered and swirled around his fingertips, turning round and wishful.

"I'm afraid your benefits are not limited to Royal Winds, right?"

Li Yu glanced over and saw Meng Hao's faint enchantment, she shook her head secretly, "This is destiny! Your road has been arranged by Luo Tian for a long time, you are a demon!"

"Brother Li's eyes are good!"

Meng Hao cleared the breeze at the fingertips and nodded with a smile, "I absorbed Yaodan, my body is much stronger than before, and ... the core part of Yinglong Yaodan is integrated into my Dantian Qihai. This Is there anything wrong with that ...? "

"God, immortal, demon, ghost, demon, in the final analysis, are all essentially the same. There is nothing wrong with Yao Dan entering the body."

Li Yu shook his head with a smile, and said, "Your future is a demon! There is a demon in the body, which is so good that it can't be done!"

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