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Chapter 1194: Meng Hao was pitted

"Hmm! Hmm!"

I was shocked by this shock. Except for the original disciples of the patron saint, all incoming monks were vomiting blood.

"Cut the Supreme Master! Patriarch!"

"It turned out that the patron ancestor did not snore!"

I saw the blood-stained face that covered the sky, and everyone present was pale and frightened.

"Old ancestors anger!"

"Younger offended! My ancestors forgive me!"

"The juniors are more offensive, please look at the facade, let me wait!"

Three Yuan Ying masters beg for mercy!

Although among the three major gates, it is not that there is no soul-cutting master. There is even a stronger existence than the Supreme Master.

But if it is killed by the ancestors of the mountain, even if there is a case to avenge it, what use is it?

"Huh! Now that the Mountain Sect has been disbanded! The old man is no longer responsible for your offenses. But Meng Hao is the only seedling under the old man's door. Who dares to move him, the old man destroys him!

The blood-stained face glanced coldly at everyone, and the immense coercion seemed to collapse, making everyone tremble!

"Meng Hao! Today's ancestor will give you a treasure. Whoever dares to provoke you in the future, can be killed with one stroke!"

A rush of Guanghua rushed out, a huge force lifted Meng Hao, floating on the brow of the **** face.

"Look, this is the magic weapon your ancestor gave you!"

The multicolored Guanghua sprang up, and the interweaving of the Guanghua turned into a dense endless rune, mysterious, and imposing spear.

White, gold, silver, three-color interlaced spears, revealing endless power, as if even the sky can penetrate!

"Get your magic weapon! This is what your husband gave you!"

The three-colored spear turned into a brilliance and fell into Meng Hao's body.

Then Meng Hao was aggressive!

After Wu Guanghua got into the body, it suddenly disappeared like that! Gone! No more!

How about a good magic weapon? Why is there nothing? Patriarch, is this pitting me?

Sui Menghao suddenly felt like laughing. I often pit people, but today they were pitted by the patron ancestors! Is this retribution?

"Boy, the old man put a restraint in your body. Within one year, if you don't bring the monks and monks above Zhao Guoxiu to the underground cave, the restraint will break out! Do you want to try the power of restraint?"

The voice of Pao Shanshan's ancestor sounded in Meng Hao's mind, which made Meng Hao more affirmed the reality of being trapped.

"The ancestor is destined, can the disciples be disobedient? Patriarch, why do you impose restraints? Disciples are loyal and honest, why ca n’t you trust them?"

Meng Hao quickly expressed determination and loyalty. It is a pity that the patron ancestor was miserable, and he did not believe him at all.

"Wait, go!"

With a loud roar, a huge wind swept up, and everyone flew out, leaving only Meng Hao with a depressed face!

"all gone?"

The **** face dissipated, and the vision dissipated. Meng Hao landed in front of the patron saint's main hall and looked at the pagoda who was dead and silent. Suddenly there was a sense of wrongdoing.

"Sister Xu Qing is gone! Fatty is gone! Even Brother Li is gone!"

Inexplicably, Meng Hao gave birth to a little bit of sadness.

"Let me go too!"

He also left a ban on his patron ancestors and took on a "task master task". Meng Hao was depressed again.

With the imperial wind rising, Meng Hao flew forward and rushed out of the Mountain Sect.

"You are here! I have been waiting for you for a long time!"

As soon as Xun rushed out of the mountain gate, Meng Hao suddenly saw a hilltop ahead, and Li Yuzheng stood there and waved at him.

"Brother Li, are you still here?"

Meng Hao was shocked and happy, and quickly pressed Luo Guang, before Li Yu.

"Specially waiting for you here!"

Li Yu smiled, "Did you ask me if I was good at Dongdi Dongfu? Hehe, of course it is good!"

I stretched out my hand, and a pile of spirits appeared on the ground at the top of the mountain. The multitude of spirits piled up into a hill, which is simply uncountable.

"This is the benefit of underground caves?"

Meng Hao looked at this eye full of spirits, but felt that his eyes were going to be blind!

"Hold it up! Otherwise, spiritual fluctuations will attract others' attention."

Li Yu reminded. Meng Hao quickly took out the storage bag and waved away the Lingshi Hill.

"Brother Li, this is the collection of Patron Patriarch! Have you evacuated his house?"

Xun Menghao sincerely admired Li Yu. On pit people, brother Li is terrific! He evacuated the base of the patron ancestor, but I was pitted by the patron ancestor!

"Spirit stone is nothing, this is the real baby!"

Li Yu reached out and took out the "Feng Yao Ancient Jade" and handed it to Meng Hao, "This is the true inheritance of the Mountain Sect! Many years ago, the Mountain Sect was originally called the Mountain Demon Sect. The path to the demon, the strongest avenue in the world, It's here! "

"The way to seal the demon? The strongest inheritance in the world? Brother Li, me"

This peerless inheritance, did Brother Li give me this? Meng Hao was already speechless with gratitude.

"You have integrated Yinglong Neidan, and you have an enchanting spirit, which is exactly the way to seal the demon. Although the way of demon demon is good, it is not for me! The one that suits you is the best!"

Li Yu explained a sentence and took out a jade Jane, "This is a method of" perfect foundation building "that I got after I pitted the Shangguan Xiu. Let me give it to you!"

"The Perfect Way to Build the Foundation? Brother Li"

Meng Hao was grateful again. Brother Li is so kind to me!

"I gave you these for a reason!"

Li Yu glanced at Meng Hao and said with a smile: "The one that suits me is the best! I know that there is something suitable for me in Zhao Guo. That is the Shan Hai Jing. There is something to do with Feng Yao. I gave you the ancient demon jade, I just want you to open the door for me, and let me get the Shan Hai Jing. "

"Brother Li has helped me countless times. It is natural that my brother can help Brother Li!"

Friendship, one side constantly helping the other, is actually not the best way to get along. Can help each other, this is the long-term way of friendship.

Xun Menghao read the poem and naturally understood this truth. Meng Hao was very happy that she could help Li Yu.

"Let's go! This place is far from the place of inheritance, and things are not in a hurry, you can feel more about Feng Yao ancient jade along the way!"

He said, the two rose into the air and left the border of the patrons.

"Ancient way, the idea of ​​closing the sky. Mountains and rivers are born with great goodness, and Jiushan and Haihai need to be robbed, and my life is boundless!"

On a mountain peak thousands of miles away from the mountain, Meng Hao sat on the ground and, according to Li Yu's instructions, cultivated himself into the strength of the Yinglong Yaodan and poured it into the ancient Fengyu jade.

Then he got such a wordless headline ~ ~ Brother Li, I don't understand this! "

At this moment, Meng Haosheng, who had read the poems, suddenly felt helpless and found that he couldn't understand the ancient Fengjing.

"Feng Yao ancient jade, it takes thirteen breaths of Ningqi to really open it. Now you have only resorted to the power of Ying Long Yao Dan, and you have got a verse."

Li Yu smiled, "This sentence involves the secrets of the whole mountain and sea world. You do n’t understand it now, but after much experience in the future, you will naturally understand it! Feng Yao Ancient Road, its thoughts are like sutras. It does n’t matter if you do n’t understand. Just read the scriptures. "

"That's it!"

Meng Hao nodded, "Feng Yao Ancient Road, its thoughts are like sutras. So presumably use it to open the door of the" Shan Hai Jing "to Brother Li, it should be enough!"

"Hmm! It's enough to open the door, let's go!"

Li Yu and Meng Hao erected in the air and rushed towards Zhao Guo somewhere, that is, the place where Master Li inherited on the back of the old turtle!

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