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Chapter 1198: The poor are from above

"Brother Li, how sacred are you?"

At this time, in Meng Hao's view, Li Yu is definitely a peerless master of the game.

"Okay! I didn't expect to meet acquaintances here."

Li Yu shook his head helplessly and smiled at Meng Hao: "This world is big! The realm you are in is called Shanhaijie, and the master Li comes from Xianjiejie. Together with Shanhaijie, Xiandaijie, and Mangajie Wait for the world, which is called the vast world as a whole. Beyond the vast world, there are heavens and earth. "

"but me……"

Li Yu smiled and looked at Meng Hao, "I come from above the heavens! The avenue is boundless. In order to seek the apex of the path of spiritual practice, I wandered thousands of miles and traversed endless time and space. I once visited the fairyland. Now I come To the mountains and seas. "

"Above the heavens and the world? Traversing endless time and space? Li ... uh, I don't know what to call you!"

Meng Hao looked at Li Yu for a while. Above the heavens and earth, what kind of existence does Brother Li have?

"No matter what my origin is, in front of you, I am still a scholar Li Yu of Changhe Town, or Li Yu of the Mountain Sect, don't think too much."

Li Yu smiled, "Now, you have the ancient and modern prohibitions and true and false prohibitions handed down by Master Li. The ancient and modern prohibitions are the way of time. The true and false prohibitions are the way of truth and truth. Feng Yao ancient jade officially recognizes the Lord, you It is now the ninth generation of demon monsters. "

"Brother Li, what is this demon vein?"

When Xun was promoted to the thirteenth level of condensed gas, and he was again banned by Li Zhu's two ancient banned monsters, Meng Hao's strength skyrocketed. As his strength increased, the more he found that these two Feng Yao ancient bans were inscrutable, and he was very curious about the origin of Feng Yao.

"The demon's veins are the strongest practitioners in the ancient times in the mountains and seas. Nine seals were created. Everything is to cope with the biggest crisis in the mountains and seas. You are still low. You do n’t need to think about these things yet."

豫 Li Yu smiled and patted Meng Hao's shoulder, "Let's go! The inheritance is in hand, we should go out!"


Meng Hao smiled and nodded, followed Li Yu to step out of the inheritance of Master Li, and reappeared on the bottom of the North Sea.

"Meet your seniors!"

The two of them had just returned to the bottom of the North Sea. Gu Ding San Yu, the stunning woman transformed from the North Sea, greeted the old man with the clothes.

"The predecessors are generous, the little woman has nothing to report. Only sailing across the sea with a little heart."

The ancient ship appeared again in front of Li Yu. Gooding Yi Sanyu respectfully and respectfully greeted Li Yu and Meng Hao on the boat, sailed across the sea, and sent Li Yu and Meng Hao to the other side of the North Sea.

"Senior grandfather, the little girl will never forget it!"

He stood at the bow of the boat, and Gu Ding Sanyu bowed down to Li Yu.

"Because of fate, don't be polite!"

豫 Li Yu smiled and waved his hand, "Hello, you will have your own chance for enlightenment. I will leave you for now!"

After finishing speaking, Li Yu and Meng Hao turned and left.

"Brother Li, we are back at Daqingshan!"

Wu Yu rose and the two fell to the summit of Daqing Mountain.

Meng Hao looked at the cliff at that time, remembering the scene of meeting Li Yu, Wang Youcai, and Xu Qing, he felt a little bit emotional.

"Brother Li, it was not accidental that you came here at the time?"

Since Li Yu is an extraordinary man from an unusual origin, Meng Hao doesn't believe Li Yu's move to Daqingshan, but he just came by chance to swim.


豫 Li Yu laughed loudly, "Actually, I just saw Xu Qing catching people everywhere in Yunjie County, so I came to see it by the way. After I found that she was a disciple of the mountain, I followed the mountain by the way."

"I knew it!"

She Menghao also laughed, looked up at Yunjie County under Daqing Mountain, and a look of recollection appeared on his face, "Brother Li, my home is over there."

Pointing his finger at a small town under the mountain, Meng Hao looked a little sad, "Brother Li, do you know? My parents were gone when I was seven years old! I don't know where they went, neither Know if they are alive. "

"When I was young, my parents told me a place. It was Dongtu Datang! Sooner or later, I will go to Dongtu, Datang. Go and see if my parents are still there!"

"Fate, meet together!"

豫 Li Yu smiled indifferently, he was very clear about Meng Hao's parents.

All of this was made by Shuidong Liu's pit cargo!

"East soil Datang is too far away, I ca n’t go now! But Zhao Guodu has a tenement building. It is said that from where I can look at Datang, I want to see it!"

Meng Hao looked up at the direction of Zhao Guodu City, a little yearning appeared on his face.

"Want to go, then go!"

豫 Li Yu turned his head and looked at Meng Hao, and nodded, "Take the practice of the thirteenth layer of condensate now, as long as you don't encounter the Jindan period monk, the land of Zhao Guo, where can you go?"

"I don't know what Brother Li plans in the future?"

Meng Hao also knows that Li Yu naturally has his own plans, and certainly has his own things to do, and will not always hang around with him.

"I'll be in Daqingshan for a while. Let's see if Li's Shan Hai Jing is useful to me."

豫 Li Yuchao Meng Hao smiled, "Go and do your business! I've been in Daqingshan for this time, come to me when you have time!"

如此 "So, my brother retired!"

Meng Hao handed a gift to Li Yu ~ ~, and flew away towards Yunjie County.

"When Meng Hao is gone, those in Zhao Guoxiu's practice who are relying on the Mountain Sect will definitely fight against those who have not yet given up on the Tai Ling Jing. However, everything is planned."

豫 Li Yu smiled, not worried about Meng Hao's safety at all.

I do not say that Meng Hao's strength has advanced, even if his strength is low, he will never die!

Meng Hao is the key to Shui Dongliu's plan and an important piece of Luo Tian. Before he grows up, neither Shui Dongliu nor Luo Tian can watch Meng Hao die.

"Meng Hao doesn't need me, I'll take a look at Shan Hai Jing first!"

I stretched out my hand, and Li Yu took out the mist of condensed mountains and seas sent by Master Li, and pressed it with a palm on the eyebrow, and drove the mist into the sea.

"Tai Ling Jing, Tian Tian Jing, Dao Nerve, Three Classics are one, Shan Hai Jing."

"Tai Ling Jing Practicing Qi, Tao nerve refining gods, beating the Heaven Jing Jing refining the body. That's it! This thing is very similar to my original practice path!"

Lao Shan Hai Jing's mist melted into the soul, and Li Yu soon realized the essence of Shan Hai Jing. The way that spirit and spirit go hand in hand is Li Yu's first practice path.

Even if you follow the path of practice again, you only care about the process, but Li Yu must find a method of practice that is consistent with your own path.

The three vitality and vitality methods of She Shan Hai Jing really fit Li Yu's needs.

"Let's practice again!"

He released his flying sword and opened a simple cave house on Daqingshan, and Li Yu began to practice the Shan Hai Jing.

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