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Chapter 1204: Patriarch, it's time to repay the debt!

Underground cave house.

In the dark space, a cloud of smoke swirled around, and the mist was transpiration.

He held the blood-stained jade in his hands, and a blood-colored smoke cloud rose, and the elderly of the heavenly machine followed the blood jade's induction and galloped all the way in the underground cave.

"This chopped blood jade can not only avoid the prohibition in Dongfu, but can also induce the Tailing Jing? The kid who auctioned the blood jade, although the price is a little bit hard, is quite honest."

Zhao Guofenghanzong took charge of teaching, holding the chopping spirit blood jade, and found that following the blood jade smoke cloud induction, actually found a trace of the spirit of Tai Ling Jing, overjoyed.

"Yes! My ancestors also think he is honest!"

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew through, and a ghastly voice sounded behind him.


Xun Fenghan's palm teacher quickly turned his head and looked behind him.

I saw the blood-colored clouds tumbling behind him, a figure like a dead body manifesting in the blood-clouds.

There were endless brutality in the dark eyes, and in the dry mouth, Bai Sensen's teeth showed a cold chill.

"Old man ..."

Seeing this horrible figure, Feng Hanzong screamed and exclaimed. Before the words were finished, the writhing clouds of blood swept across instantly, shrouding the teachings of Feng Hanzong in the clouds of blood.

"Demon ... born ... big ... fame!"

It seemed like a weird slang, the **** clouds boiled, there seemed to be a stern miserable sound, and there seemed to be a figure struggling desperately in the clouds.

A moment later, the cloud of blood dissipated, and the figure of the patron ancestor reappeared.

The shrivelled body seemed to be fuller, no longer a skeleton, the body became more agile, and the breath seemed deeper.

As for the wind cold sect to teach ... his Jin Dan is still in the hands of the patron ancestor!

不错 "Yes! That boy finally finished the old man's order!"

The ancestor of the leaning mountain grinned, the figure rushed out, and disappeared silently in the mist and clouds in the underground cave.

"Dinner" continues!

One! Two!

Suddenly, six Jindan period monks were swallowed up by the patron ancestors.

The current patron ancestor is no longer a dead body. Hefa Tongyan, Xianfengdao bone, is completely an image of an extraordinarily high person.

I was just ... the six Jindans in my hand made this extraordinarily senior a little bit cruel.

"Just seven people, my husband's seven-star demon lamp can be lit!"

With a wave of his hand, the six golden dandelions in his hands fell into the ancient halls in the center of Dongfu.

"Om! Om!"

The golden dandelions fell into the bronze lamps placed on the ground of the ancient hall, and a ray of fire lit on the lamps.

Six gold dandelions light up six bronze lamps.

"Lack of the last one!"

The ancestor of the leaning mountain looked to the left of Dongfu, with a fierce light bursting out of his eyes, "Is a Yuanying monk? The main lamp of the Seven-Star Demon Lamp is just right!"

He stood up, and the ancestor of the mountain flew away in the direction of the elderly.

"Is there really a Scripture?"

At this time, the elderly senior man is carefully perceiving the Tailing Jing through the induction of cutting the blood and jade.

The sensation of Zhan Ling blood jade is very weak. Even if the elderly of the heavenly spirit practiced the consciousness of the Yuan infant period, they still need to pay full attention in order to feel the words.

However ... it is this phrase that makes the old man in heaven even more unable to stop, and the mind of the Tai Ling Jing is revealed by all his mind.

"The disciple of the ancestor ... what's the name? Meng Hao? Although the name is the same as a **** that the ancestor hates. But I have to say that this kid is really attentive!"

The figure of the ancestor of the leaning mountain fluttered in the clouds of silence, looked up at the old senior man in front of him, and nodded with satisfaction.

"If you do n’t have the Spirit Blood Jade, using your ancestor ’s current strength to deal with your Yuan Ying monk, you will have to spend a lot of effort. However, it is different with the Spirit Blood Jade. It is the ancestor Own things! "

There was a fierce light burst in his eyes, and the ancestor of the mountain grinned, holding a string of fingers in his hand, "Demon ... Birth ... Big ... Faith!"


The blood-cutting jade in the hands of the old Tianji suddenly burst into the sky, and the endless blood cloud covered the old Tianji.

"Ah ... **** it! Patriarch!"

I was a monk in the end. The Tianji old man was suddenly changed, and the response was very rapid. A tricolor brilliance rushed up to protect the old man in the tricolor brilliance.

"Oh? The other side of the flower? I didn't expect you to have this ... monster!"

The sound of Pao Shanshan's ancestor sounded in the **** clouds, it seemed a little surprised, and a little surprised.

"Our ancestor, this is just an avatar of the old man, you can't kill me! The old man is under the door of Li Xian. Presumably you will not have heard of the name of Li Xian! Old man ancestor, why don't we just stop and expose How about this? "

He drove the three-color Guanghua to resist the erosion of the blood cloud, and the elderly elderly man quickly moved out of the background to make peace with the patron ancestor.

"Li Xian? Hey! A demon flower, dare to call it immortal? Today, no one can save you!"

An old ancestor of Laoshan laughed, and a cloud of blood filled the sky, turning it into a huge human face. On the face, there was a big mouth dazzling with blood, and he swallowed the old man with a sip.

"Ah ... Patriarch, you dare to destroy me, my husband will not take a break with you! You wait!"

He left only a stern roar, and the old man of heaven ... turned into a "dinner" of the patron ancestors.

"Don't take a break with my husband? Huh, what are you doing? Even if Li Xian is here, she doesn't dare to pretend in front of her ancestors!"

The ancestor of the backer hummed coldly and turned to the stone hall.

He put the Yuan Ying of the Tianji elderly into the main lamp of the Qixing Lantern. A Yuan Ying's fire was lit on the lamp.

Seven bronze lamps light up ~ ~ The strange firelight flashes in the ancient hall, revealing a strangeness that is difficult to describe.

"Once, ancestors ... never to restore cultivation, never to cut the second sword of the spirit. The ancestors were just to break the seal!"

"As long as I can take off the seal, I can completely abandon this one!"

I walked to the center of the Qixing Lantern and sat down against the ancestors cross-legged. The endless blood glow rose up, and the blood and light interweaved. In the circle of the Qixing Lantern, a very complicated law formation was formed.

"The old **** who sealed the demon's veins! I have pitted the old man for countless years, and I want the old man to protect the nine generations of demon monsters? The old man has made you completely cut off the demon's veins! There will be no nine generations of demon monsters in eternity! "

With a sullen face, the vicious curse of the ancestor of the mountain, the figure merged with the large array of blood, constantly driving force, and wanted to break the seal on the body of the Kaifeng demon.

"That ... excuse me!"

At this time, the two boys with "faithful faces" and "righteousness and selflessness" stretched their heads out of the gate of the ancient palace.

"Father, have you forgotten something?"

Meng Hao pointed to his chest, "Old ancestor, disciple has completed your task. Is it time for you to lift the disciples' body?"

"Oh, and there. The disciples were poisoned by the elders of Tianji in order to complete the tasks of the ancestors. The ancestors killed the elders of Tianji. Should they give the disciples an antidote?"

"Uh ... this ..."

Paoshan's ancestor's heart jumped, "Are you in debt? These two miscellaneous things, actually taking advantage of this critical moment, come to the door to ask for debt?"


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