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Chapter 1210: You two fight, I wo n’t mix

"Fifteen million spirit stones!"

After a period of fierce battle, the battle for the "three-colored spear" that cut the spirit treasure finally came to an end.

A large merchant from the West Desert sold the piece of soul-cutting treasure for a thousand bucks.

"Huh! Fifteen million top-quality spirits. These two scammers cheated so much money again? How can I make you wish?"

At this time, Chu Yuyan hummed angrily, stood up, opened the window of the VIP room, showed her figure, and shouted to the western desert merchant: "You are fooled! This spear is fake! The two boys A liar! "


The words made everyone surprised at the auction.

"Fake? Impossible, right? The spirit of slashing on the three-color spear is true!"

"Well? That's ... Ziyun Zong Chu Yuyan Fairy? Master Dan Gui's disciple? As Chu Fairy, shouldn't you tell lies? Is there really a problem with these three-colored spears?"

For a while, there was a lot of talk at the auction.

"Damn! I actually ran into this guy!"

When Meng Hao saw Chu Yuyan standing in front of the window, she could see at a glance that she was the white woman who took Wang Tengfei at that time.

"Rest assured, she can't break!"

Li Yu put down the tea cup and smiled indifferently. "There is the power of the patron's forbidden power. This thing is a real-life chopping treasure. No one can pick out the problem. But ... it won't take me a few times."

"Brother Li's means, my brother is convinced."

Meng Hao nodded, and didn't bother to care about this Chu Yuyan who came to trouble.

At the auction.

Ximo merchants frowned tightly, looked at the three-colored spear in their hands, plunged spiritual power into the spear, and a mighty force of chopping spirits rose into the sky.

The immense coercion made everyone look pale in the entire auction floor, only to feel that a heavy mountain was pressed down above their heads.

"Fake? Is this fake?"

Ximo merchants glanced at Chu Yuyan coldly, and snorted heavily, "Zhu Yunzong Chu Fairy? Really a great name! You don't need to find this excuse if you want to take my treasure! Although you guys The Ziyunzong is a major figure in the southern region, and my Tianyun Department is not afraid of you! You must grab my treasure, even if you come here! "


Chu Yuyan was so overwhelmed with anger that she gritted her teeth.

She didn't hate this western desert merchant, but hated Li Yu and Meng Hao!

This three-colored spear is actually true? Selling genuine goods at the auction house, but using fakes to pit our elders of Zi Yunzong, is this teasing us?

How daring!

Chu Yuyan snorted, returned to the room, ignored the West Mo merchants, and focused on Li Yu and Meng Hao.

"When the auction is over, you guys look good!"

Liu Mei's eyebrows went upside down, Chu Yuyan took a deep breath, and her heart was agitated.

Soon after, the auction officially ended.

Meng Hao sold a "fake and inferior soul-cutting treasure" and obtained more than 10 million spirit stones, making the purse even more bulging.

"Ximou merchants bought the three-color spear, and they figured out what the problem was, and they couldn't find it on my head."

Meng Hao smiled, put away the spirit stone, and walked out of the auction with Li Yu.

"Little thief, stand still!"

The two had just left Baizhen Pavilion and were about to leave the city of monks. Suddenly they heard a drink from behind, but Chu Yuyan chased up in anger.

"Oh? It's you guys?"

Chu Yuyan, who flew into the air, saw the appearance of Meng Hao and Li Yu, and found that the two thieves were actually relying on Shanzong's two jerk.

Meng Hao defeated Wang Tengfei, which caused Wang Tengfei to lose his chance of being promoted to the inner door and realized the Tai Ling Jing, so that Wang Tengfei, who has always been known as the "Pride of the Heavens", was defeated.

Chu Yuyan naturally did not like Meng Hao.

Hate the house and Wu, she also does not like Li Yu.

"Just the new account and the old account together! You two little thieves, I won't let you go!"

Hanging Tengfei Wang and Elder Wu of Ziyun Zong, in the view of Chu Yuyan, the bad character of these two thieves is simply outrageous!

"Haha! The bitter master is here, run away!"

The two pit cargoes are very happy about the pit people's affairs, but they can still be regarded as "good-hearted" generations. Even if the pitman is dead, there is no need to kill!

Seeing Chu Yuyan chasing after each other, the two made a strange noise and turned and ran.

This should be considered a guilty conscience?

As the wind rose, the two whistled out of the city of monks and fled all the way.

"Huh? Want to run?"

Chu Yuyan snorted, stretched out her hand and patted a jade card around her waist, a radiant burst out, and a ten-foot-long white crane appeared in front of Chu Yuyan.

"Catch them!"

Release the mount from the "Yujue Brand", Chu Yuyan stepped on the back of the fairy crane, pointed at Meng Hao and Li Yu in front and sang.

"Well ..."

The crane was shocking, the huge white crane stretched its wings, and the feathers swaggered, soaring into the sky, the speed was incredible.

Suddenly, Chu Yuyan, who was riding a crane, quickly caught up with the two of them.

"Jiuyu White Crane! Deserves to be a disciple of Master Dan Gui, who even has such a spirit beast."

Li Yu looked at Bai Yu at the foot of Chu Yuyan and nodded admirably.

"Brother Li, don't be amazed. Think of a way, otherwise, we will be caught by this little lady soon!"

Meng Hao angrily shouted at Li Yu.

"Jack! You two little thieves, kill me!"

Hearing the title of "little maidens", Chu Yuyan flushed with anger, waving her hand to release a lotus flower, and the lotus seeds rushed out of the lotus flower, turning into golden female armors, wielding swords with guns With two people killed.

"Well? This spell ... is a bit like spreading beans!"

Li Yu saw Chu Yuyan let out the lotus seeds and turned into a female gold armor, and it was another admiration.

"Brother Li ... oh!"

Meng Hao found that Li Yu seemed unreliable at all. Just looking at the admiration, there was no plan to shoot at all.

In fact ... how could Li Yu shoot at Chu Yuyan?

Boy ~ ~ This is your future wife! I hit him. Will you fight with me in the future?

"You don't do it, I do it myself!"

Meng Hao shook his head helplessly, reached out and grabbed, a bronze mirror appeared in his hand!

Raise the bronze mirror and take a picture in front of Jiuyi Baihe!

"Well ..."

Jiuyi Baihe screamed screamingly, with a scream in his body, a blood burst from the back of his hip, and he planted it all the way.

"Ah! Little Crane!"

Chu Yuyan saw Bai He was injured, and the injured part and the situation were beyond imagination and could not be described.


Chu Yuyan was so angry that she quickly released the "Yu Beast Card", put away the white crane, then took off the sword, and killed Meng Hao again.

"Brother Meng, this matter ... You can solve it yourself."

Li Yu shook at his feet and turned away. You two fight, I can't blend.


Looking up to the sky and Tianhehai, Li Yu smiled. "At this time, the niece should be incarnate as Xun Peng, and often there are holes in the front."

Li Yu sent a maiden a "Six Ways of Reincarnation". The most suitable place to practice this method is of course "Going to the cave".

as expected!

To the horizon, a gust of wind swept up. A white roe feathered Dapeng rose from the wind, whistling through the sky.

"Sister-in-law, my little brother is fighting with each other! Do me a favor and send them to the place where the Blood Fairy passed on, so that they will experience some hardships, and the couple will be back together!"


Dapeng, who passed by the sky, carried Meng Hao and Chu Yuyan into the wind with endless winds, and rushed out 100,000 miles all the way.

"Brother Meng, she will be your wife in the future. You two, please communicate slowly! Don't thank me!"

Li Yu shrugged and drifted away.

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