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Chapter 1212: Do not share the sky with Ji

"It's time!"

Yin Hong's blood light permeated the entire underground space and turned into a thick blood-colored light curtain, which wrapped the entire Blood Fairy's inheritance sternly.

Li Yu looked up at the blood-colored light curtain and nodded with a smile. "Blood fairy, now is the time for you to block the poor road!"

With a movement in my heart, a thick aura burst into my heart.


As if breaking through a layer of inexplicable barriers, the writhing and surging spirit in the body suddenly broke out and circulated throughout the body.

Immediately, Reiki condensed and concentrated.

In Li Yu's Dantian Qihai, the condensed aura kept condensing and turned into a crystal clear diamond.

"Om ..."

The aura of light sparkled, the crystal-clear diamond spar slowly sinking into the sea of ​​air, like a cornerstone.

"The first cornerstone has been buried, and the foundation stone has been laid. The next step is to continually consolidate the cornerstones, build a platform in the sea of ​​gas, and build its own foundation.

The writhing spirit continued to condense and continue to condense.

Pieces of diamond-shaped crystals manifested in the sea of ​​gas, piled up one by one, and accumulated one by one.

After a hundred diamond-shaped crystals condensed, the stacked diamond-shaped crystals suddenly burst into a brilliant brilliance.

"Om ..."

In the fierce shock of the sea, a hundred diamond-shaped crystals instantly merged into one thick and solid Taotai!

Build the Road!


The brilliant golden light shone, and golden runes were engraved on the foundation platform, and the entire platform was imprinted with extremely complicated golden runes.

This is the power of the Tai Ling Jing!


The bright white light shone, and countless white runes were inscribed on the abutment platform.

This is the power of the mind of the Tao nerve!


The mighty purple gold rushed out, and the majestic blood power turned into countless runes, deeply imprinted on the foundation platform.

This is the power of the refining body that cuts the heavenly sutra.

Three forces have condensed, and the foundation of the road has been completed!

Build the foundation, build the foundation!

At this moment, the first platform of Li Yu's foundation has been completed!

"There is something in the world! It can't be perfect!"

In Luo Tian's world, it is necessary to follow Luo Tian's law. So ... Li Yu also did not directly confront Luo Tian's law.

Although Luo Tian himself was miserable by Li Yukeng, Li Yu was going to clean up his finger. But ... As a result, Li Yu ’s plan for joining the WTO this time has completely failed.


Perfect and perfect, the abutment building has cracked a crack. Let Li Yu's perfect Taoism become no longer perfect!

"There is something wrong with heaven, it can't be perfect. However, this world has made up for heaven!"

Li Yu, the perfect foundation building method from Shangguanxiu, has studied the essence of it, and has a deep understanding of the methods to make up for the foundation building defects.

"In the promotion and foundation building, most people try their best to break through the bottleneck and break through the realm. Therefore, after the promotion and foundation building, cracks appear on the platform, but there is no strength to repair!"

"Missed this time, unless there is an anti-sky art, you can never make up for your shortcomings."

The perfect foundation building method obtained by Shangguan Xiu is a kind of anti-sky art. However, Li Yu now has a better way.

"Make use of the power of foreign objects to repair the lack of Taotai. Foreign objects are foreign objects after all. How can they compare to their own strength?"

After condensing a hundred cornerstones, after casting the platform, Li Yu still has some spiritual power and blood in his body, which is just used to repair the lack of platform.

In one thought, Zijin Qi and blood, golden spiritual power, and white divine thought, the three forces merged into a three-colored interweaving liquid, which melted into the cracks in the platform.


Daotai shuddered, making a loud noise, and the tricolor Guanghua rose into the sky.

At this moment, the Tao in Li Yu's body no longer had any cracks, no flaws, perfect, brilliant, sacred and glorious!

Such an act against the sky will be condemned!



Like the anger of the sky, the endless dark clouds continually gather in the sky above the Blood Demon Sect.

The thunder roared, the electric light shone, and it was fierce and overbearing. The power to destroy the sky and the earth was condensing in the clouds.

"How is this going?"

This terrifying horror stunned all monks in the Blood Demon Sect.

"Heavenly? It turns out to be heavenly? Why is there heavenly?"

Deep in the blood demon ancestor, the blood demon ancestor looked up and was shocked when he saw the cosmic sky in the sky.

This world is not without heaven.

The **** of rebellion against heaven and the magic weapon of rebellion against heaven all have gods.

But ... this horror in front of him is more than ten thousand times more powerful than that of dans and robs?

"Going against the sky, heaven and earth are not allowed? Going against the sky? Hehe! Yes, there is another person who wants to go against the sky!"

The blood demon ancestor grinned and looked around, trying to find the target pointed by Tianjie.


The electric light shone, like a thunder dragon-like electric light, which fell from the sky, and smashed it in the direction of ... the dry well.


The blood demon ancestor stood up suddenly, looking at the direction of the dry well, and for a long time did not return to God.

"Is ...... is the heritage of the blood into the land of fairy monks engage in out? That guy, what in the end did ah?"

A thunderstorm coming up!

Taken violent thunder crashing Zala, if there are numerous bars brontosaurus fall from the sky, dense thunder, rain fell.

Dry well around a radius of tens of miles, all the tragedy Thunder crushed Jifen.

Only ... the ruined ancient well still stands!

"Taihe Blood Fairy ~ ~ Does not share the sky with Ji's!"

"What about Tianjie? What about Tianwei? My generation will never give in! My generation will never bow! My generation ... Oath teacher cuts the sky!"

"Battle! Battle! Battle!"

In the dry well, the mighty blood rose into the sky, covering the sky and sweeping the sky!

"Ji Tian has no way, Oathmaster cuts sky! Kill!"

In the blood, one with a blood-colored mask on his face, holding a three-tailed flag flag, tall and mighty shore, stood proudly.

Underneath was a huge bronze chariot, pulled by a large, scarlet, **** monster.

Behind ... the flags are spreading like swords.

Countless murderous figures followed this chariot, followed this figure, and killed the sky!

Fight against the sky, never swoop your head, never give in! Even if you die, you are determined!


The blood demon ancestor looked at the manifestation in the blood, and two lines of tears rolled down.

In the sad and painful eyes of the blood demon ancestors, the blood of the sky swept up, the countless unyielding figures, unwilling souls, and ... heavenly gangs!

"This ... I was going to pit others, but I didn't expect you ... the reaction was so fierce!"

Li Yu originally wanted to use the prohibition of the Blood Immortal Inheritance to resist the Tiancai. In this way, at most, the Tiancai attacked the Blood Immortal Inheritance and robbed the ancestors of the Li family who took over the guardian spirit of the inheritance.

However, it seems that Tianjie came to the blood demon sect, touched the blood fairy, and caused the blood fairy remnant to erupt!

"Well, even if you die, even if the blood demon ancestor is a villain in your eyes, do you want to protect him from harm?"

Li Yu sighed, "Since this is the case, the poor can be regarded as your love, so I will help you in the future!"


I recommend Gorilla's "Entertainment Big Bitch", a different urban entertainment text, worthy of attention.

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