System Supplier

Chapter 1215: Is this the place where the Blood Fairy is tried?


This monk who blew down the blood **** looked at Li Yu with a dull face, "What are you talking about?"

"Boy, buy a blood god!"

Li Yu looked at the monk with a smile on his face, "Your blood **** is ridiculed, you are disqualified from the trial. M .. The blood fairy heritage is so missed! Are you unwilling? Are you unwilling? Are you ... ... "

"Why do you tease me?"

The long sword came out of the sheath, and the sword rose into the sky. This monk from a sword sect jumped wildly, "How dare you humiliate me? I fight with you!"

"Stop! Stop! Stop!"

Li Yu is here to pit people ... Oh, I did n’t come to fight for business. I quickly waved my blood, "See? Is n’t it the **** of blood? What a big deal? Let's say, what do you want? What? It just opened today, and Poor Road will give you a discount and tailor it for you. "


Seeing the blood in Li Yu's hands, Monk Jianzong was shocked.

血 This blood is clearly the same as the blood that he had bred before.

In this way, Monk Yi Jianzong doubted Li Yu's "blood god".

哦 "Oh, I remember. Are you the monk who gave birth to the bleeding sword? Is your blood **** a sword?"

Li Yu nodded his head, and said to monk Jianzong: "Exhaust a sword, and a poor sword will be tailor-made for you."

"Really ... really sell blood god?"

Monk Jianyi Jianzhuang blinked, always feeling a little weird.

But ... blood immortal heritage should not be missed. What if Li Yu is true?

The monk Jian Yizong took a deep breath, and quickly let out a sword, and broke into the blood of Li Yu's hands.

"Very good! It's done soon!"

Li Yu nodded his head, his hands clasped, and the blood shone.

With a bang "锵", an extremely sharp, blood-colored sword with a vigorous sword appeared in the hands of Li Yu.

给 "Here, do you try to use it?"

Li Yu casually threw this **** sword to a sword monk.

这 "This ... this ... really a blood god? Can you really sell a blood god?"

I hold this **** sword, Monk Yizong has a dull face, and I just feel that the scene in front of me is like a dream.

The blood **** ... can be sold? Still energy tailored? what is happening?

The blood-sword in Xun's hands seemed to be stronger, sharper, and more desirable than the previous one. Even if the monk of the sword sect felt incredible, he had to believe it.

"That ... small business, no credit!"

Li Yu reminded with a smile.

"Uh ... yes! Yes!"

Do you dare to sell, I would dare to buy! A Gladius monks Landelikuai Why can sell the blood of God, past the seventh Trials, obtain blood immortal heritage is the key.

"That ...... How much should I pay?"

Blood God this kind of thing, but nobody bought. A Gladius monks did not know what the prices do.

"It's not just the blood of God, but a chance to blood immortal heritage. You already failed, I let you once again have the opportunity to get blood immortal heritage. This opportunity, Wan Sweet Basil!"

Li Yu grinned, "you are the first buyer, give you a discount point, take half of your body to change things, how?"

"Half of the property?"

Gladius a monk frowned and looked up at the highest point that a blood cents altar to the sky, a bite, "Deal!"

"Thanks for your order!"

Li Yu unceremoniously taken away half a wealth of Gladius monks storage bag, "I wish you all the way to success!"

"Huh? It was the fourth off the imminent demise of the blood of God? Business here, Pindao go ahead!"

Just then, Lee Yu suddenly saw on the fourth off the platform, there was a fall of the blood of God's monks, quickly took a blood tyrants under God, "Boom" and rushed out.

All the way to the rampage, it crossed the third pass Trials of the land between the moment, he boarded a fourth-class platform.

"Girl, come and buy a blood god!"

"Don't believe it? Look at the back, you see the sword sect monk in the third level, did you see it? His blood **** had fallen, and now the blood **** was sold to him poorly!"

价格 "Price? Of course you use all the belongings in your storage bag!"

"Expensive? Girls, Pindao selling opportunities blood cents heritage! Do you think this opportunity worthless?"

Shortly after, a business made.

"What? Your blood sword is broken again? Boy, this is your last chance. Don't cherish it!"

Monk Jian Yizong bought another blood sword, and continued to rush into the field of inheritance trials.

"Your blood phoenix has fallen? Don't panic, everything has me!"

"Your basalt is dead? How big is it? Come, sell you one!"

In the horrified eyes of all those who participated in the trial of Blood God, and among the horrified crowds of the onlookers, the business of Boss Li was in full swing.

"He ... he ... can he go in and out of all the trial levels at will?"

"He can sell blood god?"

"He ... who is he?"

Everyone who sees this scene is totally 懵!

Is this the place where the Blood Fairy is tried? Why did ... become like this?

"Brother Li ... you are great!"

Meng Hao patted the huge blood pupa around him, watching Li Yu come and go everywhere ... Oh, doing business, I sighed.

He can only play such tricks if he is a character like Brother Li?

I was so tossed by Brother Li, it is still unknown whether the children of the major family families who participated in the trial can get the blood fairy heritage. However, they must fall into Brother Li's pockets, which is inevitable!

少年 "Juvenile, your blood **** is good! You also have a custom service for blood **** special equipment. Do you want a copy?"

Li Yupan sat on the lower back of Blood God Ba, rushed all the way to the eighth floor, came to the first person to try, Li Jiadaozi, Li Daoyi, and began to sell.


Li Dao is as close to the enemy as possible ~ ~ A huge blood dragon above his head roars and waits.

In Li Daoyi's opinion, Li Yu, an inexplicable fellow, is the enemy of this blood fairy trial.

喂 "Hey, buy it or not, give a sentence 呗? Isn't buying and selling right?"

豫 Li Yu didn't care about Li Daoyi's hostile situation at all, but started a business with one heart.

"No need to!"

Li Daoyi doesn't want to play against Li Yu now. This enemy is unfathomable. Now, even if he has a hole card in hand, he won't necessarily win easily, but it will make others take advantage.

"Don't buy? Oh, don't regret it!"

Li Yu smiled and shook his head, turned and left. The Blood God Ba roared, turned and stepped onto the seventh floor.

"You boy, do you need special blood **** equipment?"

I came to the seventh floor, what Li Yu saw was Meng Hao. After blinking slightly, Li Yu reached out and released a pair of scarlet armor.

"Blood God special equipment? Looks good, I bought it!"

Meng Hao naturally knew that Li Yu would not harm him, and was also very interested in the special equipment for the blood **** provided by Li Yu.

"Give you!"

Xun stretched out his hand, and the blood-colored armor in his hand turned into a ray of blood, fell into Meng Hao's blood, and showed a spiked armour.

"Li Daoyi is the enemy. My armor is also a big pit. When confronting Li Daoyi, let the **** go against his blood dragon."

Li Yu told Meng Hao a voice, turned around and drove the Blood God, and continued to do business.

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