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Chapter 1224: There are so many people, you will be punished.

"Li Yu is a liar! Li Yu is a liar!"

"What's so thin? What integrity is selfless? It's all fake! Hahahaha! All fake!"

Just when Li Yuzhan was complacent, he suddenly heard a loud roar from the front.

"Well? Who's so wise? You really see through?"

Li Yu's heart froze, and she quickly looked up, and saw ... in the corner of the front, curled up with a ragged shirt, covered with dirt.

"Li Yu is a liar!"

"My supreme treasure! My good fortune treasure! Broken! Broken! Dead! All dead! Hahahahaha!"

The lunatic, covered with dirt, slaps on the ground frantically, crying for a while and wailing.

"Dare to scorn the sword god? Hit! Kill him!"

This lunatic was crying and wailing to the ground, making some admirers of the "sword god" around him very angry, rushed forward, punched and kicked.

"Hum! Smells the God of Sword, if you don't see you as a lunatic, you're dead!"

"If we hear you insulting and insulting the sword **** next time, we will never relent!"

A group of "fans" grunted a whistle, flung their sleeves, and turned to leave.

"Sword God Li Yu, famous in the world!"

Meng Hao looked at Li Yu with a strange look.

"This ... keke ..."

Seeing this scene, Rao is Li Yu's face as thick as a city wall, and she feels that she can't stand it anymore.

More importantly, the identity of that lunatic, Li Yu has also remembered. That man ... isn't that the "big brother" who was miserable by Li Yu's use of "fortune"?

"Brother Meng, Sister Xu, let's find a place to settle first and discuss the next arrangements."

Li Yu quickly changed a topic, randomly found a restaurant, and walked in.

"Brother Chen, don't be too sad. Sword God Li Yu, I admire him very much and deeply deplore his ridicule. But ... you don't think about it like this, you're heartbroken, it's not good for your own practice!"

Just entering the restaurant, Li Yu saw two monks of Yijianzong sitting in the restaurant.

That "Master Chen" who "don't think about tea and be heartbroken" is suddenly Chen Fan who is relying on Shanzong.


Chen Fan sighed, his face full of grief, "You don't know anything. The sword **** Li Yu was my master when I was at the Mountain Sect of Zhao Guo!"

Holding up the glass and taking a sip, Chen Fan's eyes were faint.

"Brother Li's natural talents, righteousness, integrity, and selflessness. After a few years of not seeing, the name of the sword **** has already become famous in the southern region. Is it so painful to die so young?

"It is truly deplorable!"

The disciple of Yi Jianzong also sighed, "Brother Chen, go and arrange a place for the same person who is going to the Song family to attend the recruiting conference for your brother. Please take a break and wait for your brother to come to you!"

"Thank you, Brother, for your concern. Please help me."

Chen Fan bowed his hand and sent the disciple of Yi Jianzong out of the restaurant. Then he sat back at the table and drunk silently.

"Brother Chen ..."

Meng Hao, who walked into the restaurant, saw Chen Fan look so uncomfortable.

"The scheme of getting rid of death, but it makes Brother Chen so hurt, so ashamed!"

Li Yu smiled wryly and shook his head.

This is cause and effect.

What is "cause and effect"?

Life is alive, and it will inevitably have an impact on this world. There are friends, enemies, and anger and sorrow. All these entanglements are like an invisible silk thread, forming a "net." This "net" is cause and effect.

"Shop, serve wine."

Find a place in the restaurant to sit down, the three called for a table of dishes.

"You eat first, I'll see that one."

Li Yuchao Meng Hao and Xu Qing nodded, and got up to Chen Fan who was drinking alone.

"Excuse me, my friend!"

He walked up to Chen Fan, Li Yu arched his hand, "In Xiabaize, he is known as the Glacier Swordsman. Shicai heard that the sword **** Li Yu was your former master? I admire the sword **** very much.

"It's Baek Doo!"

Chen Fan quickly got up and responded, "In the next Jianzong Chen Fan, I've met Bai Daoyou. Bai Daoyou sit down."

"Thank you!"

Li Yu sat down opposite Chen Fan, and then sent a message to Chen Fan, "Brother Chen, I'm Li Yu, I'm not dead. For some reason, I can only sacrifice to death. Let my brother worry."


Chen Fan was suddenly surprised and almost screamed.

"Brother Chen, there are Meng Hao and Sister Xu Qing. We are not in a position to reveal our identities. We can only meet with brothers like this, and please forgive them."

Li Yu took the glass and took a sip, raised his hand and gestured to Meng Hao.

"Brother Meng and Sister Xu?"

Chen Fan turned his head to look at Meng Hao at the other table, and he couldn't help but "Can you all be here? Great! Great!"

Seeing Li Yu lively in front of him, and seeing Meng Hao and Xu Qing, Chen Fan no longer had grief in his heart, only a joy left.

"It's just ... what the **** did you do? Why did each one look like this?"

After the joy, Chen Fan was worried about the situation of the three Li Yu.

"Brother Meng has inherited the Blood Fairy, and has been concealed by the doormen of the Southern Regions. She can only remain anonymous. Sister Xu escaped from Qing Luozong, and she did not reveal her true colors. As for me?

Li Yu smiled and reached out an old jade Jane, and handed it to Chen Fan without a trace, "Brother, this is a swordsmanship inheritance that coincides with my chance ~ ~ named 'haoran sword '. That's why I have to remain anonymous. "

"So it is!"

Of course, Chen Fan is not a fool. He soon wanted to understand Li Yu's "sword god" name, and he must be inseparable from this "horse sword".

The blood fairy of Meng Hao is inherited by some people, and naturally, some of Li Yu's "Horan Sword" will also be people. Both Li Yu and Meng Hao are now just a casual repair. Without the protection of the Zongmen forces, they can only remain anonymous.

"Brother Chen, this mighty sword is very suitable for people like us who are upright to cultivate."

Well, Li Yu does not hesitate to classify himself into the category of "Integrity and Selflessness".

Seeing that Chen Fan seemed to want to quit, Li Yu quickly added another sentence, "Brother, someday in the future, we must revive the patron saint. This sword technique, the brother must practice seriously."

"Is the revival of the Patriarch? Yes! The revival of the Patriarch!"

Chen Fan firmly grasped the jade bamboo slips, Zheng Jianjian headed, "Master, rest assured, revive the mountain ancestors, there is no blame for the brothers!"

As early as the backing sect, Chen Fan sent Li Yu a cave house, and Li Yu has been looking for opportunities to repay this relationship. This time, under the name of "Reviving the Mountain Sect", this "Horan Sword" suitable for Chen Fan's integrity was sent out.

"Brother, you are living in the rivers and lakes, without help, and the path of spiritual practice will be very difficult in the future. Now there is an opportunity."

Chen Fan suddenly laughed, "The Southern Region Song family recruits. The younger brother is a talented person who is suitable to be the son-in-law of the Song family. Hey, there is such a good friend of the younger brother.


Li Yu opened his mouth wide, "I'm going! Actually planted this on me? Originally ... you planted it to Meng Hao!"

If there are too many people, will they be punished?

He was kindly ... pitted?

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