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Chapter 1233: I ca n’t stop being arrogant or irritable anymore

"Little guy, this is where our Ziyun Zongdan Road is located!"

The old man in Qingpao took Li Yu all the way to the air, and there were mountains and valleys below. , A faint herb fragrance permeated, refreshing.

"According to sectarian rules, new disciples should start with Yaotong. Only by being familiar with the changes in plants and trees and mastering the medicinal properties of plants and trees can they become Danshi masters, which is the official disciples of Dandao."

The old man in Qingpao pointed at a huge valley in front of him and said to Li Yu, "Where is one of the dan valleys where Yaotong lives."

According to Luo Guangguang, the old man in Qingpao took Li Yu into this huge valley with a radius of nearly a hundred miles.

In addition to various buildings in the valley, there are more herbs in the mountains.

Danshi refining medicines are self-catalyzed herbs and do not need to be planted. But ... catalytic herbs also need seeds. Therefore, the site of Dan Dao is full of herbs everywhere.

"You're staying here. I will arrange for someone to send you the identity token and Ziyun Lingju, a medicine boy."

He took Li Yu to a bamboo building, and the old man in the green robe pointed to the bamboo building in front of him and said to Li Yu: "You settle down first. Every morning, a master Dan comes to teach the way of grass and trees. You have to study carefully. The old man Xu Yan This is the deacon of Fang Dangu. Come to me at any time. "

"Thank you senior!"

Li Yu bowed his hand in worship, "the junior retired!"

"go Go!"

Xu Yan smiled and nodded, but his heart was ecstatic.

Although I don't know why the ancestors of Zongmen are so calm and why they would never see such a peerless genius, but ... this gives the husband a chance!

This man will soar into the sky in the future. The old man is old and has little hope in this life. However, with this incense, after his fame, he will certainly take care of his husband's descendants!

Humanity ... is also an investment!

Xu Xuan left with joy, Li Yu shrugged his shoulders and stepped into the bamboo building.

Naturally, Li Yu could see Xu's thoughts at a glance.

However, in life, pure, uninteresting friendship, there should be no one except parents and children. Even for couples, there are times when great disasters are flying.

Xu Yan's thoughts are also human nature, so there is no need to blame. When he can help, Li Yu doesn't mind helping.

"The way of plants and trees is a way of changing physical properties. Exhausting the nature of plants and trees and refining into Dan. This is our way."

"To exhaust the nature of vegetation, we need to start from the most basic place, that is, the catalysis of vegetation."

On the first morning, on the square in the center of Dangu, Xu Min was sitting on a high platform, holding a herb seed in his hand, and teaching thousands of medicine children below.

"The Ziyun Lingjue is the method of catalysis of the plants and trees secretly transmitted by our Ziyun Danmai. It is the basis for you to master the nature of the plants and trees. You must practice it carefully."

"Now, let me show you how to catalyze herbs. You are optimistic!"

Xu Yan said, a little lingering light lingered in his palm, germinating vigorously. Between the radiances, the seed continued to take root and sprout until it grew into an ivy.

"This is Regen Vine. We used medicine and chose the root."

With a wave of his hand, the vines and branches of the thunder root vines were stripped off, leaving only a clump of radiant light.

"That's it! In addition to accelerating the growth of medicinal herbs, Ziyun Lingjue also needs to provide the spiritual power needed for herb growth."

After reading Ziyun Lingjue again and seeing Xu Yu's personal demonstration, Li Yu has mastered the essence of Ziyun Lingjue.

Promote the herb with its own spiritual power, catalyze various medicinal materials according to its own needs, and use it for alchemy.

"Spiritual catalysis is sufficient for common herbs, but some natural treasures require herbs of sufficient age and must use the power of time to accelerate the passage of time."

Unless the master of this world is cultivated to a very high level and controls the power of time, otherwise, it is impossible to catalyze heaven and earth treasures.

"Is the power of time? I started from the power of time!"

Li Yu smiled. At the beginning of the year, it was to cultivate the "no beginning and no end" and realize the "no beginning and no end" time.

"Li Yu, you can demonstrate herb catalysis."

At this time, Li Yu suddenly heard Xu Yan clicked his name.

This made Li Yu startled, didn't he? The practice world is also a bit famous for answering questions like this? How does it feel like listening to a teacher's lecture in the classroom before crossing that year?

"New students, after learning Ziyun Lingju for the first time, need to catalyze the herb once in order to test your natural talents."

Xu Yan threw out a herb seed with a smile, "For the first time, as long as the seed can be germinated, it proves that you have a natural talent for plants.

"Is it a plant or tree talent? Didn't I test a plant or tree talent when I started testing?"

The vision like that before should represent a potential. Li Yu thought, nodding slightly, "I'll try it!"

Reaching out to support the herb seeds, the Ziyun Lingjue was run, and a little aura of light lingered up.

Spiritual power is constantly being incorporated into the palm of the herb seeds, but ... the infused spiritual power is like a mud ox entering the sea.

"No, don't I? I don't have a natural talent for plants? Can't catalyze herbs?"

Li Yu froze for a moment, feeling a little incredible.

Wherever I go, there are dazzling and radiant figures. Do you want to plant a follower here?

This definitely won't work!

"I don't believe it can't catalyze this seed!"

Drumming the whole body's spiritual power, this seed constantly pouring into the palm. It wasn't until Li Yu's spiritual power to build the foundation ~ ~ was consumed half, the seed gave birth to a little movement and a little germination!

"Why is this spore enough? How can this spore reflect the extraordinaryness of this seat? How can it reflect the unique style of this seat?"

Li Yu found that the use of spiritual power to catalyze the seeds, I am afraid that exhausting one's spiritual power can only allow the seeds to produce a section of tender shoots. This obviously does not meet Li Yu's "pretense" standard.

"Then the power of time!"

Li Yu has long discovered that Ziyun Lingjue also contains "the art of time." As long as Ziyunling Jue is understood to a certain degree, he can start the "catastrophic technique of time."

With Li Yu's familiarity with the power of time, it is natural to have no difficulty in mastering this "time of art".

"Om ..."

A trembling sounded, the aura of light in Li Yu's hands was rippling, as if time had passed and time passed.


The lotus leaves swayed, the lotus bloomed, and Li Yu suddenly grew a huge green lotus in his hands.

"Wow ... the first time I catalyzed a medicinal plant? It was amazing!"

Thousands of drug boys in the square saw the lotus blooming in Li Yu's hands, one after another admired.

"The art of time! It is the art of time!"

"The first time I used Ziyun Lingjue, I realized the art of the years! It really is a dead tree and it is indeed a purple light!"

Xu Kun was stunned. "This way, the ancestor's plan is missed!"

The medicine boy thought that he had catalyzed a common herb. However, Xu Yi gave the Qingyi Xianlian planted in the soil of Ziyun.

This elixir cannot even be catalyzed by the ordinary Dan master. Originally, Xu Yan was ordered to take this seed for Li Yu to test, so that Li Yu should be arrogant and impatient, not too proud.

Now ... this can't stop him from arrogance and irritability, right?

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