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Chapter 1235: It turns out ... I'm cheating

Meng Hao successfully joined the Zi Yunzong.

In the Danmai station, there was another "glorious" medicine boy.

Ziyun Danmai, a disciple of Yaotong's identity, is more than 100,000. With a large number of basic apprentices, this guarantees that Danmai disciples will continue to stand out.

"Master Fang, you are here!"

Meng Hao and Xu Qing came together, Li Yu was lying on a bamboo lounge chair, holding a tea cup, shaking and shaking, leisurely.

"You guys, your life is so comfortable!"

Meng Hao tossed outside for a few months, and tried everything to get a recommendation sign, which was mixed into Zi Yunzong. I did not expect that Li Yu and Xu Qing had been waiting here.

"Master Fang, good boys are in the Quartet. You have great ambitions and want to achieve something on Dan Dao, this is not wrong. But ..."

After stopping the rocking chair, Li Yu taught Meng Hao the "seriousness". "But Sister Xu has a deep affection for you. How can you live up to that beauty?"

"You still say!"

Meng Hao gritted her teeth for a while. What ghosts are "poor-hearted" and who "flee from marriage" aren't all you tossing about?

"You're doing it wrong, can't you say it to your brother?"

Chao Meng Hao winked a wink. Li Yu then said: "Our three families have been together in Yuntian, and have made good friends for generations. Could it be ... your eldest son of the family, look down on me as a side branch of Li's family? I don't look down on the Xu family who has fallen. ? "


When Meng Hao heard these words, he immediately understood. It turns out ... is Brother Li making our new identity rooted?

The name "Fang Mu" was not casually taken by Meng Hao. He faintly remembered that he seemed to have the name before. I just don't know why it wasn't used later.

Meng Hao told Li Yu the name before changing the vest to participate in the Song Family Recruitment Conference. At this moment Li Yu helped him come up with a true "square wood" identity, and it is not difficult to use Li Yu's ability.

"Thank you Brother Li for teaching, my brother knows that Qianfan did not deserve it. Fortunately, Sister Xu forgive me. In the future, my brother will never dare!"

Understanding the context, Meng Hao had no choice but to accept the reality.

"Well, you can correct your mistakes! Zi Yundan said that it is unfathomable and worth studying. Now that you are here, you must practice seriously."


This dialogue made Meng Hao's heart awkward. After a few greetings, he hurriedly retreated.

Time passes like this every day.

The days are calm and normal. There was no **** fight like the kind of intrigue of the Mountain Sect. Even if there is dispute, it is normal competition.

Meng Hao likes this atmosphere and is also very interested in the way of planting trees.

Look through books, listen to lectures by Dan Master, pick and plant all kinds of herbs, and catalyze all kinds of herbs. Yaotong's life was so peaceful and quiet for two months.


On this day, a mighty bell sounded, echoing in the land of Dangu where 100,000 Yaotong was.

"this is……"

Upon hearing this bell, the drug boys looked excited one by one.

"The furnace bell is ringing and the fairy earth is about to start. This is the qualification test for Dan Master's assessment!"

"Great! Must perform well in the Purple Yunxian soil, otherwise, even the qualification to participate in the Danshi assessment will be lost!"

When a lot of medicine children were excited, a huge shadow of the Dan furnace manifested in mid-air, covering the sky.

"Hundreds of thousands of medicinal children, go into the purple Yunxian soil and pick mature herbs."

"Attention! This time you pick the medicinal materials, you can only pick the medicines you can identify. Every time you pick a plant, you have to imprint your identification of this medicinal plant in Jade Bamboo."

"Ziyun fairy earth opens!"

A mighty voice resounded in the air, and a ray of light lingered and flowed in the dark shadow of the Dan furnace.


A loud noise shook the void, and between the radiances, a huge whirlpool of colorful colors emerged.

"Deacon Gedangu, lead the drug boy into the fairy land!"

With an order, under the leadership of the deacon, groups of drug boys dived into this colorful vortex.

Across the vortex, what appeared to everyone's eyes was a vast and boundless world.

There are no clouds, no blue sky, only nine suns!

Above the earth, there are mountains, plains, rivers, and lakes, but ... the whole land is like a huge and incomparable medicine garden, full of various medicinal materials.

"Ziyunxian soil, which is a small world. Is it all used to grow medicinal materials?"

Li Yu glanced at Fangtiandi and smiled and nodded, "It is a small world to grow medicinal herbs. It seems that it takes a lot of money to cultivate a Danshi!"

To become a master, you need constant practice, and naturally you need to continuously consume materials. Cultivate a Dan teacher, that's just burning money!

"Your medicine collection time is one month. After one month, hand in the collected medicinal materials and inscription Jade Jane with identification of medicinal materials."

Deacon Dangu sent a medicine bag and a blank jade to each medicine boy. A lot of medicinal children went into Xiantu ~ ~ to pick herbs.

"That kid is Li Guangchongxiao, Li Yu who is dead in the spring? How has he learned the way of grass and trees during this time?"

"Not very clear. However, he has only been in the school for three months, hasn't he? It's not easy to grasp the shape and medicinal properties of various medicinal materials.

"Is that a square tree? He has also let Qingyunmu sprout? This little guy has only two months to get started, and he must haven't had time to remember the nature of 100,000 plants and trees?"

"The ancestor has a word: Normal disposal is enough. So, we should not get involved. Just let them grow naturally. This is the only way to achieve a steady growth."

A few old guys talked a few words, and they stopped paying attention to the situation in Xiantu.

"Among the purple Yunxian soil, almost all the herbs in the world that can be used for medicine are planted here. Therefore, this place is just to verify the knowledge of plants and trees."

I have read many books and have catalyzed many herbs. However, it is impossible for Li Yu to come into contact with all the medicinal materials described in the book within three months.

Now, the purple Yunxian soil is open, just to let him check the knowledge in the book and verify the real thing.

Li Yu began to identify and pick herbs. On the other side, Meng Hao is doing the same thing.

"Sure enough, it's better to see a hundred things! The more you read in the book, the more detailed it is, it's no better than seeing it with your own eyes."

Compare the knowledge of the plants and plants in my mind, and then see the real objects, and understand the growth environment, appearance characteristics, and medicinal characteristics of various plants and plants more clearly.

"I have hardly ever refined elixir for myself, all of which have been directly manufactured with system functions. This time I came to Ziyunzong, it was really right!"

After recognizing a herb, Li Yu found that this experience seemed to make up for a weakness of himself and make his heart more complete.

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