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Chapter 1238: Create 1 Xindan Road

"Danta is ahead, you go!"

Three days later, Elder Wang Fanming took Li Yu to a humble stone tower, pointed at the door opening in the front, and said to Li Yu.

This is an ancient mottled stone tower. The entire stone tower mottles vicissitudes, and there are many moss on the outer wall.

There is no overflowing scent of medicine and no mysterious atmosphere, it is like an ordinary stone tower.

"This is definitely not the Danfu master's cave. Even if it doesn't, Dangui doesn't live here."

Li Yu naturally knew the origin of Master Dan Gui. The master Dan Ghost is a real Dan trained by Zidong Zong Kaishan ancestor Zi Dong.

At that time, Zidong's real life practice reached the pinnacle of inquiry and was about to prove his immortality. However, Ji changed the sky and broke the road to true immortal. Only the pseudo-immortal of Ji's family remained.

Unwilling to become a pseudo-immortal of Ji's family, Zidong real people slumped on the way to prove the true immortal. The spirit merged into that elixir, turned into a ghost, and planned to rebuild the life and then break the path of true immortality.

At this moment, the master Dan ghost, although long ago, has transformed into the body of the elixir and turned into a human form. However, that natural elixir, that is, "Dandong does not extinguish fire," can never be dissipated.

In this stone tower, Li Yu did not sense the existence of Danqi, so ... this must not be the cave of Master Dangui.

"Not Dan Ghost's residence, it's Zidong's place of practice."

Li Yu nodded and stepped into this stone tower.

With a bang, the door of the tower was closed to isolate the inside and outside. Everything in the stone tower is no longer inductive.

"Why does the master want him to enter Danta? It's too early for him, such a little guy, to enter Danta?"

Wang Fanming shook his head and sighed, "Master, what on earth do you think? Although it is a peerless talent, but ... is it really appropriate to grow up like this?"

Danta practice, in the vein of Dan Dao, only the Purple Furnace Danshi can go in and feel. Even the main furnace may be unbearable, not to mention he is such a medicine boy?

Wang Fanming's face was no longer expressionless, but his face was full of worry.

At this moment, Li Yu, who entered the stone tower, felt very interesting.

"Within ten days, memorize all the books here! If you can't do it, just get out of the academy for the old man!"

It's a huge library, with rows of tall bookshelves filled with thousands of books.

An old man with white hair, holding a ring ruler, drank at Li Yu with no expression, "Not yet!"

"Ha? Is it a fantasy?"

Li Yu laughed abruptly, "Test me with a fantasy? Really creative!"

With the essence of Li Yu's spirit, what illusion can shake his mind? Even if this illusion was set by Zidong himself, a monk who has never become an immortal wants to shake Li Yu's heart?

"Endorsement? It doesn't take ten days!"

Since it is a fantasy, then it is true. Li Yu smiled slightly and reached out her hand. All the books in the entire library turned into streamers and rushed into the soul of Li Yu.

"The Purple Yundan Sutra, Plants?"

After all the brilliance merged into the soul, countless messages poured into Li Yu's mind. The identification of various herbs and the characteristics of various herbs have been integrated into Li Yu's mind.

"The endorsement in the illusion is the test of memory. As long as the memory meets the requirements and the book is completed, the power of the illusion can incorporate the grass and wood of this book."

To finish all the books within ten days, in addition to the ability to remember, you also need to have a strong enough soul, otherwise, the vast knowledge of grass and trees into the soul, will confuse people's brains.

But ... to what extent is the essence of Li Yu's spirit so strong?

This thing is pediatrics for him!


Elder Wang Fanming guarded by the outside world suddenly heard a brilliant light burst from the stone tower. The entire first floor of the stone tower was completely enveloped in the mighty purple light.

"Uh? This is the first pass? It's less than a quarter of an hour? My God! How is this possible?"

Seeing such a scene, Wang Fanming's jaw fell off!

That year ... When he came here to pass the level, the first level took a whole ten days! If it wasn't for his natural memory, he would never forget it, maybe he wouldn't pass this level!

Now, such a little guy passed the first level in a quarter of an hour? How did he do it? How could a full house of books be read in a quarter of an hour?

"Come on! Come on! Damn it! Damn it! How is this possible?"

Wang Fanming quickly summoned the other Purple Furnace Masters and called out all the Purple Furnace Masters who were still in the Zongmen.

"Look! He passed the first level! It's only a quarter of an hour! It's a quarter of an hour! How can there be such a thing? Then there are books in the house, how can a quarter of an hour be read? How can he pass?

Wang Fanming pointed to the illuminated first stone tower and told a group of Purple Furnace Masters.

"It's really impossible! Even if he is more talented and more wicked. How many books can he read in a quarter of an hour? How can he memorize a complete library?"

These Purple Furnace Dan divisions have personally entered Dan Tower, and they are naturally familiar with the situation in Dan Tower. However, Li Yu broke through the first level in a quarter of an hour, which is completely impossible!

"Isn't something wrong with Danta?"

Before, there was an unexplained situation of Ziyun Xiantu. Now it seems that it is not impossible to have another Dan tower.

"It's just that he sees through the illusion, so don't panic."

While everyone was in doubt, a voice passed into everyone's ears.

"Master, you say ... he sees through the illusion? Is this ... too incredible?"

A little guy, at best, is just building a base repair, can he see through the fantasy of the first floor of Dan Tower?


When the crowd was shocked, the second stone tower lit up again.

"The second pass has also passed? So fast? The second pass is farming ~ ~ Cultivating 10,000 acres of good land. Why did he finish it so quickly?"

"Can it break the illusion again? He got the‘ Ziyundan Classic Catalysis ’? He has mastered the‘ Endless Life Method ’?”

While the crowd was still shocked, the third roar had already sounded, and the third stone tower suddenly lit.

"So fast? The third level in a blink of an eye? Dan Fang has arrived?"

"How long did it take us to pass this level?"

The crowd was helpless. The evil world is not understandable by ordinary people.



The continuous roar sounded, it seems that one level is faster than the other level, and it seems that the easier it is to make it.

In fact, it's really easier to make it.

The more Dan Dao knowledge you acquire, the easier it will be to accept the knowledge that follows in the same vein after the integration.

"Dan furnace articles! Dan fire articles! Medicinal articles! Opening articles! Raising Dan articles! Knowing Dan articles! ..."

A roar rang, and stone towers lit up.

"The eighth floor is already lit! He hasn't come out yet! Is he going to break through the ninth floor? Is it ... he can still create his own dandao?"

The Dan Taoist practitioners in the world today can only be called masters if they create their own Dan Tao.

Can he, as a medicine boy, create his own dandao?

"My Dan said, I do n’t use Dan to support people, not to help practice! My Dan is a foreign Dan! For Jin Dan! Even if it is a mortal, swallow me a Dan, you can become a fairy!

"A Golden Dan swallowed in my belly, I can't help it!"

The purple light rushes into the sky, the whole stone tower shines with purple light, it is brilliant and sacred.

The sound of the mighty sound soared through the sky, as if the heavens and the earth resonated, as if the avenue was harmonious.

A new Dan Tao is born!

"Well, a 'Jin Dan swallowed in my belly, I ca n’t help it!'"

Dan ghost master laughs!

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