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Chapter 1254: Passing by, i just passing by

"Presumably, the Ji family will not easily move Meng Hao's cause and effect."

Cut Meng Hao's cause and effect, as a result, the ancestor of the Nantian Xing Ji's family hung one. The power of Ji's family in Nantianxing is afraid to act lightly.

Put on the ninth mountain and sea, the Ji family is undoubtedly the first family. However, the Ji family branch of Nantianxing is not the first.

"To avoid the pursuit of Ji's family, Meng Hao naturally had to go deep into Motu."

Li Yu stood up, looked up at the dark land, and nodded, "Ji changed the sky, which led to a battle between the mountains and the sea. A rune by a master, the ashes after burning burned, and the land was blackened. Here. This is Motu. "

Because of the breath of the master Fu Ji, in Motu, the cause and effect of the Ji family was covered up, and the Ji family could not find Meng Hao.

"So, let's play slowly"

Turning his head to the sky, Li Yu shook his head with a smile when he saw the ghost of Dapeng who was shaking nine hundred thousand miles.

When Meng Hao came to Motu, he had to toss it again. However, this matter has nothing to do with Li Yu.

"I'll go straight to the West Desert."

Leaving down the cliff, Li Yu galloped in the direction of Ximo.

Motu, most famous for this black land, is chaos

The cultivation of Motu is synonymous with killing and chaos.

All the way west, there are all kinds of fighting and killing everywhere. Murder and treasure hunting are common.


Li Yu was rushing to a monk city in Motu, intending to rush to Ximo through the teleportation array.

I just fell outside the city, and suddenly I heard a loud noise in front of me. The brilliance of spells spread over the sky, and blasted down fiercely towards the city of monks in front.

"Motuk Palace, do you dare to attack my Jiumeng territory when I am Saturn City?"

In the city ahead, a turquoise aura burst out, covering the entire city. The moat is already open.

"The people who know the time are Junjie Tumu, and the Motu Palace has the support of the Ximo Shaling Ministry. The Moling ancestors went to war for themselves. Motu Palace's **** of Motu is the general trend. If you resist, there is only a dead end.

An old man in a black robe, with a group of black monks, surrounded the Saturn city aggressively.

Next to the old man in black robe, there was a big man with a naked upper body and numerous totem runes.

"That's monk totem power, something interesting."

Li Yu stopped and watched the show with her arms.

Monk Xi Mo attacked Motu with Motu Palace, Li Yu naturally knew the reason.

The western desert was called the West Sea in ancient times. It was a purple Dead Sea where vitality was extinct, and spiritual power was scattered.

After the purple sea dried up and ebb tide, the exposed land was the West Desert.

Numerous years have passed, and the depleted Purple Sea has once again risen the tide of the West Desert and will be submerged by the Dead Sea.

Some of the top big tribes in Ximo discovered this in advance, and began to fight for Motu to prepare for the tribal migration.

"What is the rush for the rising tide of the Dead Sea?"

Li Yu shook her head with a smile, and put her mind on those monks in the West Desert to observe their "totem power" operation.

"The totem art is actually a kind of magical power. The essence of spiritual practice is still the way of Jin Dan Yuan Ying."

The foundation is still Jin Dan Yuan Ying, but the magic spell is totem art.

Li Yu nodded. "In essence, this is also a kind of hex."

"There is one more over there"

"Kill him"

Li Yuzheng watched the show with interest, but unexpectedly got into trouble.

The city of Saturn was surrounded, and naturally some monks who were not Saturn City fled the city. Then the monks and monks started hunting down.

Several Motu Palace monks and several Ximo monks discovered Li Yu, and naturally killed him without hesitation.

"I ’m the one who makes soy sauce.

Li Yu shook his head silently.


The characteristics of Monk Motu are very obvious. Every action is fierce and bloody.

Insidious and fierce. The venomous flying sword, the venomous curse spell, smashed his head towards Li Yu.

Monk Simon is a little different.

Some of the monks in the West Desert, some of them had the shadow of beasts on their heads, and they were all screaming and rushing like violent beasts.

Some of them stayed still, waved their heads and released strange beasts, driving them to attack.

"It's been a long time since I passed my hands."

Li Yu reached out and a bronze bell appeared in his hand. This is the "Yuhuang Bell" that made the old Song horrible.

After recovering the Yuhuang Bell from Meng Hao, Li Yu made it the first time.


A flick of his fingers, a bell ringing through the clouds.

The mighty sound waves swept out, and the violent shock shattered everything around.

Flowers and trees are smashed, rocks are smashed, magic weapons and spells from the attack are also smashed.

As the sonic shock emerged, a few monks of Motu also shook into a mist of blood.

Several monks in the West Desert just fainted, none of them died.

"It's not that the poor are kind and soft-hearted, but that you are good research objects and you can't waste it."

Reaching out and grabbing, five monk monks who fell to the ground were taken by Li Yu and put into the resource library ~ ~ It is really too much to bully people with top equipment. "

Li Yu shrugged. "Renminbi players, that's how they bullied people when they were on Earth. I was also bullied with top equipment when I played games."

As for why it is not stupid to fight a poor road with them, it is clear that they waved their hands, and deliberately used the treasure, to kill and kill them, to bleed blood, and then fight back in the Jedi, that was too stupid.

Turning around and looking for a place outside the city, Li Yu sat down and began to study the "totem power" of several Ximo monks.

"It turned out to be the case. Every totem represents a beast that has been promoted to the top and turned into a totem. The monk worships the totem, and then borrows power from the totem."

After analyzing it, Li Yu quickly understood the totem research of several Ximo monks.

"The relationship between the totem and the Ximo tribe is a bit like the sacrificial spirit of the world of the Emperor of Heaven. The incense is worshipped, and then the power is borrowed from the totem."

Li Yu was naturally not interested in borrowing external forces. But to mix into the West Desert, to study the dragon's secret technique, to study the creation of creatures, you also need a totem power to conceal your identity.

"I'll be my own totem."

Understand the nature of "totem", Li Yu has some ways to deal with it.

"You have figured out what a totem is, and you don't have to waste time here."

With a wave of his hand, a few monks who had passed out of the desert were thrown out, and Li Yu got up and went to the war-torn Saturn city.

"Passing by the poor road is just passing by, just to borrow the Saturn City teleport array. You continue, leave me alone"

Swayed towards Saturn City, seeing the battle ahead as nothing. Such a move by Li Yu made Monk Palace monks and Ximo monks attacking the siege to kill themselves.

Is this man a fool with a problem in his head?

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