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Chapter 1265: Is this still another beast?


Suddenly assassinated, Zhong Qiao screamed in horror, helpless.

Zhong Qiao's strength is too low!

Three years ago, she was just in the gas phase. Even now, three years later, she can only build a foundation.

After three years of esteem and honor, he was served by his ancestor Jin Heng as his ancestor. Where did Zhong Qiao ever see and kill?

In the face of this sudden attack, they couldn't react at all.

"Demon girl, you bewildered your ancestors, making my Jin Howe people boring and complaining. Today, I'll wait for Qingjun's side and cut off the evil!"

The magic weapon burst out of the air, the wind was roaring, and the momentum was thin.

The four monks who attacked Zhong Qiao suddenly became the realm of Yuanying!

The four Yuan infants joined forces to attack a young monk who built the foundation, and he would surely win.

For Zhong Qiao, the "demon girl", some people of insight in the Jin Roar Department naturally wanted to break her into pieces!

Li Yu gave Jin Heng the ancestor to Zhong Qiao as a slave. As a slave, Jin Heng's ancestor obeyed Zhong Qiao's words.

At the beginning, the "savvy people" in the Jin Roar also felt that this was just the ancestor of Jin Heng who accepted a new darling, and did not care too much.

Over time, everyone noticed problems. Any request made by Zhong Qiao, no matter how unreasonable, Jin Heng's ancestors also obeyed.

Since then, naturally, some members of the Jin Hou tribe are very dissatisfied with Zhong Qiao, and they are anxious to get rid of it.

Killing the demon girl Qingjun, let Jin Heng's ancestors regain their brilliance and martial arts, and lead Jin Roar to glory again.

These "just men" have finally waited for this opportunity.

When Zhong Qiao left Silong Hall and had not returned to the main city, this blank area was just suitable for ambush.

"Demon girl, you are dead! Today, no one can save you!"

Zhong Qiao is just a monk who builds a base. Under the attack of four Yuanying monks, he must die without residue.

As for the beautiful riding beast Zhong Qiao was riding, the four Yuanying monks didn't care.

The auspicious clouds circulated, and the glow was shining. This beautiful and pulling wind beast must be the demon girl confusing the ancestor of Jin Heng, and the ancestor paid her a huge price to buy it back.

In the western desert, among the tyrannical tribes, the nobles are very particular about enjoying. This kind of riding beast that seems extremely windy is one of the luxury goods that nobles like.

This kind of riding beast is nothing but good-looking!


Faced with the assassination of four Yuanying monks, Zhong Qiao had no resistance. He could do nothing but call for help.

Am I ... dying?

The situation in the Admiralty Department has just improved. An elder protects the golden roar, and the future of the golden bell must be bright in the future.

Does such a beautiful life end like this?

Zhong Qiao's eyes gave birth to a nostalgia, with a strong unwillingness!

Even if I die, there is an elder, and the Admiralty Department ... can rise again.

Turning his head to look at the direction of Jinhu, looking at the Dragon Hall on the island in that lake, Zhong Qiao's face gave a smile, no longer panic, no fear.

Elder, the future of the Admiralty ... it's up to you!


Suddenly, a loud roar rang, interrupting Zhong Qiao's wild thoughts.

"this is……"

Looking back, Zhong Qiao was dumbfounded again, terrified.

I saw the turbulent clouds swirling around, and the sparkling rays of light were more dazzling. Xiangyun and Xiaguang gathered in an instant and turned into a brilliant light curtain, which firmly protected Zhong Qiao.


The attack by four Yuanying monks smashed on the light curtain formed by this auspicious light, and a loud noise burst, but it could not hurt Zhong Qiao at all.

"What's happening here?"

The killing blow, the blow with confidence, turned out to be so futile.

The four monks of Yuanying were shocked and completely confused.

The giant roar reminded them that this layer of light curtain was released by the riding beast.

But ... who has ever seen that kind of luxurious jewelry riding beast that can actually release defense magic? This is unheard of!


At this time, the Tayun Beast was roaring again, the bright golden light erupted, and the whole Tayun Beast had a huge change.

Zhang Xulong's tread cloud beast suddenly swelled into a huge beast of thirty.

Huge tusks are born, sharp claws grow out, the horns on the head are like two huge spears, and a sharp spike is grown at the bone joint. .

Fat and beeping, the stunned Tayun Beast has now become sloppy. How can it be half cute?


With a roar, the fierce Tayun Beast, Tayun rushed up, and rushed fiercely towards the four Yuanying monks attacking in front.

"How strange is this?"

Seeing this, the four Yuanying monks were shocked.

When has this luxury riding pet become so scary? Which big tribe is so boring? Cultivate riding pets so strange and terrifying?

Even though they were shocked, the four Yuanying monks were not panic.

The strength of the strange beast is related to the strength of the lord, and it cannot exceed the lord, otherwise it cannot be controlled.

Zhong Qiao can only build the basic repair. Even if this strange beast is fierce and powerful again, he can have the strength of Yuanying level.

There isn't even a Yuanying class at all, just Jindan class.

The four Yuan Ying monks joined forces, even if there is a Yuan Ying-level strange beast, they can easily get rid of it.


"Boom! Kara!"

Thunder roars! Lights shine!

On the two spiral sharp corners on the top of Tayun Beast, an endless electric light burst out suddenly. Thunders blasted out, and electric light was like a snake, blasting to four Yuanying monks incessantly.

"Rapha? This strange beast can actually perform the magic of Rapha?"

The attacks of alien beasts ~ ~ are mostly rare beasts with canine teeth and claws. They can possess supernatural talents, which is very rare.

The four Yuanying monks were frightened, and quickly released their defense magic to withstand the thunder.

"Well ..."

A sword rang, and in the horrified eyes of the four Yuanying monks, Tayun Beast suddenly waved his front claws, five sharp claws, as if they were five-sharp sharp swords.

Sweeping out, suddenly burst out five sharp swordsmanship.

"What the **** is this?"

The sharp corners of your head can release thunder, and your claws can release your sword. Can you be more scary?

What about the spikes? What function does it have? Isn't it possible to release a flying sword?


In the dull eyes of the four Yuanying monks, the spikes growing on Tayun Beast suddenly, suddenly ... actually soared into the sky, whistling and circling.

Thousands of spikes turned into thousands of flying swords, forming a huge sword array, swept across four Yuanying monks.

"Also ... really flying swords? And sword array? What the **** is this?"

Where is this strange beast? This is clearly a monster!

Why are n’t you so cruel?

The sharp-angled thunder roared! The sharp claws were swarming, the spikes whistled and hovered. For a moment, the four monk monks fought wildly.

Four Yuanying monks were beaten by a strange beast no higher than Yuanying, with no power to fight back, nowhere to go, no way to the ground.

"Okay! The initial experiment is a bit useful!"

Li Yu saw this and nodded with a smile.

The Jinjia Beast that has been transformed casually has been tested in actual combat. It seems that ... this way is right.

It is foreseeable that Warcraft ... Oh, the grand occasion of the other monster battle is coming.

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