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Chapter 1286: What exactly am I from?

"It's a bit troublesome!"

The silver armor is stronger than the armor of terracotta warriors and horses. The world of the "Pearl of Roots" must be the domain of a chaotic lord who surpasses Tai Xuantian Emperor.

Thinking of Tai Xuantian Emperor said "the key to the roots", Li Yu became more vigilant.

Emperor Tai Xuantian can take this "key", wouldn't anyone else do it?

At this moment, Li Yu had the urge to turn around and run.

"If this character really wants to start at me, there is no difference between running and not running. For Lord Chaos, time and space are meaningless."

Achieved the body of chaos, Li Yu naturally knows the terribleness of chaos. As for the existence under chaos, it is completely desperate "God."

Even if Li Yu is now the first step of chaos, there is a clear gap compared to the second and even the third step of chaos.

However, Li Yu also has the essence of chaos.

Chaos fights with chaos. Only the most essential chaos collides, and only the most essential chaos annihilates. The concept of time and space, born of chaos, has no meaning at all. Other energies and laws are meaningless.

"So there is no difference between running and not running!"

Li Yu simply ignored, and reached out to lift the mask on the silver armored emperor's helmet.

"Well? This is ..."

Untied Yin Jiaxian's mask, revealing the face of a middle-aged man. Even after many years of death, his face is still alive.

Of course, this is not the key. The point is ... this person, Li Yu knows.

"The immortal emperor of the Loulou? The immortal emperor of the Loulou?"

That year, in the outer world of the South of the Main World, Li Yu found a bronze mirror on Diaolou Island, allowing him to discover the existence of the existence of the Lord of the World.

It was this immortal emperor who made Li Yu aware of the existence of "he" in the main world.

"Why is Diaolou Xiandi here? Isn't he swallowed up by the‘ he ’of the Lord ’s World?”

The immortal emperor of the Loulou has been hiding for countless years, but in the end he still couldn't escape. He was swallowed by the "he" of the main world, leaving only a pool of pus and blood.

For a long time, Li Yu was fooled by Emperor Tai Xuantian, using that statue to make Li Yu think that the "he" of the main world is Li Yu himself.

Before in the world of tombs, Tianxuan Tiandi has revealed the truth. The "he" in the main world was not Li Yu at all, but it was created by Emperor Tai Xuantian.

"The‘ he ’of the main world must be Tai Xuantian Emperor! That said, those Masters who ’ve been“ turned into a pool of pus and blood ”were actually brought here by Tai Xuan Tiandi?”

wrong! wrong!

Li Yu shook her head again.

The armour of the immortal emperor of the Loulou is obviously stronger than the armour of the terracotta warriors and horses. There is a significant difference in the means of creation, not entirely from the same person.

"Or ... the Emperor Xianxian belongs to Tianxuan Tiandi. Because he betrayed Taixuan Tiandi, was Emperor Taixuan Tiandi sent to death?"

Looking up at this dilapidated world, Li Yu kept thinking and seemed to sort out the clue.

"Is this ... this is the battlefield where Emperor Tai Xuan and another Emperor are fighting?"

Emperor Tai Xuan Tian said that Li Yu was found out of the Pearl of Roots. So ... maybe the battle before us was when Tai Xuantian Emperor came here to find Li Yu, and he fought against another Emperor?

This conclusion may be the truth!

Li Yu stood up and flew forward.

We must continue to look for more clues so that Li Yu can find out the truth.

Now that he has arrived in this "Pearl of Roots", Li Yuke has no plans to leave like this. It's easy to go out, but to return to the "Pearl of Roots", at least Li Yu's current state cannot enter at all.

Flying all the way, there is only a piece of broken land in front of it.

In this deadly world, Li Yu did not find any living beings. As if here is a rundown and dead world.

There are no living things, but many dead things.

On the dilapidated ground ahead, a silver armored corpse was erected. Densely packed, thousands.

They are the same as the former Emperor Xianlou. These corpses of silver armor were pierced by a spear and erected on this broken ground.

"This situation ... this is not like the battlefield, but the execution ground!"

Li Yu glanced and found that there was a white cloth hanging on the corpses, which also had a line of **** characters written on it.

"The chaotic thief! Kill it with the effect!"

Seeing this towering corpse, Li Yu shook his head for a while, "So many people have rebelled?"

What the **** happened here?

After a circle in the corpse jungle, Li Yu couldn't find any more clues and found no more.

So many immortal emperors have been executed! What a terrible situation!

Seeing such random executions, the Emperor Xian is like an ordinary soldier. So, to what extent should the original owners of these immortals be horrified?

"The poor road has been tossing for so many years, and there is not even an immortal emperor. In this place, the immortal emperor and the soldiers are generally executed.

Li Yu couldn't help taking a breath.

Fairy Emperor is not just a casual purchase! Even calling it "the strongest existence under chaos" is almost the same.

Li Yu himself has passed through the level of Xiandi himself. He is very clear that it is not so easy to become an Xiandi. Even if it is the chaos master, it is impossible to create an immortal Emperor ~ ~ What is the power to execute the Emperor? "

Is one party like a master like Tai Xuan Tiandi? Is there such a powerful force?

Full of doubts, Li Yu walked through the jungle of corpses and continued to search in this run-down world.

One day, two days.

A whole year has passed.

Li Yu's footsteps also traveled through this broken world.

"Except for a rundown, there are only these silver armor corpses, and nothing was found."

Li Yu did not find any useful clues here, nor did she find anything special.

"Broken battlefield? The place of execution? Was it abandoned long ago?"

With a helpless sigh, Li Yu shook his head. "It seems that the world of the root pearl cannot find any clues at all."

Emperor Tai Xuan Tian said that Li Yu was caught by him from the Pearl of Roots. However, in this abandoned "root pearl" world, Li Yu could not find any trace of his existence in this world.

"Did Taixuan Tian lie to me?"

In Li Yu's current state, if he really comes from here and follows his own cause and effect, Li Yu will surely find clues.

This causal relationship originated from oneself, even if Tai Xuantian Emperor took the shot, it could not be covered up.

But ... After a year of searching, Li Yu didn't find anything related to herself.

"I don't have a past life or an afterlife. Except for this life, I have no more past and future. I have no sense of the so-called" Pearl of Roots. "What is the reason for this?"

Li Yu suddenly felt that her "son of chaos" was not so simple. What exactly am I from?


At the grand dynasty, the two days are still intensifying study. It is expected that normal updates will resume tomorrow.

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