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Chapter 1305: How dare you grab my sister?

"Who killed Tan Yi? Who is going to frame me?"

Li Yu's weird Qingsong sword came out, and the crime could not be added to his head.

Li Qingshan was righteous and mighty.

"Brother Teacher, this matter must be investigated."

As the elder in charge of punishment, it is his duty to track down this matter, and naturally he has the responsibility.

"Indeed! Someone dared to murder Tan Yi and framed Li Yu. Whoever I am, I will not wait."

A group of elders have stated their positions. Even Elder Zhang, after apologizing to Li Qingshan, also expressed indignation that he would be investigated and punished severely.

It's just that ... there are many people who practice Qingsong Sword Skills in Qingshan Sect, but those who have become Qingsong Swordsman are all those present.

The disciples of this generation, apart from Li Yu, others have either not practiced Qingsong Jianyi, or they have not trained Qingsong Jianyi, and no other suspects have been found.

"There must be some thief, hidden in the Qingshan School to conspiracy."

Although Li Qingshan also suspected the elders present, there was no direct evidence, and these elders could not be included in the suspicion. For interrogation, only a "hidden" thief can be found.

As for privately, Li Qingshan will not let go. Li Yu will not let go.

"My identity still has a lot to do, and I can't easily abandon it. The enemies of this identity naturally need to be cleared one by one."

Li Yu concealed her identity by "hiding the sky and crossing the sea" and getting out of the monitoring of saints.

Now this identity is the method by which Li Yu is acting in this world, avoiding the monitoring of saints. Therefore, Li Yu's identity cannot be easily revealed or abandoned.

A Li Yu who meets the rules of the flood and wild world, has luck, and even by chance, his strength grows quickly, and he is also in the "normal" rules.

Only in this way can Li Yu have the opportunity to wrestle with the saint.

"Yuer, rest assured, you will find the true murderer for your father!"

Comforting Li Yu, Li Qingshan and the elders dispersed. This matter, for the time being has come to an end, the investigation of the truth has been put in private.

"It's fierce ... hehe!"

Li Yu poked his lips and sneered, "You need to find a way to find out the true murderer, but you don't need to be so troublesome."

A pair of eyes flashed a little light, Li Yu saw through time, through cause and effect.

"When you count on me, you just cause me to cause and effect. Dare to cause me to cause and effect. Unless you step into the realm of chaos, everything is within my glance."

See it at a glance.

Follow cause and effect and see the past. Li Yu saw how Tan Yi died.

Just this morning, shortly after Li Yu returned to the Qingshan faction.

Tan Yi, who was wounded in Dongfu, welcomed a guest.

A young monk wearing a robe and handsome appearance came to Tan Yi's cave house, and in the name of visiting the wound, in the sword wound on Tan Yi's chest, he entered a green pine sword.

"Li Yu, did you get away with such a big crime as Fei Chizhen? This time, I see how you can escape."

Brother Jinpao said fiercely, turned and left Tan Yi ’s cave house, leaving only the sword exploding, and Tan Yi died dead, and fell to the ground with no ambition.

"Is he? Actually him?"

This brocade youth is Zhang Yulin, the elder Zhang's son.

Who is Zhang Yulin?

In the Qingshan School, Zhang Yulin and Li Yu are exactly two extremes. Li Yu was arrogant and infamous.

Zhang Yulin is not only a master, but also a "big brother" of the Qingshan School. He is also a man of modestness, generosity and integrity.

"The big traitor is loyal! Zhang Yulin, you are such a thing!"

On the surface, "Wei Guangzheng" is actually a product of bad water in a stomach, Li Yu is very disdain, isn't this a living hypocrite?

"It's just ... Although Li Yu has not dealt with Zhang Yulin, he has not directly conflicted, and there is no contradiction. What is the purpose of his frame of Li Yu?"

Zhang Yulin is "the child of someone else's family", and has always been the object Li Qingshan used to compare and educate Li Yu.

A "superior student" and a "student scumbag" are the characters of the two worlds. There is no intersection or conflict at all. Why is it suddenly framed?

"Is it because I learned that Li Yu also practiced swordsmanship and felt that it was a threat to him? Then I shot and framed it, eradicating the threat?"

Li Yu shook his head with a smile, "There are so many people in the poor road, you actually pitted me, so don't blame me for pitting you to the bottom of the sea."

To deal with such a small person as Zhang Yulin, Li Yu can kill him with a flick of his finger, but now he needs to hide his identity, and everything does not exceed the scope of Li Yu's ability, which will not attract the attention of "Tiandao".

You know, Li Yu stepped out of surveillance, and the saints must be looking for him all over the world. As long as a little clue is revealed, "would rather kill a thousand mistakes than let one go", this kind of thing is not impossible for the saints.

"Enemies of the second generation of immortals, use the methods of the second generation of immortals to deal with it!"

Li Yu grinned, "Since the second generation of immortals with great strength, since they were arrogant and arrogant before, of course, now they must also be‘ the villain ’s aspirations, not forever. ’”

One day passes.

In the early morning of the next day, Li Yu wore a gorgeous brocade, wearing a purple gold crown, and hung a precious light sword on her waist, stepping out of Dongfu with high toes.

"To practice swords, you must first understand them."

"The sword is not a sword, the blade is straight, and there is no curved edge of the sword. Therefore, when we repair the sword, we must recognize the right and wrong, and we must have the heart of integrity to practice the sword successfully."

As a "brother", Zhang Yulin is a model of the same door everywhere, and is highly regarded by the ancestors. Therefore, every morning exercise, Zhang Yulin is organizing Zongmen disciples to practice.

Zhang Yulin not only demonstrated sword technique in person, but also explained the method of sword practice in detail with his colleagues. Qingshan sent a group of disciples to admire Zhang Yulin.


When Li Yu came to Dongfeng Square, he just saw Chi Yan standing by the square, obsessed, and looked admiringly on the square's high platform. Zhang Yulin was so energetic and magnificent.

"Let me go! It's no wonder the Supreme Treasure's method doesn't work! It turns out that this little lady's skin is fascinated by the hypocrite Zhang Yulin."

Li Yu staggered to take the "crab step", ascended the stone steps, and walked towards the square.

"Oh! Xiaoyu, do you know I'm coming, are you here waiting for me? Haha!"

The arrogant and immortal second generation ~ ~ naturally has a arrogant and imposing appearance. When I saw Chi Yan, if I didn't tease a few words, it would not be in line with the character of the second generation.

"Is it you? You ... you ... shameless!"

Chi Yan, who was fascinating, suddenly heard Li Yu's frivolous joke and was suddenly shocked. Anger, pain, and even a little fear appeared on his face.

"Are you looking at Zhang Yulin? Is this why you rejected me?"

Li Yu looked up at Zhang Yulin at Taishan, poked his lips, and was furious, "What is Zhang Yulin? How dare you grab my sister and sister? See if I don't kill him!"

"Defeat Brother Zhang? It's up to you?"

Chi Yan gave a disdainful glance at Li Yu. "You are doing this, compared to Brother Zhang, you don't even match your shoes!"

"Is it?"

Li Yu reached out and pulled out his long sword. "Open your eyes and watch carefully!"

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