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Chapter 1394: Loli ferocious

"His Highness Victor, the ancient Red Dragon is too powerful to fight."

Goliath had always worried that Li Yu would sacrifice herself to save White Horse City. After chatting for a while, she began to remind Li Yu not to carry it.

"Ancient red dragon? It hasn't fully recovered yet."

Li Yu shook his head with a smile, "I killed a lot of evil creatures and got some information from them. The ancient red dragon hasn't really awakened yet. It will take at least half a year to fully wake up. For the time being, our enemy is not Ancient Red Dragon. "


Goliath rejoiced, "The ancient red dragon has not fully awoken yet. The enemies we are facing are only those migratory evil creatures, and the danger is much lower."

This information is important. Without the ancient red dragon, even though the evil creatures are equally powerful, the crisis in White Horse City is at least not hopeless.

Neither Landis nor Victor had to sacrifice themselves to save the city.

"By the way, Golia, why did you stay in Whitehorse and not return to the North?"

Li Yu glanced at Golia and asked curiously.

"I have a mission to come to Whitehorse."

The expression on Golia's face was helpless, and she sighed and continued: "My mother, the owner of the Tower of Dead Wood, destroyed a 500-mile-long land in the Northland Forest due to a magic experiment, which caused a huge magic. Accident. Druid, the ring of the earth, protested against the witch in the north. So my mother was punished. "

Goriya reached out and pointed her finger out the window. "My mother has been exiled, in the magic tower north of the city. I came here to see her this time."

"Destroyed the forest five hundred miles away?"

Li Yu shrugged his shoulders and shook his head with a smile.

A magical experiment that destroyed the forest of 500 miles, but has not been killed by the druid, can only say that Galia's mother is not low.

Druids respect nature, and the forest is their lifeblood. The neutral lineup of druids is not an innocuous force with no competition in the world.

Druids are a group of "radical environmentalists." Can you imagine it? In Druid's view, clothes are evil. It is also evil to reclaim wasteland and grow crops. Cutting down trees is even more sinful.

Legendary Druid's "transformation" can be turned into various legendary creatures, including dragons. Fighting the legendary druid is equivalent to fighting various legendary creatures. This is not a bad job.

Li Yu and Golia are talking to discuss the situation in White Horse City.

Sauron wasn't idle either.

After settling in the hotel, leaving the black dogs Heath and Vivienne in the room, Sauron walked out of the hotel, walked down the streets and alleys, and contacted the underground forces of White Horse City.

Sauron was born as a thief and came into contact with these underground forces. Quickly found the way, found a thief stronghold, and planned to buy some "prohibited items".

However, Sauron had forgotten that it was dangerous to leave Vivian alone in the hotel.

"Andrew, you say, you got a good deal here?"

A man with a scar on his face found the owner of the hotel.

"Yes! A little girl, a girl about eight years old, looks very smart."

The owner Andrew lowered his voice and said to the Scar Man: "Levins, this is a good product. The nobles in the city will pay her a lot of money."

Vivienne did look beautiful. Even at a young age, beauty embryos have already appeared. The aristocrats in White Horse City have many special preferences for young girls.

Without trading, there is no harm. Where there is demand, there is naturally supply. Underground forces in White Horse City have formed such an industrial chain.

The owner of the hotel, Andrew, is part of this industry chain.

Sauron brought Vivienne to the hotel and was immediately followed by him, becoming a worthwhile target.

"What are you waiting for? You will come back and I will go and catch her!"

There was a smirk on the Scar Man's face. He reached for a kettle from the counter, turned around the corner, stepped up the stairs, and walked towards Vivian's room.

"Although it is daylight, it is a little inconvenient. But a little girl, isn't it easy to solve?"

Walking to the door with the teapot, the Scar Man reached out and knocked on the door. "Guest, I'll bring you water."

"Oh, here! Here!"

It is normal for people in the hotel to send water to the tenants. Vivian opened the door without any doubt.

"Trouble you!"

Vivian smiled politely at the Scar Man.

Victor said, I'm already a priest. The priest of the Holy Light should pay attention to etiquette and be polite.

Weiwei An thought, she felt that she had behaved very politely.

"No trouble! No trouble at all!"

The man with the scar closed the door of the room, took the teapot and walked in front of Vivian, hiding in his right hand behind his back, holding a handkerchief covered with drugs.

"What a pretty little girl! That's great! You ... are worth a lot of money!"

When the Scar Man approached, he suddenly exploded, holding the handkerchief in his hand, pressing it down on Wei Wei'an's face.

"Ah ... what are you doing?"

Vivian was startled, and quickly stepped back.

After transferring to the pastor, Vivian's "attribute" has grown a lot. Although the main attributes are spirit and perception, strength and agility have also improved a lot.

Vivian's body collapsed, Vivienne dodged the scar man's medicine handkerchief.

"Well? Did you avoid it? Chick, you can't run! Fate it! I grabbed you and can sell for a large price."

The sneak attack failed, and the Scar Man immediately turned to the assault ~ ~ It was just a little girl, and the assault was also captured. Scar Man is very confident about this.

"Caught me for money? Are you a bad guy?"

Looking at the scar man rushing fiercely, Vivian didn't panic at all, instead ... a little excited.

"Brother Victor said that eliminating evil means promoting goodness. You are a bad person, and I should hit you just as you should."

There was a trace of coldness on the pretty face, Vivian raised her arm, and Bai Nen's fingers lightly went out.

"Secret words, pain!"

A black light flickered and hit his head on the scar man's face.


It hurts! Crazy! Anxious! Extremely painful!

The Scar Man screamed, slumping to the ground, foaming his mouth, and twitching.

How could this be? Why is this happening?

Ain't a little girl? Did n’t you just catch it? Why is it so scary?

Under the deep pain of the soul, the Scar Man only felt that his body was broken, his soul was about to collapse, and his consciousness became more and more blurred.

"Rame! Rape!"

"No! My brother said that since we started, we must be thorough. Just like weeding, we must remove its roots. Otherwise, the spring is here and the grass will grow again."

Vivienne smiled, "Now tell me, where is your partner?"

"Andrew! Owner Andrew. Rao life! Rao life!"

Under severe torture, Scar Man did not hesitate to sell the owner Andrew.

"Owner? The owner of this hotel? Thank you!"

Vivian smiled and nodded, "Relax, you will die soon! It will hurt in a while! Andrew, I will send him to accompany you."

The nature of dark animal husbandry seems to blacken Vivian? Sure enough, Loli is fierce!

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