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Chapter 147: New burning recipe, new journey

The outbreak of the calamity fire at Garland College is finally over.

In this crisis that could almost kill the Calan College, Xiao Fengfeng turned the tide and used his own strength to reverse the situation of the Galan College, and finally ended successfully.


Looking at a messy square, and looking at the burnt sky training tower, Su Qian sighed deeply.

Although the situation has been reversed, although the final victory has been obtained, ... the Galan Academy suffered a heavy loss!

The biggest loss is the disappearance of the falling heart.

The burning sky training tower is built on the basis of falling heart palpitations. For many years, Galan Academy has used the power of falling heart palpitations to open a practice cheating device for everyone, laying the foundation for the continued prosperity of Galan College.

However, at this moment there are no more palpitations.

For this issue, Garland College did not dare to complain.

People have helped so much. Is it because he killed the falling heart? You want him to pay?

In the battle against the falling heart, who will remember to keep it in such a critical moment? Who cares if it's useful?

Who dares to despise something like a different fire? Of course, do your best to fight to the death!

Therefore, no one in the entire Garland College had any complaints about Xiao Feng, but he was very grateful for his actions.

After a long embarrassment with Su Qian from Jialan College and others, Xiao Feng followed Xiao Yan back to the dormitory.

"Cousin, this is the method given by the teacher to fuse different fires!"

When he came to Xiao Qiao's dormitory, Xiao Feng reached out and pointed at Xiao Qiao's brows. Tai Shang Dan Ling passed the summary of the experiments made by Li Yu to Xiao Qiao.

"Sure ... is that so?"

After half a while, Xiao Yan opened his eyes and looked a little weird. "Too great ancestors really have great powers!"

Xiao Zheng found that the information passed to his mind not only had a complete method of fusion of different fires, but also detailed operation control to every minute and every second. More detailed and accurate than the original burning formula.

More importantly, these things actually made Xiao Yan feel extremely familiar, as if he had summed up his experience after thousands of exercises.

Of course, he didn't know that these things were the conclusions that Li Yu took him as a test subject, and conducted virtual fusion experiments countless times.

"This is impossible! This is impossible!"

Yao Lao screamed in Xiao Min's mind.

In his opinion, no matter how profound the cultivation is, it is impossible to completely analyze the method of safe fusion of blazes based on only a specimen of blazes.

How can it be possible to sum up the method of safe fusion of different fires without complete practice and countless experiences?

But ... there aren't enough alien fires, who can fully cultivate Fenju? Without enough strange fires, who can experience countless times?

With Yao Lao's insights, naturally, there is no such thing as Li Yu.

After numerous virtual experiments, the system has completely analyzed the principle of the burning method, and summarized the method is definitely the safest and most correct.

"Thank Feng Brother!"

After Xiao Feng was taught by Xiao Feng how to fuse different fires, he had great confidence in it.

Because ... he knows the meaning of the name "too great".

Is there anything else that can't be solved by the "too superior ancestor"?

"We are brothers, thank you!"

Xiao Feng smiled happily, reached out and took out two bronze boxes and handed them to Xiao Yan, "Here are the falling maggots and haixin maggots. The falling maggots are things of the college, don't expose them."

"Well! I see!"

Xiao Min nodded and put away two bronze boxes.

"There's nothing here. You can practice with peace of mind, I'll go back first!"

After Xiao Feng said hello to Xiao Yan, he left Jialan College.

Xiao Yan plunged into the newly obtained method of fusion of different fires.

What are the key factors influencing the success rate of "Fenjue" fusion of different fires?

It's control!

Another fire is the most violent energy in this world. Even if the ranking is lower, and there is no complete sane fire, there is an instinct to devour each other.

In this way, two different kinds of different fires meet together, and they must instinctively confront each other. Once out of control, violent energy erupts and blows into fly ash is the inevitable end.

Therefore, the success rate of the burning of different methods is not high.

But ... After Li Yu's experiment of fusion of different fires, the system has analyzed the principle of the burning method, and on this basis, summarizes, summarizes and sublimates, the new burning method has perfectly solved this problem.

It can be expected that with the new burning strategy, Xiao Yan's future will definitely undergo great changes.

However, even Li Yu himself didn't know what kind of results the experiment summary that he just thrown away will lead to.

After Xiao Feng left Calan College, he flew all the way.

Not long after, Xiao Feng took the land devil and Mo Tianxing to the Fengmeng station.

A few years later, Fengmeng has grown stronger.

The snake-man tribe mainly lived in the area of ​​the original Blood Zongshan City, and the Black Seal City became the city under the control of the Xiao family.

Brothers Ding Xiao and Xiao Li took control of Black Seal City with a group of mercenaries. Although his own strength is a little worse, but there is Xiaofeng in the main town of Xiaocheng, the Black Seal City is unshakable.

A few days later, Heijiaoyu ushered in a new turmoil.

The magic valley surrendered, the black emperor surrendered, and Fengcheng surrendered.

Under the leadership of Xiao Feng and Medusa, Fengmeng swept the entire Heijiao domain with unstoppable strength.

There are Xiao Feng's ten fighting ancestors, and ten fighting ancestors sitting in the town. In addition to the Blue Point Academy, the entire Heijiao domain is left with the Fengmeng family and no other forces.

After dealing with all this, the right to use the puppets was allocated, and each side was seated, leaving Medusa in control. Then, Xiao Feng embarked on the journey again.

"Teacher, are we going to Zhongzhou?"

"Yeah! The northwest corner of the mainland where we are now, this area is barren, and every douzong can become a hegemon. This pond is too small."

Too much Dan Ling's voice, habitually revealed a little disdainful pride.

"Small Xiao Feng, you need to meet the vast world outside, you need to compete with the heroes of the world. You need to set the peak of this world in the constant battle!"

"Remember when you and I met for the first time? I asked you what you wanted! You said that you want to be stronger than others!"

"So ... in order to gain the power over all beings, you must accept the challenges of all beings! When the world is invincible and the heroes bow their heads, you will naturally be qualified to be above all beings."

"Invincible ~ ~ Are the heroes bowing down?"

Xiao Feng took a deep breath and clenched his fists tightly, "Zhongzhou Qunxiong, I'm here!"


I recommend the "God-level Lucky Star" of Tang Hongdou.

Inadvertently obtained a luck dice, and also crossed the parallel plane lacking in the entertainment industry.

The six sides of the luck dice are "very bad luck, bad luck, normal, good luck, very good luck, god-level good luck", refreshed every day at zero!

"I don't know what luck will be today, please give me strength!" After the zero o'clock sound, Wang Hao closed his eyes and threw the dice on the table!

"Wowa ..." The dice turned around for a while, and after stopping, Wang Hao took a breath of air!


I saw luck on the top of the dice saying ... (to be continued.)

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