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Chapter 163: World's First Auction


A month has passed.

With countless people eagerly awaiting this, the auction that shocked the world officially opened.

"Boom! Boom!"

Early in the morning, the entire Wuyuan City was awakened by violent roars.

Some grumpy, opened the window and yanked his neck, and was about to yell, looked up to see the scene in the sky, and shuddered, shrinking back with cold sweat.

I saw in the distant sky, a huge space channel suddenly emerged.

The breathless figures stepped out of the void, strolled in the air, and slowly walked down.

In a small place like Wuyuan City, where even a big fighter is a master, why have you ever seen so many powerful men?

Is there anything in Wuyuan City worthy of these big men?

The arrival of these people scared the people of Wuyuan City. Some timid people are even ready to roll their way.

However, what happened subsequently surprised them.

These breathless and immense arrogances existed. After exiting the space channel, one by one, they converged on their own breaths, hurriedly fell to the ground, and walked honestly to Wuyuan City.

After entering the city, these powerful beings not only did Qiu innocent, but also the people of the Wuyuan City who were extremely modest and nodded with a smile.

"What's going on today?"

The people in Wuyuan City were stunned and totally puzzled.

When they saw these powerful beings, they all walked in one direction, they became even more dazed.

"The first auction house in the world?"

The people in Wuyuan City were shocked to see these big men approaching the auction floor.

Is there anything in this auction room worthy of the presence of these big men? What exactly is going on?

What's even more shocking is that the auction site seems to be still undergoing qualification review.

A playful girl is standing in front of the auction house. Each big man present will post a post, and after the girl nodded, she went in honestly.

There was no noise, no noise, not even conversation.

There was a long line in front of the auction house.

These lame can make the oversized empire exist, even one by one without any temper, no complaints, and honestly waiting there.

A few people didn't seem to bring their posts. After being stopped outside the door, they still had no temper, and returned honestly. Hurriedly ran outside the city, opened a space channel, returned to get the post, and ran over again to line up.

"What exactly happened here?"

They don't understand, and of course no one will explain anything to them.

"see it?"

Li Yu stood by the window upstairs, pointing to the honest and obedient figures in front of the auction house. He turned to Yafei, who was standing next to him, and smiled.


Jaffe seemed very excited, with a flush on her face, "I ... I never thought I would be with them one day!"

Jaffe took a deep breath and twisted her handkerchief slightly.

"you are wrong!"

Li Yu smiled and shook his head. "You are not with them! You ... you are above them!"

"Above them?"

Jaffe's head was chuckled.

Since this time, Yafei has followed Li Yu to manage the auction site, and has also opened up her horizons, knowing what characters are coming today.

Eight ancient clan, three warcraft clan, Zhongzhou one tower, two sects, three valleys and four squares. These forces exist on the top of the pyramid! Can I ... overtake them?

"You have to remember! You're doing things for me! My people, naturally, should be above them!"

Li Yu turned her head to look at Ya Fei, smiled and waved, "Go ahead! After today, no one in this world dares to despise you! Since then, you have reached the pinnacle of this world."


Jaffe took a deep breath, calmed her crazy beating heart, and strode downstairs.

Auction house.

The bright and soft lights illuminated the entire venue.

Each of the major forces present at the scene took their own positions under the arrangement of the waiters.

"Everyone! Welcome to the first auction house in the world!"

Amidst the colorful lights, Ya Fei dressed in a light Shu Lianbu stepped in, Ting Ting came. Under the light, Ya Fei's charming face brought a bit of leisurely elegance and luxury.

"This looks ok. It's a little less flavorful and a little more graceful. Sure enough, women are born actors!"

Li Yu saw Yafei's appearance upstairs and nodded with a smile.

"Everyone, so far after receiving the invitation, everyone must still have doubts, think that we are trying to get rid of mystery, and we can't take out those things on the list."

Yafei chuckled gracefully and waved back, "If so, let everyone see it first!"

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Yafei waved her hand gently, a crisp wind bell rang, and the stage rose up into a huge display cabinet.

In the display cabinets of sheepskin white jade, all kinds of auras are shining. Simple and mysterious scrolls, glittering elixir of treasure, filled the display case.

The most eye-catching is the most central, the three most prominent showcases ~ ~ At this moment, there are more than twenty bronze boxes in the showcase on the left. In the middle showcase is a covered jade plate, and in the right showcase is a quaint Dan bottle.

"Here are different fires, all of them."

Yafei went to the left side of the display cabinet, reached out and took out a box, and gently opened it ... A dark flame raged up, a breath that swallowed everything.

"Empty nothingness!"

An exclamation sounded from the Soul clan's seat. A figure shrouded in a black robe suddenly stood, trembling slightly.

"Nothingness, sit down!"

The soul emperor stretched out his hand, and the figure sat down panting heavily.

"Not just swallowing nothing. All the strange fires here are."

Yafei smiled, and closed the bronze box gently, and the flame that devoured everything was put back in the box.

"Here is Jiu Pin Dan Yao!"

Yafei went to the right side of the display case, reached out and took out the ancient jade bottle, and gently lifted the bottle cap. A strong medicinal scent permeated, and the majestic aura shocked everyone in the entire venue.

"Jiupin Jindan!"

On the seat of Danta, an old man with white hair and white beard pointed at the elixir, shaking with shock.

"Patriarch! Patriarch!"

A few old men stood up quickly and pulled back the excited white-haired old man.

"Hehe, let's unveil the final lot!"

Yafei chuckled, walked to the middle showcase, reached out, picked up the jade plate, and held it in front of her.

Waving to uncover the silk cloth on the jade plate, there are eight mottled ancient jades arranged neatly in the jade plate.

"Jade of the ancient emperor!"

At this moment, the ancient eight clan exclaimed at the same time. * book *


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