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Chapter 256: Immortal, immortal

This sword exceeded expectations.

In fact, Li Yu himself did not know that this sword would have the power to destroy the stars.

In addition to the arrogance of the sword and the strength of the holy soldiers, another reason for this result is that the stars of Zhongqian World are more vulnerable.

Of course, all of this has nothing to do with Li Yu, and he doesn't even know that this sword caused so much damage.

After returning to the Xishan Valley, Li Yu went to the virtual fantasy to die with the young emperors. Xiao Bailong Ao Luan found a temple in the tomb and practiced in isolation. Little Tingting and the little foxes also re-entered cultivation.

Time passes like this.

Unconsciously, it has been three years since I came to this world.

In the tomb space.

On this day, Li Yu, who was sitting in the main hall, was full of brilliant glory.

Among the endless flames of purple and gold, there was a repression of the heavens and the world, and control of the world, but only my solemn will broke out violently.

For a moment, there was a loud bang in the entire tomb space, and it seemed that the entire space was shaking under this will.

Also shivering, there is Ao Luan practicing in another hall.

"Holy Lord ... what's going on? Why is it so suddenly released?"

Ao Luan's face was terrified, and her heart was terrified. "Who made the Lord so angry?"

Over the past two years, Ao Luan has practiced with the "true method of transforming dragons" and has made rapid progress. Now that the whole body acupuncture has been opened successfully, all through the body, Buddhism Xiu has been promoted to the senior realm of immortality.

The body of the true dragon, the martial arts immortal, plus the spirit repair of five thunderstorms. Today Ao Luan is already a rare top master in the world.

However, under the supreme momentum of Li Yu, Ao Luan had no resistance at all, as if her life and death were between Li Yu's thoughts.

In fact, it does.

Li Yu's retreat this time, the outside world more than two years, but in the virtual fantasy, I do not know how many years have passed.

Countless battles, countless killings, countless deaths alive, countless life-and-death struggles, and countless outbreaks in despair.

All the martial arts collected by the four worlds, including the main world, finally merged and merged into one with endless battles in the endless battles.

At this moment, Li Yu condenses his martial will!

"The heavens and the world, I have the sole honor!"

With the "I mean is God" aspiration, absorbing the "Now Sutra Sutra" to dominate the world, but the will of my sole esteem, at the moment where all combat skills are fused, the martial will of Li Yu finally condenses and takes shape.

"Why control the world? Only strength!"

One way evolution! In the end, the ten thousand methods merged into one!

All the combat skills finally turned into a punch in the hands of Li Yu!

Boxing power is power!

Punch out! In the virtual illusion, all the images are shattered!

At this moment, Li Yu was promoted to the realm of fist meaning!

The so-called "boxing essence" is to transform one's martial arts will into a real existence! The will interferes with reality, the will changes the world.

With the martial will of Li Yu's "only self-respect", he can change the surrounding heaven and earth, bring everything in the heavens and earth, all beings into his own will, and control life and death.

Of course, this range is limited, and it is not enough to cover the heavens and the world with will. If it is true that the will has enveloped the heavens and the world, it will be Wun Yuan Wuji and Hong Meng the most holy. Li Yu is still far behind!

Martial arts breakthrough, Renxian practice is a smooth road.

The blood dripping from behind is reborn and ever-changing, which means that it is tyrannical to the extreme, and is full of the ultimate human immortal qi and blood, which is caused by quantitative changes.

For Li Yu, this is not a problem at all.

"The so-called blood is the vitality of life!"

Li Yuchao took a look in the resource library, and saw the crocodile ancestor's huge body like a mountain, and sighed slightly, "I have been acting as an energy source for so long, but I won't need you anymore!"

"System, extract the vitality of the crocodile ancestor, and pour into my body!"

With the order of Li Yu, the vast vitality of life was like a mighty river, surging into the body.

"All the heavens and the world, only I have the esteem! To control the heavens and the earth, only the strong and invincible strength."

The martial arts will lead the whole body and penetrate the whole body of the acupuncture points with blood, and the whole body of 12,960 acupuncture points blooms with splendid radiance, the endless heavenly palace manifests, and a deity is manifested in the radiance.

"There are hundreds of thousands of things all over the body, and there are gods in the know? What is a god? I am a god!"

An awful roar erupted in the aura, and all the heavenly palaces and all the gods were all annihilated at this moment.

The endless radiance blooms and the vitality of life explodes. It will bear the imprint of Li Yu's life source and be deeply imprinted on every part of the body.

"480 million!"

Li Yu has clearly felt that 480 million traces of the origin of life have been branded in her body. These imprints are in every drop of flesh around him.

Up and down the body, every drop of flesh and blood carries Li Yu's imprint of the origin of life. As long as there is still a drop of flesh and blood, Li Yu can be reborn.

In a short moment after the martial arts will condensed, Li Yu was directly promoted to the realm of rebirth with the vast vitality of the ancestors.

"The ancestors still have a lot of vitality!"

The vitality of the ancient demon saints is boundless. Li Yu was promoted to rebirth, all of them consumed only a little over half.

"That being the case, continue to break!"

After the blood is reborn, it is ever-changing. On the basis of the 480 million life marks on the whole body, each life mark is condensed into shape, and the body is transformed into 480 million original charms.

In this realm, the whole body has 480 million runes, gathering together and changing as you wish. That is the ever-changing realm.

The mighty blood continued to pour into the body, with the 480 million mark of the origin of life on the whole body, madly devouring the vitality of life, growing and growing.

A mysterious rune is manifested on the imprint of the origin, like a dragon like a snake, like a flower like a vine, and a rune of runes is born, linked to each other and tangled.

Although the imprint of the origin of life is very small ~ ~, the structure of the rune is extremely complicated. The life information of the entire human body is manifested in the form of runes, and the entire runes are complex and deep, like the vast starry sky.


There was a loud bang.

Li Yu's entire body burst into pieces, turning into a sky of light.

With 480 million light spots floating in the mid-air, the light blooms, like the stars of Zhou Tian, ​​the vast sky.

Within each light spot, streamers lingered endlessly, and the extremely complex source of charms bloomed a splendid light of life. Vast and vast breath of life pervaded, like the spring back to earth, all things breed.

"I can't live long, but I can't die!"

The 480 million light spots suddenly collapsed and condensed, and Li Yu's figure reappeared in the hall.

Feeling the changes in his body, Li Yu has already understood his own condition. Now he, although Shou Yuan has not made any breakthroughs, he is already considered unbeatable.

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