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Chapter 358: Xianfu Medicine Garden, Yushu Qionghua

"Qingyuan Xianfu?"

The real spirit Shi Shiran walked to the entrance of the main hall, looked at the several golden mysterious inscriptions inscribed on the plaque of the hall door, and frowned.

"Qingyuan Xianfu? The forerunner, do you know this fairy?"

Li Feiyu hurriedly inquired when the real spirit read the immortal text on the plaque.

"Where's my husband, a little fairy in a remote place like Beihanxianyu?"

The real spirit raised his head proudly, swept his robes and sleeves, swept away invisible waves, and collected the spar inlaid on the gate into the resource library.

Losing the spar, the aura of light on the gate disappeared instantly. The door opened with a squeak.

"go in!"

The real spirit took Li Feiyu and stepped into the fairy house.

In front of me is a square made of jade. A white jade fence surrounds the square.

At the end of the square, stands a magnificent main hall of purple gold.

There are also three small side halls listed around the main hall, which surrounds the main hall in the shape of "pin".

"Come one by one!"

One step ahead of the real spirit, he took Li Feiyu to a nearby side hall.


When I came to the side hall, the real spirit looked at the plaque on the side hall, and nodded with a smile. "Boy, it is hard to say if there is an elixir in the fairy house Danfang, but there must be a medicine garden behind the palace."

"Danfang? Pharmacy?"

Li Feiyu and Han Yan are all in front of each other. This is the fairy's danfang! Even if there is no elixir, there will definitely be elixir in the medicine garden!

"Go in and see!"

As soon as the real spirit flicked his sleeves, the old skill broke the Danfang ban and stepped into it.

"Well, there is no elixir."

Entering the Dan room, glanced around and found that the entire Dan room was empty and nothing.

"The medicine garden is behind."

The real spirit pointed at the back of the hall, and Li Feiyu hurried to the medicine garden behind the hall.

"Great harvest!"

Through the apse, a scent of elixir came.

In front of me is a medicine garden surrounded by a five-color light curtain, and a fence made of emerald green rattan surrounds the entire medicine garden.

Through the light curtain, Li Feiyu has been able to see all kinds of elixir planted in the medicine garden.

"Boy, the elixir collection, but the university asked, after entering the medicine field, you must not be reckless, can not be touched. Otherwise, many precious elixir will be destroyed by you."

The good spirit warned, waved his hand to break the light curtain and led them into the medicine garden.

In the field of medicine in front of him, there are two jade-like trees growing like jade. On each small tree, there were little rubies like rubies.

"Red Luo Xianguo?"

Good fortune glanced at this medicine field and shook his head, "This Qingyuan fairy is probably an alcoholic. The red Luoxian fruit used for brewing has grown so much."


Li Feiyu and Han Yan looked at each other and shook their heads silently. Neither was good at drinking and had no interest in it.

"It's a waste to put here, let's take it!"

Fortunately, the real spirit wiped out his sleeves, and in the medicine field in front of him, hundreds of red Luo fruit trees were collected into the resource library.

"Red Luoxian Fruit" can make "Red Luoxian Wine".

In Zhenxian's memory, "Red Luoxian Wine" is said to be extremely delicious and mellow. This thing, Li Yu still has some interest.

After receiving the red Luoxian fruit, everyone came to another medicine field.

In this medicine field, a plant with golden stripes, similar to orchids, is planted.

"Gold thread magnolia!"

The real spirit nodded, "This thing is pretty good, it can make Jinlan return to heaven. It will allow you to strengthen your physique and improve your cultivation."

"Finally there is a good thing."

Li Feiyu nodded with a smile.

The gold thread magnolia was collected, and everyone walked to the last medicine field.


This medicine field is different from the previous two medicine fields. It is no longer an elixir planted in the whole area, but has been fenced up.

Each fence is planted with various elixir of various forms.

Some are turquoise trees, and some are splendid spirit flowers.

The bright lingering lingering light, the fragrance is fragrant and refreshing.

"This ... I'm afraid it's the real elixir, right?"

Li Feiyu and Han Yan looked at these immortals with delighted faces, and couldn't help it.

"It is a fairy spirit."

The real spirit nodded, and walked to a whole body of green, crystal clear, like a small tree carved from emerald.

"This is the Yushu. The fruit it produces has a hard shell and is full of fruit juice. The fruit juice is 'Yuye'."

Speaking of creation, the true spirit pointed to a flowering tree like goat fat and white jade next to the fence. "This is Qionghua, just like Yushu. Its juice is called 'Agar pulp'."


Li Feiyu and Han Zheng blinked their eyes. The name of "Qiong Jade Liquid" is very familiar.

"Hehe, this thing is a drink from the fairyland. Well, long-term drinking can also have a reborn effect."

The good spirit smiled, "For you, it is of little value."

With a wave of one's hand, the invisible wave swept past, and Yushu and Qionghua instantly entered the resource library.

"This is Tianyin Thundercore. Well, it's a kind of walnut tree in fairyland."

In the third fence, there is a walnut tree which is more than three feet tall, with branches and knots, and full of light and electricity.

"This is the magic treasure of the thunder attribute. The walnut fruit can be trained into Tianyin Shenlei. A thunder strikes and sweeps away the evil. The power is still good."

With a wave of his hand, Tianyin Leihe closed it up again.

Among the fourth fence was a Wang Lingquan, which had a lotus flower shining in silver. The silver lotus has seven holes, and the aura of light shines.

"This is Qiqiyiqilian lotus, the magical medicine for healing in fairyland, which can reshape the fairy body."

"This is Qiye Qingxin orchid. It has a wonderful effect on exorcising the demon and stabilizing the mind. It is an elixir for refining the fragrance of Qingxin."

"Cross Erjinga ..."

"Yu Xin Jing Yuan Cao ..."

Explain all the way, collect all the way.

Thirteen celestial elixirs were enclosed in the furnace of transformation.

"Boy, the only thing that is useful to you is to cross Erjinhua, Yuxin Jingyuan grass. The others are not very useful."

After collecting all the elixir, the true spirit Chao Li Feiyu and Han Yan said, "Crossing Erjinhua can increase the success rate of crossing the robbery, and Yuxin Jingyuancao can purify the spiritual power in the body."

"Immortal ... why do you grow something to eat, drink and play?"

After receiving the medicinal materials in the medicine garden, Li Feiyu and Han Yan were a little depressed.

It's brewing again ~ ~ It's also a drink, there are really few useful things.

"This Qingyuan fairy is probably the kind of happy fairy. Xiuyuan has no hope of progress, and Shou Yuan is very long, so he naturally pays attention to enjoyment."

The good spirit shook his head and pointed his fingers at the other temples. "Go there and look. You should be able to find something useful."

Speaking of them, the created true spirit led them to the next hall.

"Are weird flowers in the fairyland? Still interesting?"

For Li Feiyu, they don't have much value, but they are very useful for Li Yu.

Immortal wine, jade liquor, and exotic flowers can enrich the species of Xianfu Garden!

Besides, can you have a drink when it's okay?

"In the future, there will be watering of towering dew, and it will definitely produce good results! Good."

Li Yu is very satisfied with these exotic flowers of the fairyland.

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