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Chapter 363: Hang Wan Ling tribe, but also fairy

"this is……"

The Spirit King was stunned when he saw such a change.

What kind of trouble is this? A majestic true immortal, Zhang crazy and overbearing, just wiped out with such a wave?

What's more important ... What is this man?

The spirit king looked at Caiyi heartily, feeling the origin of the spirit of the Phoenix true spirit, which caused the spirit king to shake.

"Phoenix? In the past few years, the territories of the human race had the lower bound of Phoenix. Isn't that ...

The spirit clan has many contacts with the human race, and naturally the spirit king will not know what happened to the human race.

"Her Majesty, Emperor Caiyi?"

The spirit king was shocked, and quickly put away the dazzling sky crystal tower, and stood up in front of Caiyi.

"Meet the fairy fairy."

The spirit king bowed his respectfully to the colored clothes, "The colored clothes fairy suppressed the demon and solved the crisis of our tribe. The spiritual tribe was grateful to Dade."

"Your Majesty said, there will be some movement here, let me do something for you. This is His Majesty's grace, you don't thank me."

Caiyi waved his hand toward the Spirit King.

"Yuhuang Shengde!"

The spirit king heard Li Yu's instructions and was more respectful.

"Well, things are already understood, I will go back to His Majesty and return to life."

Caiyi waved his hand and turned to leave.

"Fairy stays on!"

At this time, the king of spirits stopped Caiyi, and respectfully saluted, "Fairy, please take it with you below. You want to meet His Majesty Yuhuang below."

"You want to see Your Majesty?"

Caiyi took a look at Ling Wang with a surprise and shook his head. "I can't be the master of this. I can only help you pass a word. If I don't see you, it depends on your majesty."

"Thank you Fairy!"

Of course, the spirit king knew that Caiyi was right, but it would have been a great help to give him a word.

"Your Majesty, the King of the Nether seeks."

Caiyi took out the purple gold garrison and made an obituary to Li Yu.

"Spirit King? Is the instrument of Xuanguang Tianjing Tower? It's also a funny guy. Come on, bring him to see me."

Li Yu laughed secretly, and the spirit race came to his door.

Li Yu was brought in. Of course, Li Yu didn't just find an object to plant stolen goods.

Li Yu, especially the Five Elements Spirit, gave birth to spiritual intelligence, which is similar to the existence of energy and life. Li Yu is still interested.

"Your Majesty agreed!"

After hearing Li Yu's reply, Caiyi turned to look at Ling Wang and told him the news.

"Yuhuang Shengde!"

The King of Spirits was overjoyed, and respectfully saluted the court, "Thank you Fairy! Thank you Fairy!"

"Let's go!"

Caiyi nodded, waved a hand, broke through the void, and rushed to Long Island with the Spirit King.

"Om ..."

A flash of void, Caiyi took the spirit king to the square in front of the Dragon Hall.

"Your Majesty is in the hall. Come with me!"

Caiyi greeted the spirit king and took him to the hall.

"Meeting His Majesty Yuhuang, Yuhuang Shengde, Ze was born."

As soon as he entered the main hall, the King of Spirits knocked down in front of Li Yu with a gimmick.

"Yuhuang Shengde, Yuhuang compassion. Pray for mercy, and point out a way of life for my spirit tribe."

"Get up!"

Li Yu smiled and looked at Ling Wang, and waved his hand gently to signal Ling Wang to get up.

"Your Majesty, I have waited for the Ling clan for nearly five million years since the rebellion of the Immortal Palace in the North Underworld. Although I have claimed to be a clan, in fact, I am about to become extinct."

The Spirit King did not stand up, but kept gimmicking. "For five million years, the Five Elements Spirit tribe has divided itself, and there are no descendants born. The descendants of the Qiling tribe are even fewer."

"Five million years have passed, although I have a long life, but they are not immortal and immortal. Most of the first spiritual tribe returned to heaven and earth, but descendants could not be born. In the long run, our tribe will be extinct.

"Yuhuang Shengde! Yuhuang Mercy!"

Ling Wang's heavy hoe, "Your Majesty point out a way to live!"

"So it is!"

Li Yu smiled and nodded, "It's not easy to give birth to spiritual wisdom. What's more, the emperor will give you a chance!"

"Thank Your Majesty Ron!"

The spirit king wept with joy and hoeed heavily.

"Not necessarily!"

With a smile on his face, Li Yu shook his crown slightly, and the sublime breath of integrity, kindness, courage, and wisdom resembled a spring breeze.

Reaching for a move, the colorful glow in the hands circulated, and a sparkling crystal orb appeared in Li Yu's hands.

"This is the pearl of life. After you go back, build a spiritual pool, and place this pearl in the pool. In the future, you only need to divide a trace of original wisdom in the spiritual pool, and you can conceive a new spirit race. . "

Well, the so-called Pearl of Life, the so-called Yulingchi, is the same thing as the Hualongchi.

Of course, Yulingchi is definitely not a mall base, it just mounts a small resource library.

Functionally, Li Yu didn't tell a lie.

As long as the resource library scans the information of the spirit clan, as long as they provide resources, they can definitely create a new spirit clan based on that trace of origin.

With millions of years of accumulation of the spiritual tribe, must have collected a lot of resources? It is not difficult to conceive a group of spirit races.

As for the lack of resources in the future, whether the spirits will grab them and whether they will go to war with other races is their own business.

"Thank Your Majesty Ron!"

The spirit king shook his hands, took the pearl of life given by Li Yu, and was grateful for his worship.

When the King of Spirits got his treasure, he resigned with joy and encouraged to go back to build the Yuling Pool.

"Oh, the resources accumulated by the Lings over millions of years have finally made this trip a bit profitable."

Li Yu smiled and nodded.

Of course, these gains just enrich the energy of the system.

The real gain is that Li Yu was able to scan the life information of all Wulingling and Qiling.

If the Five Elements Spirit Clan is analyzed, Li Yu can understand the nature of the energy life form from it.

"Lingzu, should I be pitted?"

Li Yu smiled, touching his chin.

The essence of the spirit race has not changed at all, even if a new spirit race can be born through the spiritual pool. However, the essence of their lives has not improved.

Once one day, the Yulingchi no longer works. They returned to their original form.

"Not a flesh and blood, after all, the future is limited! Such a race, unless reborn, has no future."

Of course, once reincarnation, it is no longer a spirit race.

Regardless of the things left behind by the Ling clan, Li Yu put his mind on the newly arrived flower demon Zhenxian.

"Skull brother turned into flower demon brother, you are really miserable."

Looking at the resource library, Li Yu was very satisfied when he saw the flower demon frozen into an ice sculpture.

"As long as I destroy the soul of Skeleton Brother, his soul and soul card in Jiu Yuan Guan of Fairyland will respond, and Jiu Yuan Guan will determine the position of Skeleton Brother."

Li Yu looked up at the sky and smiled, "So ... it's going to be a fairy again!"

With a wave of his hand, Li Yu gave instructions to the system, "System, scans the spirits of the flower demon, collects information and enters the resource database. Then ... erases all the memory of the flower demon."

At the order, a giant pit appeared.

Fairyland ~ ~ Nine Yuan Concept.


In a hall where the Ming soul card was placed, the piece of the Ming soul card representing the skull brother burst out of aura, and several cracks appeared on the Ming soul card.

"That is……"

An immortal on duty at the Temple of Destiny, seeing this, suddenly changed his face, "that traitor ..."

The immortal stood up suddenly and reached out with a wave to collect this piece of life and soul. Xi Guang rushed up, and the fairy rushed out quickly.

"Patriarch, that traitor has news!"

The immortal drew the light, and howled into a simple hall.

"Xiao Nanzhou boundary? That sin barrier went to the other side?"

A figure shrouded in an endless fairy cloud snorted, "Come, take me a charm, and send Ma Liang to the lower bound."

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