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Chapter 538: Indescribable things

"Brother Phoenix!"

On the other side, Qingzun Xianzun, who was at war with the Emperor Wu Shi, saw Li Yu slap the emperor to death and suddenly screamed. ???. ? r? a? n ?? e? n? `or? g

"Brother Phoenix! Ah ..."

Qingxian Zunzhuang yelled madly, regardless of the Emperor Wu Shi, shook his wings and turned towards Li Yufei.


Wu Shizhong slammed on the back of the cricket severely, smashing the pupa feathers, and blood splattered.

However, Qing Yan seemed to not care about it at all, ignored his injury at all, and rushed over to Li Yu crazyly.


Seeing this situation, Li Yu shuddered, remembering Qingzun Xianzun's look like a woman, and made some indescribable guesses.

"Let me go! Don't you?"

Li Yu only felt numb all over, and suddenly thought of the ambiguity between the immortal queen and the first general, it seemed that there was a feeling of discovering a certain truth.

"I was worried that you would be torn up by Wu Shi, but now it is complete and good!"

Li Yu waved his sleeves, closed the body of the immortal Emperor's Phoenix, and smiled at Chao Qingyu waving his palm.

Qing Ye Hao Ye is also a Red Dust Fairy. Although far away from the Emperor Wu Shi and the Undead Emperor, it is equally valuable.

Whether it is peeling and dismantling bones as materials, or refining the barley as a whole, to achieve its own subordinates, or even as an energy source to maintain the system operation, it is very useful.

Originally, Li Yu also worried that Qing Qing would be torn up by Wu Shi. The value of a bunch of broken bodies is greatly reduced.

After all, Qing Ye was the opponent of Emperor Wu Shi. If Li Yu grabbed the monster halfway, it would look ugly.

At this moment, Qing Ye came to the door, and Li Yu was naturally not polite.

"Mark of the Lord!"

The deadly emperor's palm print was patted to death, showing once again the mighty power.

Silent and silent, there is no earth-shattering movement, but it contains the mighty power to destroy Daqian and destroy Qiankun.

Inspired by the remnants of the "Changing Seal" from the immortal era in the "Immortal Seal of the Immortal Seal", Li Yu gathered what he learned and evolved a trick of pure destruction.

Unlike the "master's fist" which shows its own avenue, the "master's seal" is simply a destructive force.

Purely destructive power, extreme destructive power, how terrible is the power?

Photographed by the palm print, almost reappearing the "world-changing seal" of earth-shaking great power.


The palm print fluttered lightly, the irresistible peerless divine power, crushed all the obstacles, and shot on the head of Qingyu.

"Phoenix ... brother ..."

The green cymbal bitterly whispered and fell down.

"What makes me feel a little snoring?"

Li Yu laughed dumbfoundedly, waving his sleeves, and gathered the body of Qingyu together with the feather-like cyan sword.

That long feather-like sword is also a fairy. This harvest Li Yu naturally refused to let go.


"Master Qingye is dead!"


The Immortal Emperor and the Emperor Qingxun fell successively, and the subordinates they rallied together were suddenly shocked and fled.


"Except the evil!"

"Smooth the evil spirits and smooth out the evil spirits!"

The six emperors under Li Yu, plus a group of subordinates without a start, suddenly stood high and chased away all the way.

The subordinates of the Undead Emperor and the Emperor Qingxun Zun, the Emperor's realm is not much, with less than ten people.

Over the years, the Emperor Wu Shi has fought against the Immortal Emperor. Although he has not achieved a great victory, many Emperors under the Immortal Emperor have been knocked into fly ash by Wu Shizhong.

"Well ..."

In the sky, the split-day sword chopped off the undead sky sword several times in a row. Even if it was reborn with the power of "Phoenix Nirvana", it has already suffered heavy losses.

At this moment, the immortal emperor was dead, and the spirits imprinted in the immortal sword had begun to dissipate.

The immortal Tiandao is not the opponent of the split sky sword.

"Well ..."

When the sword light went around, the split sky sword directly suppressed the undead sky sword, rolled it up, and flew to Li Yu.

"Good job."

Li Yu reached out and grabbed the undead sword in his hand, brushing the yin and yang, and the last imprint of the immortal emperor was instantly annihilated, and the undead sword fell into Li Yu's hand.

"Although it is a poor fairy, anyway, it is also a fairy."

Li Yu politely put away the undead sky knife.

This battle has harvested two red-dust fairy-level divine birds and two immortals.

"Thank you for your help."

At this time, the Emperor Wu Shi stepped forward, bowed to Li Yu, and thanked him.

"you are welcome."

Li Yu smiled, and paid a gift to the Emperor Wu Shi.

"Tianzun, you ..."

The Emperor Wu Shi stopped at Li Yu and raised his brow slightly, seeming a little surprised.

Because ... he felt the breath of congenital Eucharist from Li Yu, and even felt the breath of "no sutra".

Legend has it that Taizhang Tianzun is a senior in the chaos of ancient times. Why does it seem that ... I have also practiced my non-starting scriptures?

"You mean no sutra?"

Li Yu looked at the expression of Emperor Wu Shi and immediately thought about the reason.

"I have referred to you without a scripture."

Li Yu smiled and nodded, "Whoever is the peak at the end of Xianlu, at the first sight, there is no beginning and nowhere. At first sight, the concept of‘ all things return to nothing, the heaven and the earth begin ’has inspired me!”

Li Yuben started with "no sutra". Although he later went out of his own path and realized the two origins of material and order, he still had some "no sutra" breath.

Others may not see it, but Wu Shi is the creator of "No Sutra" and naturally can feel the breath of "No Sutra".

"Thank you, God!"

The Emperor of Wu Shi was in shock.

He left the non-starting scriptures in Zishan. Others may not be able to move without the start scriptures and cannot see the scriptures, but they must not be too honorable.

"Since the ancient times of chaos, there is a lack of heavenly ways to become immortals. It is amazing that you can be a fairy of red dust in this environment."

Li Yu admired the Emperor, no beginning, ruthless, and even undead Emperor, and later the Emperor Duan De, the Eucharist Ye Fan.

Under these conditions, becoming immortal is really difficult ~ ~ The people who can come to this stage are all great perseverance, great wisdom, and great courage. It is really admirable.

"I have read a lot of scriptures created by the emperor. If you have no beginning scriptures, it is an extremely powerful method if you do n’t have too much entry requirements. Unfortunately, a congenital sacrificial fetus has a rare appearance for hundreds of thousands of years.

Li Yu glanced at Wu Shi with a smile, and highly appreciated "No Shi Jing".

Among the scriptures created by these emperors, the ruthless "Swallowing Heaven Magic" and "Immortal Heaven" can be regarded as the strongest exercises.

The cruel man's method, starting from a mortal body, changing his life against the sky, and achieving the peak, is the best in this world.

If "No Sutra" is not too demanding, only congenital sacred body can be practiced, and the achievements of the exercises are not worse than those of the two gods.

Of course, this is also nothing. After all, the exercises initiated by the emperor were originally created for himself. No starting talent is too high, this can't be helped.

"Tianzun has won!"

Wu Shi laughed loudly, and his negative hand stood on Wu Shi Bell.


At this time, the whole world of the emptiness of the two worlds shook, and Jin Tian swept the sky, covering the whole world and blocking the whole world.

Emperor, the biggest behind-the-scenes player in this world, finally launched!

(To be continued ...)

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