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Chapter 564: Archaic relics? Eat it! (Also the leader "Aris is happy" ...

"Child, are you a Shi tribe? Are you from Shi Guo?"

Shaohao followed the small stone into Shicun and came to the old patriarch. The old patriarch looked at the five-year-old child in front of him, and his heart was horrified.

"You ... come here from Shi Guo alone? 300,000 miles away, you alone ..."

The old patriarch opened his mouth wide for a long time.

It ’s too scary to go alone for 300,000 miles, right?

A five-year-old ... No, it will take at least a few years to complete the 300,000-mile-long desert. When the child set off, was he two or three?

"By the command of the Supreme Master, Shao Hao went through the great wasteland alone and walked 300,000 miles alone. After entering Shicun, the training task was completed."

Shao Hao bowed and saluted to the old patriarch.

"The Supreme Patriarch? Is it the Supreme Supreme?"

Hearing the name "Tai Shang", the old patriarch was shocked, and suddenly realized, "So you are under the door of Heaven? Really extraordinary! Good boy! Good boy!"

Shao Hao came from the Shi clan and came from Shi Guo, which is a family with Shi Cun. When the old patriarch saw Shao Hao completing such a feat, he was shocked and happy.

"Bring him to see me."

At this time, a turquoise blue radiating, the voice of Liu God sounded in the ears of several people.

"Liu Shen wants to see you?"

The old patriarch had some surprises in his heart, and quickly took Shaohao out of the door and came to the village under the green willow tree.

"Meet the **** Liu."

The old patriarch took Shao Hao to salute the willow god.

"No need to be polite."

The willow branches sway, the sky is filled with glow, and a shadowy figure appears in the glow, and the figure is erratic and hazy.

"Are you too high under Heaven?"

The figure in Xia Guang nodded towards Shaohao and asked softly.

"The disciple Shao Hao is the contemporary successor of the Supreme Hall."

Shao Hao bowed to Liu Shen and replied.

"Supreme Hall?"

Liu Shen glanced at Shao Hao in surprise, "The Supreme Lord is related to the Supreme Hall?"

"The Supreme Patriarch is the founder of the Supreme Palace."

Shao Hao saw the portrait of Li Yu in the ancestral hall, and was convinced that he had sent an ancestor to the Supreme Hall that Li Yu had concocted.

"So it is!"

Liu Shen nodded thoughtfully, "It turned out that the Supreme Palace was created by the Supreme Supreme. The Supreme Palace has such origins, it is no wonder that it has the Supreme God Power of‘ One Man Suppresses the Generation ’.”

"Since you are from the Supreme Hall, I also know why the Supreme Lord ordered you to come to Shicun."

Having said that, Liu Shen turned his head to look at the old patriarch, "When I came to Shicun, I brought down an inscription. This inscription is the object of the Supreme Palace, and you give it to him!"

"That inscription?"

The old patriarch remembered the thunderstorm night that year, a willow tree that stood up to the sky stood on the sky, the sky was thundering, the thunder was like the sea.

In the end, a scorched black tree was rooted in Shicun, and a bone book was dropped at the same time, which was collected by the old patriarch.

"Well, that's the first part of the original true solution, which was originally the Supreme Palace thing, and returned it to him exactly as the original owner."

Liu Shen looked at Shao Hao again. In the hazy figure, two eyes bloomed with brilliant glory, as if Shao Hao had to see through the whole body.

"Six reincarnations of Tiangong, martial arts of immortalism, martial arts, and young people have such practices, it is indeed under the gate of the Supreme Palace. You will practice in Shicun in the future!"

Liu Shen nodded, the body light disappeared, leaving only a little catkin fluttering.

"Child, you will be a member of our Shicun from now on."

The old patriarch took Shao Hao and walked to the middle of the village. "From today, we have added a new member to Shi Cun. He is Shao Hao!"

"Oh! Oh!"

A group of bear children clapped their hands and shouted.

"Good boy, not bad!"

The adults in Shicun praised and nodded.

The simple welcome ceremony was completed, and Shao Hao officially became a member of Shicun.

"Om ..."

At this time, Shao Hao's head shook suddenly, and the "Extreme Hall" burst into a brilliant light.

"Experience the Great Wilderness and travel alone for 100,000 miles. The mission is complete!"

Colorful crystals burst out on the tablet in the Supreme Hall. Fairy lights are falling like rain, like fireworks in the sky.

"The renxian acupoint, the Holy Body is small, and the physical strength has reached 360,000 kilograms. Removal of the blood environment is to break through the limit, and it is invincible to carry blood.

There was another burst of colorful rays of light, and the fairy lights burst like fireworks, and they fell down like small flowers.

"Successfully completed the mission, rewarded‘ Hegemony ’, and the Supreme Hall‘ Refiner Pavilion ’was opened.”

The glory of the sky converged, a group of light spots fell into the soul of Shaohao, and the true magic of the dragon's power passed into Shaohao's sea of ​​knowledge.

"Hegemony, power of the earth!"

When Shao Hao saw the newly acquired "Heavy Art", he felt a moment of ecstasy.

There is only one talented supernatural power under the dragon, "Earth Power". However, this "power of the earth" is really terrifying.

"The power of the earth" overturned the earth, knocked down the sky, and crushed everything with pure, strong power.

Shao Hao possesses the Eucharist, and his power is extremely powerful. This "Hegemony" is suitable for Shao Hao.

In addition, the "Alchemy Pavilion" in the Supreme Hall was opened, allowing Shao Hao to use various feral beast materials to refine various weapons and equipment.

"Boys, Shaohao joins our village today. Tonight, let's have a good meal ~ ~ Congratulate Shaohao."

The old patriarch held a wooden staff and gave a loud command.

"it is good!"

The crowd cheered and agreed.

"Unfortunately, the old man is not dead. Although it is not pure blood, it is also an ancient relic. Otherwise, we can have a meal of the precious blood and precious meat of the ancient relic."

The old patriarch touched Shaohao's head and said with regret.

"Taiwan heritage?"

Shao Hao suddenly remembered that he still had an ancient relic.

At that time, the mountain great ape was killed together with a fierce bird. Shao Hao swallowed the mountain giant ape to open the martial arts point.

However, that raptor, also a relic from the ancient times, is still housed in the Supreme Hall.

"Grandpa, I have an ancient relic here, just for everyone to eat."

Shao Hao grinned at the old patriarch, found an open space, and waved out a huge killer bird.


The old patriarch took a long breath and stunned.

"Wow! What a big bird!"

A group of bear children clapped and yelled around the giant raptor.

"Eat! Eat!"

The young Emperor Huangtian glowed with eyes and drooling.

"Good guy, this is too fierce!"

The adults in the village were shocked and admired to see Shao Hao release such a huge raptor.

The fierce raptors up to a hundred feet long, even if they have died, the fierce breath from the blood is still shocking.

"This is supposed to be a fire crow! The ancient fire crow is said to have three-legged golden-blooded blood. Good boy, give us a big gift as soon as it comes!"

The old patriarch touched Shao Hao's head and was amazed, "Good boy, it really is a hero!"

"Taiwan heritage? Eat it! Eat it!"

Sure enough, the young Emperor of Heaven is the bear child plus food!

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