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Chapter 567: Runes are precious

"Grandpa, I have something to tell you."

In the early morning of the next day, when the sky was bright, Shaohao ran to the old patriarch, "Grandpa, I want to build a house in the village."

"build house?"

The old patriarch froze and laughed, "Little shit, it's too early for you to marry your wife. What kind of house do you want to build? Live with me, and that's it. When you grow up, Grandpa will build one for you Big house. "

"not like this!"

When Shao Hao heard the words of the old patriarch, he shook his head helplessly, "Grandpa, this house I built was used to make weapons and equipment."

"Huh? Refined weapons and equipment?"

The old patriarch was shocked, looked at Shaohao with a shocked face, and eagerly asked, "Can we really make weapons and equipment?"

In the depths of Shicun, all kinds of weapons and equipment are very simple. The spear and the stick, the bow and arrow javelin, are all made of crudely made of animal bones and trees, which are simply unsightly.

At this moment, I heard that Shao Hao was able to make weapons and equipment, which made the old patriarch reluctant.


Shao Hao nodded, "Grandpa, as long as this house is built, all weapons and equipment can be refined."

"Great! Great!"

The old patriarch lightened his eyes and said, "Go, I'll let them build a house for you! I will build it for you soon!"

Reaching for Shao Hao, the old patriarch hurried out of the door, and the joyful laughter awakened the small stones with dim sleep.

"Huh? Are you going to eat?"

The small stone rubbed his eyes and ran out staggeringly.

"Grandpa, no need to build a new house. Is there an empty house in the village?"

Seeing that the old patriarch was about to ring the big bell, and shouted everyone who was still sleeping, Shao Hao quickly stopped the old patriarch.

"Empty house? That's easy."

The old patriarch paused for a moment, then pulled up Shao Hao, and came to an old and huge palace near the cliff near the village.


A memory of remembrance floated on the face of the old patriarch. "Hundreds of years ago, this was the temple of our Shicun. Later, after our first sacrificial spirit fell, this temple was empty."

Reached out and patted Shaohao's head, the old patriarch sighed and said, "The **** has fallen, this temple, let you use it!"

"Ishimura's first sacrificial spirit turned out to be a god?"

In this world, "God" is not a casual name.

The path of spiritual practice is divided into "ordinary realm", "god realm" and "fairy realm". The existence that can be called "God" must be the peerless power to be promoted to "Godland".

Shao Hao said for a moment, "Shicun is indeed the first ancestor of the Shi Kingdom's royal family. It really has an extraordinary history and profound heritage."

Stepped to the ancient temple, Shao Hao reached out and pressed on the black stone wall of the temple, his heart touched the "Extreme Temple" in his mind.

"Based on the temple in front of you, build the Refiner Pavilion."

According to the method given by the Supreme Hall, Shao Hao started the construction function.


The sky filled with clouds and shrouded the whole temple in colorful clouds.

The severe shock caused a violent shaking in the whole Shicun.

"What are you doing?"

Thousands of branches rushed on the green willow. The blue sky was flowing, covering up this movement.

Liu Shen's hazy figure manifested in the blue light, turned to look at Shao Hao's direction, and Shen Guang's clear eyes gave birth to helplessness.

"Oh! What's going on?"


The Shicun people who were still asleep suddenly woke up and screamed out of the door.

"Well? There is ... the temple? What happened?"

Seeing the colorful glow in the direction of the temple, everyone was shocked and rushed towards the temple.

"Old patriarch? Shaohao? And small stones? What are you doing?"

The people in Shicun looked blankly at the three figures in front of the temple, completely confused.

"Don't make a noise, Shaohao is building a refiner's place. After the completion, you can refine various weapons and equipment for everyone."

The old patriarch hurriedly stopped the crowd and did not let them disturb Shao Hao.

"Don't you eat it?"

The small stone touched his head, and then he woke up staggered.

"You guy."

Reaching out and touching the head of the small stone, the old patriarch shook his head with a smile.


There was a loud roar among the colorful lights, a quaint and mysterious temple rising from the glow and standing in front of everyone.

Xia Guang condensed, and a black stone hall stood tall, looking very old and old, and even the stones on the walls had some mottled marks.

"That's it!"

Shao Hao turned to look at the crowd and smiled, "Now, who wants to refine weapons and equipment?"

"That's it?"

Looking at the black hall in front of them, everyone in Shicun blinked, only to find it incredible.

With the colorful clouds turning, the original temple changed greatly, and it became a tall and towering but more ancient and obsolete temple.

"I'll try!"

A middle-aged man stepped forward and handed Shaohao a bone rod and a black iron sledgehammer in his hand.

"The strength has increased a bit during this time, and the stick is not easy to use. Baby, can you help your uncle turn the sledgehammer and stick into a stick?"

This strong man is called Shi Linhu and is the hunting leader of Shicun, that is, the one who takes everyone to practice martial arts every morning.

"no problem."

Shao Hao reached for the bone stick and sledgehammer and walked into the black hall.

There was a red-hot furnace in the hall. After everyone followed Shao Hao into the hall, they felt that a heat wave was coming.

"I'm going to start refining."

Shao Hao threw the bone stick and sledgehammer into the furnace ~ ~, and the flames rose, the bone stick and sledgehammer melted instantly, and turned into a red melt.

"Uncle Tiger, what kind of weapon do you want?"

While controlling the fire in the furnace, Shaohao turned to ask Shilinhu.

"A big stick is enough, only the weight is heavy and strong enough."

Shi Linhu didn't know what Shao Hao could make, so he didn't ask too much.

"It's too easy."

Shao Hao smiled, "Uncle Tiger, your bone stick is a green horn's horn, and there are some incomplete runes on the green cymbals. Let me refine these runes too."

In accordance with the operation method given by the Supreme Hall, Shao Hao set the shape of a stick and reshaped the melt.

For a moment, a hot rod that was about five feet long and hot was emerging.


A icy water mist washed over, and the hot stick instantly cooled.

"It's done!"

Reaching out a trick, the stick fell into Shao Hao's hands.

This is a black body, about five feet long, with a half-foot spike at the tip, with eight corrugated edges in the upper half, with rows of dense protrusions, round handles and dense fish scales.

"Uncle Tiger, see if you can take advantage of it."

Shao Hao reached out and brought this stick to Shi Linhu.

"it is good!"

Shi Linhu took the stick and waved it a few times. On the bump of the stick, there was a faint burst of electric light, showing a fierce and violent thunder force.

"Ah! There is still the power of thunder and lightning? Is it a rune magic?"

Seeing this electric light, everyone was shocked.

Weapons with rune power are rare. There are only two rune secret treasures uploaded by ancestors in the entire Shicun.

Now, the weapon that Shao Hao has just practiced has the power of runes? This is too scary, right?

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