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Chapter 609: 0 grass garden, hit the **** stone

"Hey, Shaohao, where is the old Shenquan, do you know?",

Little Stone caught up with Shao Hao and asked in doubt.

In his opinion, both of them entered the Baiduan Mountains for the first time. They had never been exposed to the information of the Baiduan Mountains before, so naturally they could not figure out the location of the old Shenquan.

"I know."

Shao Hao nodded toward Little Stone. "There is a map of Baiduan Mountain in the Supreme Hall."

"Even this? The Supreme Hall is so powerful?"

Little Stone raised his head in surprise, admiring, "Extreme Hall, it is indeed the Holy Land created by the Supreme Lord."

"The Supreme Master ancestral thought of insight into the heavens and the earth, of course, Baiduan Mountain's secret realm could not hide the ancestor's eyes."

Since entering the Baidangshan secret realm, all the maps of the Baiduanshan secret realm have been displayed on the tablet of the Supreme Palace. Secrets everywhere, all kinds of special products, one by one listed, extremely detailed.

"Bu Lao Shen Quan is in the medicine garden of Baiduan Mountain. In addition to Bu Lao Shen Quan, there are countless elixir in Bai Cao Garden, which is worth our visit."

The golden wings stretched out, and the two took up a golden rainbow, bursting into the sky like lightning, with a great momentum.

The weather of the wing of the magical weapon was released, and the two also avoided unnecessary troubles, so that they would not recognize them as they did before the ancient relics, and then jumped out to challenge.

"That's ... Taihao and Shaohao?"

Two pairs of golden wings, the mighty divine power, this obvious sign, so that everyone who saw this scene, guessed their identity.

A ferocious bear child must not be provoked.

After understanding the identity of the two people, none of them came to death.

"There is Baicao Garden over there."

In a valley in front, Swiss qi transpiration, auspicious clouds flow.

Looking away, it was vaguely discernible that it was a medicine garden. In the medicine garden, the splendid and splendid, the endless plants and trees are full of tide.

"It really is a good place, much better than the medicine garden of Demon Lake."

The small stone saw the weather in the valley, and nodded in admiration. "Good guy, such a rich plant essence, are all the elixir growing here?

"Go and see!"

The wings turned, and the two whistled and fell to the valley where Baicaoyuan was located.

As if there was a layer of light curtain covering the whole valley, and the aura of light lingering between them, the scene in the valley was amazing, like a fairyland.

"It is rumored that this Baicao Garden was sacredly developed by ancient times. Looking at this weather, it really is very mysterious."

Shao Hao nodded and motioned toward the small stone, "Let's go! See what kind of scene is inside."

Step out, through the light curtain, as if into the other side of the world.


There was a shock in the void, and a huge pressure shrouded like a heavy mountain.

"Is this a rune array? Or a field?"

This huge pressure was nothing to both of them and didn't care too much.

"It should be the role of the field. Rune magic cannot be used."

Little stone reached out his hand, a flash of light flashed through his fingertips, and then instantly annihilated.

This is Jinwu Real Fire.

In this Baicao Garden, Jinwu Zhenhuo, a true magic weapon, can only emit a trace of fire, and it is instantly annihilated.

"All the runes and treasures are limited in the Baicao Garden. Only physical strength can be used. For us, it doesn't matter if we use treasures."

With their two bodies, there is no need to be able to use magic, and they have not lost much combat power.


In the distance, there was a loud roar in the center of Baicaoyuan.



The roar of the fierce beast and raptor came, and between them, two huge figures were fighting and fighting.

"Bi Fang and Zhu Jian? These are two pure-blood true spirit cubs, are they fighting?"

Little Stone grinned, "Go, go and see the pure-blood true cub, how capable is it!"

Leaping forward, the figure of Little Stone whistled forward.

In the Baicao Garden, the power outside the body is limited, the wings of the British strokes are no longer available, and they can only move forward with their own strength.

"Be careful!"

Shao Hao was about to keep pace, and suddenly saw a purple light burst through the sky, rushing out like lightning, and pierced the small stone fiercely.

"Hum! How dare you sneak attack?"

The little stone roared and turned and punched.

The vastness of blood swelled and huge power burst. He punched with a punch, sinking like a mountain.


With a bang, the purple light burst. The juice splashed and debris.

"It turned out to be a tree vine?"

Seeing the broken purple vine, the small stone frowned. "Even tree vines will sneak attack? This place is really weird."

"Not just tree vines!"

Shao Hao turned and shot with a palm, and an old tree with knots was shot with a palm of Shao Hao. Countless rushes like spears rushed out of the ground, and suddenly slumped softly.

"Vine will attack, and so will old trees, so ... what about the stone? Does it also attack?"

The small stone frowned and glanced at it, kicking it and kicking the stone next to it.

"Ah ... don't kill me! Don't kill me! I haven't attacked yet ... oh no! No! I won't sneak attack! I will never attack!"

Between the two of them stunned, the ruler-seeking stone, which was kicked up by a small stone, flew, and it even ... spoke.

"What the **** are you?"

The little stone frowned, the figure flew, reached out and grabbed the stone, grabbed the stone in his hand.

"I'm an ordinary stone! Rao life! Rao life!"

A panic voice screamed among the stones, begging for mercy.

"I believe it's you!"

The small stone snorted and clenched his fist, and the vast force condensed on the fist. "How strong is the kick I just made? If it was just a normal stone, it would have been shattered long ago. You haven't even left a mark. Will it be ordinary rocks? "

"What nonsense with it? It is not uncommon to see sacrificial spirits in the mountains and stones. There is another mountain in Xiaogu Mountain that has become a sacrificial spirit. If you honestly explain it, spare it. If it is not honest, just break it."

Shao Hao put on a black face, his eyes were cold, and he was full of brilliant blood and blood.

"Haha! Shatter me? Do you want to shatter me?"

At this time, the sound in the stone no longer beg for softness, but became extremely arrogant and extremely tough.

"You two juniors, the old man is the **** stone of Baicaoyuan Township ~ ~ everything in Baicaoyuan is controlled by the old man."

On top of the stones, a stream of light shone, seemingly very ordinary stones, instantly became colorful and mysterious.

"Boy, if you want to gain something in Baicao Garden, you have to see if the old man doesn't agree. If you offend the old man, Baicao Garden's field will directly bomb you out. You will always ..."

"Dare to talk hard!"

Before the voice in the stone was finished, the small stone hit it with a punch.

"Ah! It hurts! It hurts!"

There was a scream of screaming among the stones, which seemed to be beaten terribly.

Actually ... Little Rock was blowing his fist and grinning with his teeth, "What the **** is this thing? Why is it so hard? Even my hand hurts!"

"This should be the legendary hitting stone! One of the ten ancient fierce hitting stone!"

After searching for a bit on the "Super Palace", Shao Hao found the origin of the stone.

"Taikoo is so fierce? This thing ... apart from being a little harder, doesn't seem to be anything special?"

The small stone grabbed the stone and looked up and down for a long time in front of his eyes, but he couldn't find a bit of arrogance as the "Ten Ancient Ten".

"Indestructible! Rebound all attacks! And it also has the characteristics that must be hit! With this, hitting the **** stone is the ancient ten!"

"It turned out to be this? Haha!"

The small stone lifted the stone in his hand, and laughed, "Yes! Yes! It will be refreshing to hit someone in the future!"

"Don't! I hurt when I hit someone!"

A painful sorrow hit God Stone, as if lamenting its future destiny.

This thing fell into the hands of the small stone, that is a good slab.

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