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Chapter 629: Kun Peng's Lair

"It turned out to be Taihao and Shaohao!"

Seeing the two men in front, the girl in purple quickly stepped forward to salute, "Yun Xi has seen two sons."

In the mysterious realm of Baiduan Mountain, this Tianren tribe girl from Tianshen Mountain was frightened by small stones and slabs while in Baicao Garden.

But then Shao Hao and the two of them cut the Beastmaster and rescued everyone. Celestial girls are also favored by the two.

"Ahaha! It's a family!"

The bald bald-headed bird laughed and called a haha, "Niece, is this how you look good? Both are? Niece, you are wrong. The most important thing for a woman is to be unique. You pedal on two boats like this. ... "


Before the words of the hairless bald bird were finished, it turned into a peculiar strange little lion. A cat fluttered and a paw pressed the bald bird to the ground.

"Young Master, this guy is the first five-colored peacock, or pure blood. It seems that there is something wrong with the practice, and it has fallen from the state of the Lord. Although the strength is not good, the meat is still very good. Kill it and eat it!"

The skyfinch fell to the bald bald bird, raised its claws and lifted the bald bird twice, and said with a good look, his eyes burning, as if looking for a knife.

"Ah ... poor? Swallowing larks?"

At this time, the hairless bald bird also showed the nature of the little lion and the small tit, and suddenly screamed in horror. "It's unreasonable! Would you like to be so pitted! It looks like this to pit people? "

"Two sons, this guy ... is really my elder."

Yun Xi smiled helplessly, "Please ask the two sons to raise your expensive hands, don't eat it."

"Ah? Really? What's a joke? I'm pure blood ..."

The old peacock was shocked when he heard this. Someone really eats pure blood?

"The old spiders at Demon Lake were roasted and eaten by the young master. Eat another peacock, what a fart?"

Poor Qi grinned, his mouth full of fangs looking very emaciated.

"My God, it's too cruel! It's terrifying!"

The old peacock shuddered and his neck was a little cold.

These two little guys look so handsome and handsome, never thought they were so cruel!

"Just a joke! Just a joke! How can you eat it?"

Little Rock shook his head with a smile, and waved his hand to poor Qi, motioned poor Qi to let go of the bald bird, "Relax, you won't eat!"

"Can't eat ..."

The old peacock turned up from the ground, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely. "Can't eat? Could you wipe the saliva clean and say that again!"

"Two sons, are you planning to go to Kunpeng's lair? It is rumored that Kunpeng's lair has been opened, and there is a heritage of Kunpeng's art.

Yun Xi Chao Shaohao asked with a smile.

"It does."

Shao Hao nodded, "Are you going to Tianshen Mountain? Are you two?"


Yun Xi glanced at the hairless old peacock, and smiled awkwardly. "We have joined together to explore Xun Peng's lair, but ... I chased it. The others are still behind.

"Oh. In that case, let's take a step! Goodbye!"

Shao Hao nodded towards Yun Xi, turned around and boarded the poor odd back.

With wings spread, the roar broke through.

Poor Qi and Swallowtail, carrying the two, galloped away.

"My God, the pure blood of the Lord's realm is just a mount? What are these two people for?"

The hairless old peacock was stunned.

"Tai Hao and Shao Hao, two talented people who are world-renowned, have so much strength, and the backstage is too hard to imagine. They are called‘ Absolutely ca n’t mess with ’existence.”

Yun Xi sighed. Once upon a time, she was also a peerless Tianjiao, but compared with these two people, that is the difference between fireflies and the sun.

"The sea ... is so magnificent!"

The small stone stood on the back of the swallowing bird and saw the vast sea, and could not help but sigh.


At this time, the sea below was soaring, a huge one-horned silver shark like a mountain broke out, setting off endless waves.

"Come here!"

The huge silver shark opened its mouth and yelled at the sky, "By the command of His Majesty, he blocked the North Sea. No one can enter, no offenders will be killed without pardon!"

"Ha? Your excellency? Blockade Beihai, do you want to monopolize Kunpeng's lair? It's so daring!"

Little Stone frowned, "Get out of the way! Otherwise, shark fins are good, just for the porridge!"

"court death!"

The silver shark growled in anger, opened his teeth and opened his mouth to face the two beasts and swallowed them.

"You are such a miscellaneous fish that you can't even distinguish the strength of your opponent.

The swallowing bird opened a black light in his mouth, only a moment, and the huge silver shark instantly turned into a pile of ashes and spilled, and died completely.

"My shark fin!"

Little Stone blinked his eyes and growled in depression.


The swallowing larvae stagnates and forgets it? It's been a help!

"Stop it! Hurry up!"

Shao Hao waved his hand, swallowing the sky **** like a pardon, quickly spread his wings and flew away.

Along the way, all kinds of ferocious sea beasts haunted the vast expanse of the ocean. However, after the sky **** and Qunqi let out their breath, no sea beast came to death.

Soon after, a huge cliff in the distance broke through the sea and stood tall.

Above the cliff, there is a huge bird nest. Even if there is no magnificent divine glory, there is no shocking weather, but there is a strong breath that trembles the sky and immortals.

But ~ ~ Xunpeng Lair didn't attract the two's attention. What really moved the two was the situation in the waters near Kun Peng's lair.


The sound of the killing sounds loud.

The whole sea was red. Numerous forces and races fought dark and dark near Kun Peng's lair, killing blood into a river.


A large group of silverscale sharks, like a continuous silver land, roared out.


A group of lightning dogs rose into the sky, the thunder thundered like rain, and they blasted into the silver sharks fiercely.

A large swarm of silver sharks emptied instantly.


A huge gray dragon, roaring out of the water, waved his claws, and straightened a lightning dog.


A huge golden urn, roaring to the sky, a mighty sound wave swept the world. Under the impact of this sonic wave, everything in front of it exploded, and blood stained the whole sea.

"Even the strong in the lord's realm have fought? So tragic?"

The **** battle in front of him surprised Little Stone, and even His Holiness ended in person. The allure of this Peng Peng's lair was really scary.

"Two young masters, this is outside Kun Peng's lair. They can also use the power of His Holiness. Once in the nest, due to the suppression of Kun Peng's law, all powers cannot pass through the spiritual realm.

The gorilla hurriedly explained.

"However, the two young masters need to be careful. The temptation of Xun Pengbao is too great. These people have killed red eyes."

Poor Qi reminded in a low voice.

"I know!"

Shao Hao nodded, reached out and held down the long knife on his waist, "We walk the world by strength. The ancestor asked us to come here, isn't that just training us?"

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