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Chapter 631: Yuan You Ling

"Om ..."

At this time, a roar broke out from Kun Peng's lair, and an invisible wave came out, sweeping the whole world.

Under this fluctuation, the power of the invisible law sweeps all the forces out of the spiritual realm. No one, no secret artifact, can wield power over the spirit.

With these fluctuations, the fighting situation intensified everywhere. His Holiness descended into the spiritual realm, and without the supreme deterrence, he became even more frustrated.

"Here again! The interval is getting closer!"

"Xun Peng's lair's law formation is really terrifying, and even His Holiness has been swept directly down to the level of spiritualization."

"Even if they are lords, they are not invincible in the spiritual realm. These lords are not true bodies, and they should come from a spiritual body. Otherwise, there is a danger that the true body will be cut."

In the vicinity of Kun Peng's lair, those forces occupying one side and no one provoked were somewhat gloating.

"Who insulted me Poseidon?"

With a loud shout, the mighty water was rising into the sky.

A man dressed in armor and holding a halberd, shining all over his body, like the figure of the **** Lin Linfan, floating in mid-air, looking around, and powerful.

"The son of Poseidon is here! The two boys are in trouble!"

Seeing this figure, everyone nearby was amazed, "Invincible Spiritual Realm, Son of Poseidon, is too powerful!"

"Master, those two boys!"

Behind this man, the golden armored man who was slapped by Shao Hao just now, pointing at Shao Hao and Xiao Shi, shouted, "Master, these two boys are very arrogant and very disrespectful to the master!"

"Two Terrans?"

The son of Poseidon glanced at the two, a pair of blue eyes burst into a cold light, "It's so courageous! I'd like to see how competent you are."

"I heard that you are called Invincible?"

The small stone stepped forward, glanced at the son of the sea god, and dismissed his lips in disdain, "You can make the spirit invincible like this, so what am I to do?"

"You're looking for death!"

The son of Poseidon roared, and the halberd in his hand was shocked and cut out.

"Poseidon Horn!"

The halberd broke, and the sky was full of light.

In the endless water and light, various sea beasts appeared, as if an overwhelming army of sea beasts.

Each sea beast appears as if it were a real beast, not a manifestation of spiritual power.

"Fa has a spirit! The son of the sea **** is truly invincible in the spirit realm, even reaching such legendary realm."

This trick was cut out and surprised the people watching.

"This is called Fa You Yuan Ling!"

Little Rock shrugged his lips in disdain. "I'll know this very early!"

He said in his mouth, but there was no pause in his hand. The small stone raised his hand and fisted up, and the sky was full of spirits.

"The power of the earth!"

With a punch, the manifestation is no longer a mountain, but a huge and extremely powerful dragon.

"Well ..."

The dragon roared loudly, and the whole figure was like a huge mountain, crushing it severely.


The sea beast figure disappeared suddenly. Long Ziba drew his paw on the chest of the son of Poseidon.

With a bang, the son of Poseidon flicked away like a ball flying.

"It's ... so strong?"

"It's also the law that has the element spirit? And the manifestation or the overlord true spirit? Is this too scary?"

"When did such a horrible guy emerge? What is the origin of the two?"

One shot defeated the son of Poseidon, who is known as "Invincible Spiritual Realm." It was so monstrous that it scared everyone around him.

"It was the two of them, that's not surprising!"

There are also some forces from the Great Wilderness 6 near Xunpeng's lair. These people quickly recognized the identities of the two.

"It turned out to be Taihao and Shaohao! Really invincible!"

"Tai Hao and Shao Hao? Are the geniuses in Dahuang 6?"

The forces from the waters didn't know much about the situation in Nei6. Hearing the introduction of the inner six forces, I realized that these two terrifying peerless figures.

With one strike, no one dared to mess with it.

"No one is bothering, no more fights!"

Little Stone seemed a bit unpleasant, muttered in depression.

"Not in a hurry, after the opening of Kun Peng's lair, there is a chance of fighting."

Shaohao grinned. The current battle looks horrible. Injuries and deaths are actually mixed fish, and the real masters have not shot it.

Even if there is a battle between lords in the outer waters, it is only due to personal grudges. This situation is rare.

Time passed slowly while waiting, and shortly afterwards, the entire Kun Peng lair burst into endless brilliance.


With a loud roar, a huge endless hole appeared on the cliff where Kun Peng's lair was located.

In the mouth of the cave, a vast expanse of waters appeared in front of everyone.

"It turns out that Kunpeng's lair is still in another sea!"

When they saw this opening, everyone understood that the real Kunpeng lair was not on this cliff, but somewhere else.

"Go! Hurry!"

The lair was opened, and everyone rushed to control Guangguang, screaming and rushing to the huge hole that appeared in the air.

"We should be out too!"

Shao Hao and Xiao Shi also rushed into the cave with the crowd.

Through a light curtain, everyone came to a vast sea.

In this sea, on an island, a splendid and magnificent lair stands high like a huge giant city.

"That's Kunpeng's Lair! Go! Go!"

Seeing Kun Peng's lair just ahead, countless people swarmed towards Kun Peng's lair.

Shao Hao and Little Stone were no exception, and rushed towards Kun Peng's lair.

Above the island, a huge bluestone road leads directly to Kunpeng's lair. However ... on the lair, the portal like a city gate was closed tightly.

"Is it not time to open it?"

"How can I get in?"

Stopped outside the gate ~ ~ Many practitioners were anxious.

"In legend, it takes ten cave days to open the portal! Ten cave days, that's a myth. How could there be such a person?"

"You don't need a ten-hole sky. The relics of Xun Peng can also open the door of the lair. Those holy places of worship must be prepared.

Everyone talked and could only wait outside the gate for the time being.

"Well? Shaohao, over there ..."

Little Stone and Shao Hao did not rush to the gate of Kunpeng's Nest, but stopped outside.

At this time, the small stone pointed at an island next to it, pointed at the river on the island, and cried in surprise.

"what happened?"

Shao Hao looked in the direction indicated by the small stone, and only saw a river of shining light, but there was no other abnormality.

"I seem to see a figure. It's strange!"

The small stone frowned, and swept up, "I'll see!"

"Ah! Wait for me!"

Shao Hao followed the small stones and flew to the nearby island.

"This is ... a paper boat?"

The small stone stood by the river, reached for a paper boat, saw the blood in the paper boat, and saw the line, "I am the only one left!"

At this moment, the little stone seemed to see a lonely and lonely figure in white clothes, folding a paper boat, biting his fingertips, and writing a line. Then release the paper boat in your hand.

As if wandering from the end of time, the paper boat floated through countless time and space until ... floating into the river and floating to the small stone.

"What the **** is this?"

The little stone felt inexplicable, and reached out and threw the paper boat back into the river.

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