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Chapter 639: Respect for life, soaring strength

"Ha ha ha ha! It's so refreshing!"

A pair of golden wings emerged from the air, chopped up the shattered beast that was manifested in front of him, and Xun Pengzi was angry and laughed.

This is the wall of the demon.

The original wall of gods and demons could not withstand the power of the supreme realm, and was "cured" by Li Yu with runes. After being reinforced again, Xun Pengzi in the supreme realm could also enter the wall of the devil to clear the gate.

The Demon Wall has 108 levels, and each level is a real and **** battle. Even Xun Pengzi was bruised all over.

Shao Hao and Little Stone are also regulars in the wall of gods and demons.

"Well ..."

The sky is roaring, the sky is cut, and everything is cut.

A nine-leaf sword grass, bursting with endless sword light, chopping the sky.

"His ... it hurts!"

The small stone burst out with a thick yellow light, resisting the peerless sword spirit of the nine-leaf sword grass, and the blood was cut from the whole body.

"Blood Rebirth!"

Between the anger and blood, the injury recovered instantly, and then ... continued to be cut!

Small stone This is the holy art of honing stone.

The strongest defense in the world is the most extreme sharpness in the world. Originally, they were evenly matched. However, the small stone's sacred stone technique was still too shallow to reach the extreme. Under the attack of the nine-leaf sword grass, it could not be carried.

"Cursor word sword! Everything is not cut!"

In another trial space, Shao Hao pointed like a sword, used a cursive sword tactic, and slashed at a huge stone.


The boulder burst into a yellow light, and Jianguang couldn't cut it at all. more importantly……

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Under this yellow light burst, the sword lights cut by Shao Hao himself bounced back!

"It's really tough to hit God Stone!"

Wolverine avoided Jianguang's rebound, Shao Hao looked up at the hitting stone in front of him, his face helpless, "It is indeed the strongest defense, and it can't be cut at all!"


Dashen Stone rushed up and smashed in front of Shao Hao!

"Must hit! This is really shameless!"

A blow that will hit God's Stone is impossible to hide. Shaohao roared, bursting out his strength, and holding on to the blow.

Blood splattered, broken tendons and fractures, Shao Hao was blasted away from a distance!

"Blood Rebirth!"

In the flurry of blood, the injury recovered instantly, Shao Hao raised his head, "Come again!"

Since the return of Beihai, Shao Hao and Little Stone have learned a lot. With such a great training place as the Wall of Gods and Demons, where can I let it go?

Except in the "Enlightenment Hall", the rest of the time, all in the wall of the demon, through countless **** battles, constantly hone themselves.

"I am the heir to the Supreme Hall. How can I be called the Supreme Master without defeating all the opponents in the wall of the demon? Kill!"

bloody battle! Endless blood battle!

He was bruised all over the body, his bones were broken, and he was still hitting!

In continuous battles, the magic of magical powers continued to improve, the body was continuously strengthened, the Taishang Jindan swallowed in the abdomen of the two, also continued to integrate into the body, and continued to promote.


On this day, Shao Hao cut the stone with a sword!

In the same realm, even the strongest defense in the world can't stop Shao Hao's sword!

"Come! Come and hack me!"

The small stone was covered with a layer of yellow light, holding his arms, and let the nine-leaf sword grass release an endless sword light, and kept beheading and killing, but stood still and could not hurt him at all.

Under the same realm, the nine-leaf sword grass, the most extreme sharp of the world, can't cut the defense of small stones.

Then, the next round of fighting began!

This time, the small stone wielded his sword and smashed the **** stone, and Shao Hao stood up against the sword qi of defense against the nine-leaf sword grass.

After this round, the fighting continues.

"The horned ant, the most powerful creature in the world! Hey, let's compare our strength!"

The little stone roared, and also exerted the great magical power of the horned ants.


The most powerful magical power of the horned ants, known as "the overthrow of the sky and the destruction of the earth" is the ultimate power.

"I will do the same!"

Little Stone shouted, the same trick "sharp earth", to attack and attack, to hit hard!


With a loud noise, the horned ants and small stones flew away at the same time.

"Kirin step!"

On the other side, Shao Hao and a unicorn also attacked in the same way.

The hearts of both teenagers are great!

They intend to defeat the original masters of these magical powers with the same magical powers.

The sword air is sharper than the nine-leaf sword grass, the defense is stronger than the sacred stone, and the power is stronger than the horned ants! Stronger than Zhenlong, stronger than Zhenhuang, stronger than Kirin! Stronger than all Archaic ten!

Xiu is growing day by day, the strength of the opponent is also rising, the battle has never stopped, and the progress has never stopped!

Time passes day by day in continuous training!

Three years later, two 14-year-olds have reached their peak!

"Holy State!"

Three years of continuous battle and training, Tai Shang Jin Dan's strength continued to integrate into the body, the two people's cultivation continued to improve.

Until they rise to the level of the Supreme Master, they have cleared all the levels of the wall of the demon and stepped on all the opponents in the same realm!

Two 14-year-old lords, there are no ancients and no comers. If this news spreads, it will scare countless people.

This round of retreat is finally over!

"I ... my supreme bone!"

A small stone burst out of the wall of the devil ~ ~ An endless divine light burst out from the chest, and the brilliant light burst into the sky. The huge and mysterious power exudes a breath of heaven and earth in all reincarnation. Heartbreaking.

"Extreme bones have grown back?"

Seeing the vision on the little stone, everyone laughed ecstatically and gathered around.

"Okay! Okay! Our inborn Supreme is back!"

The old patriarch laughed with relief.

"The ancestor also transformed the supernatural power into the martial arts heavenly eye method. We are now the state of the Supreme Master, and we can practice the martial art heavenly eye! At that time, combining the power of the heavy eye and the supreme bone, it will be stronger. ! "

Shao Hao is also full of joy. The ancestor also passed on the method of condensing the Supreme Bone, and he can also practice the power of the Supreme Bone and heavy eyes.

At that time, the power can go further. Who can be enemies in the world?

"Where you are the strongest is where you are the weakest. Rebirth of the Supreme Bone is not necessarily a good thing for you! It may become an obstacle to your progress!"

The figure of Liu Shen appeared in front of everyone, looking at the reborn Supreme Bones on the small stone chest, it seemed a little unsatisfactory.

"No way?"

Shao Hao was very surprised by Liu Shen's words, "This is the natural power of Little Stone. How can such a powerful force be an obstacle?"

"Yeah! He is the first generation. The talented supernatural powers are similar to the magical powers of our Kunpeng family. This is the talented instinct. How can it be an obstacle?"

Xun Pengzi was also a little puzzled, but Liu Shen is a fairy and has great knowledge, which also makes Xun Pengzi somewhat doubtful.

If it is really a hindrance, is it a bad thing to regenerate the supreme bone of the small stone?

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