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Chapter 670: Borderlands 7 King

"You are all heroes!"

Li Yu sighed, stepped across the void, and came to the ancient city guarded on the front line.

The grey walls were covered with countless battle trails. In the vast void outside the city, countless corpses were piled up.

The white bones paved the ground.

At the gate of the city, the corpses of two immortals stood on their knees, burning, like two huge torches, lighting up the sky.

This is the proof of glory!

But ... there are no swords and rifles on the city, no majestic army formations, no strong flags flying, and no war drums.

There is only ... a thin and sloppy one-armed old man with a group of half-old children, holding a knife and gun, guarding the city.

"Why do you have to carry the responsibilities of all people for nine days and ten places? You have paid too much!"

Li Yu sighed and walked to the gate of the city.


李 When Li Yu stepped into the vicinity of the city gate, the old man on the city wall burst into a drink and raised a long knife in his hand, bursting with endless murderous power, prestige, and war.

"Countless years of battle, Diguan is still standing! The dedication of the Seven Kings is admirable. After a long time, I ... brought reinforcements!"

Li Yu exudes his own breath, and as the imposing king of the immortal king, shakes the world.

"Immortal King? Did you ... bring reinforcements?"

The one-armed old man's eyes brightened and he was very surprised. He looked up behind Li Yu and found no so-called reinforcements, which made the one-armed old man slightly surprised.

"The poor road is too high, come to visit the Seven Kings in the Desert! The reinforcements will come later!"

Li Yuchao bowed his hand to the city gate. Although this person's strength and identity are far worse than Li Yu's, their will to keep the border and never shrink will be admirable.

"It is a great honour for Daoyou to come here. I am here to meet you, and I ca n’t welcome you. Please forgive me."

At this time, a tough voice came from the city. This person must be the only one of the Seven Kings in the Wasteland.

"Although his voice was loud and clear, he was clearly out of breath. He was seriously injured."

Li Yu nodded, walked into the city gate, and came to this lonely city that had been sealed for a long time and had never been aided for hundreds of millions of years.

"Sir, did you bring reinforcements?"

The one-armed old man with a group of children and women surrounded him with anticipation. The pair of eyes full of hope made Li Yu's heart a little bit sour.

There are no young adults in Wucheng! Even teenagers over twelve are gone.

Nuozhen has been guarding the border for many years, and the young and strong are dead!

They need reinforcements! For countless years, they have been waiting for reinforcements! However ... even the people living behind are framed as a blood of sin, how could they still have reinforcements?

"Yes! Poor Dao brought reinforcements! It also brought countless supplies!"

The entire city is very large, but after countless years of continuous fighting, the corpses pile up like mountains, the ominous air erodes, and the Tao interweaves and interferes.

作物 There are not many places in this city where crops can be grown, and the sources of food are very scarce!

来 "Come, ask you to eat meat!"

An alien and his party, in addition to the Red King himself, Li Yu also collected a few beasts of time. One is to guard the medicine garden, and the other two are the two guards at the place where Red King retreats.

The three beasts of time are all immortals, that is, heavens. The body is huge and boundless, like a mountain.

Li Yu refined the law of immortality, and gave the three beasts of time as supplies to a lot of young people in the city.

"Beast of Time, Immortal!"

The one-armed old man was shocked, "Too heavenly, you killed three beasts of time? In these years, there have been almost no beasts of time. Are you ... you have entered a foreign land?"

"I have meat to eat!"

Little children, no matter what time the beast or any immortal, it is a good thing to eat meat.

"The remaining dark breath around the border and the corpse road interfere, making life in the city annihilated. Let ’s clear up the poor road!"

He stretched out his hand, and the black and white intertwined yin and yang burst into the sky, covering the sky and covering the sky like a sky.

Sweeping out like a tide, sweeping the world and washing the sky!

The piles of corpses piled up around Bianbianguan, the ominous air pervading between the heavens and the earth, and the various remaining intertwined roads were swept away.

The sky is clear, the sky is clear!

For a while, around the entire Diguan, there was no trace of mixed air, and it turned into a pure world.

"In the beginning, Xuanhuang, the mother of all things!"

A wave of black and yellow air burst out, and the vast emperor's gate and the vast world suddenly bloomed with endless vitality.

"Flowers bloom and thank you, plants are withered!"

Xuanhuang was divided into five elements at the beginning of Tai Tai, and the spirit of Aoki was diffused, and swept across the entire Emperor Guan.

In an instant, the mountains were green, the fields were green, and endless vitality sprouted. The entire Diguan turned into a green mountain.

"Thank you, God! Thank you, God!"

With this kind of behavior, Emperor Guan will no longer be ruined, everything will become vibrant and everything will become very beautiful!

"Thank you friends!"

On the hill in the north of Diguan, the only one of the seven kings in the desert was the only one left, and he was pleased and said, "I haven't seen such a scene for many years!"

"In the future, there will always be such a scene here."

Li Yu smiled, stepped out, and instantly came to the hill, in front of the only king of the wasteland.

This is a middle-aged man with a strong body. Even if he is seriously injured, even walking is very difficult. But the king of the desert was still standing upright, as if his spine, cast of steel, never bent.

"Xia Canglang, I've seen Taishang Brothers."

The king of Hebianbian nodded with a smile, "Thank you for helping me. Since the First World War, there is no more reinforcements in this city! My brothers are here to help, Canglang is grateful."

"Meet the King of Canglang!"

Li Yu bowed his hand, "the seven kings on the side of the desert, guarding the border for countless years, guarding the nine days and ten places. The poor way is admired extremely. The poor way is late, and the Canglang king forgive me."

"Seven Kings in the Wild ..."

King Canglang sighed and pointed his finger at a temple in the city. "The seven kings in the desert are the only ones left!"

"King Kong King's suppression was ominous. He chased away the black ship and hasn't returned yet ~ ~ I am afraid it has fallen. King Aoki entered the Taigu Ancient Mine and suppressed the family of the guardian who fell into darkness. King, King Suzaku, King Ape, they ... sacrificed themselves during the death and strengthened the imperial customs. A trace of remnants also turned into the temple. "

"but me……"

Wang Canglang smiled bitterly, "I was seriously injured and was struggling to survive. Now I'm short of life, and I have only one last breath."

"The Seven Kings in the Wild, the heroes are admirable!"

豫 Li Yugong clenched his fists, "There is a way to deal with the poor, which can heal the Canglang King's injury. What does Canglang King's intention mean?"

"I've been ill for a long time, so my brothers don't have to waste magic medicine."

King Canglang shook his head, "I was besieged by An Lan and others, and the Immortal King's way was entangled in the body, and could not be expelled. There was no magic medicine."

"The poor way has its own secret method!"

Li Yu waved his hand to release the "forged flood furnace", and took the set of the master of Huyou Forbidden Zone to Huyou Canglang King.

"Baihe King, Chongming King and others have been resurrected by the Supreme Master? The ancestral spirit is still alive? Good! Great!"

Seeing the tokens given by Li Yu, King Canglang's confidence increased greatly, and he sprang up into the fortune-making furnace.

He refined in the "forge of fortune", cleared the entanglement of the Canglang King's body, added a vitality, and the Canglang King recovered instantly.

"Tianzun has great magical power! Amazing! Thank you for your great respect!"

Xun rushed out of the "furnace of transformation", and the Canglang Dynasty Li Yu bowed down and thanked him.

At this point, the Canglang King of the Seven Kings in the Wilderness has resumed its heyday, and Li Yu's fairy king army has added another capable member.

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