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Chapter 680: Qingyue Fairy is also Elder Zongmen?

"Is it the Blue Moon Fairy Fire? This thing should not be worse than Da Chitian Fire!"

Wu Shaohao looked up at the bright moon hanging above the sky, and his heart moved a little, "Even if I don't need it, people in Shicun can use it!"

"To collect the tinder, you need to communicate the spiritual knowledge in the flame with the ancient sacrifice in order to conquer the tinder. Otherwise, once you confront the fairy fire, no one can carry it."

I recalled the ancient sacrifice in the library, Shao Hao looked up at the bright moon hanging above the blue sky, and recalled the ancient sacrifice in my mind, and now I planned to use the sacrifice to communicate the blue moon fire.


I was about to read the sacrifice, and the "Supreme Hall" in my head was shocked again. A white pupa appeared in the "Supreme Hall".

"Take this Yu Fei to communicate with Qing Yue Huo!"

In Shao Hao's mind, Li Yu's full sigh sounded, "The fairy of the blue moon, one of the disciples that Yuxu Taoyou taught that year. Unfortunately, she also fell."

"Suddenly the disciple of Yuxu ancestor?"

Wu Shaohao looked up at Qingyue in the sky, and his heart gave rise to an inexplicable emotion, "It was still the seniors of Zongmen!"

Xu reached out and took out the white pupa feather, held it in his hands, raised his head, and Shao Hao bowed down and worshiped at the blue moon in the sky. "Disciple Shao Hao, meet the ancestor of Qing Yue."

In the "Door" fictionalized by Li Yu, those old monsters, no matter which one, Shao Hao can only call "ancestor."


When the white pheasant appeared, the sky made a loud noise, the blue sky suddenly converged, and a huge blue moon fell suddenly.

Among the blue moons, a peerless female fairy emerged, her figure was tall and straight, as if she were a true fairy.

"Master ..."

The female fairy looked at the feathers in the hands of Shao Hao, and there was a sorrow in the face of bright Wushuang, and tears flashed in her eyes.

"Disciple Shao Hao, meet ancestor Qingyue!"

Wu Shaohao bowed to the fairy again.

"You ... under Master's door?"

Xian Qingyue Fairy glanced at Shao Hao, and a doubt appeared on her face, "Is ... After Master fell, the remnant soul is resident in the world, and you are accepted again?"

"Return to the ancestor Qingyue. The disciple is under the ancestor of the Supreme Master. The ancestor of Yu Xu and the ancestor of my family are the same, so the ancestor of Yu Xu is also the ancestor of the disciple."

Wu Shaohao quickly reported to Qingyue Fairy, "Some time ago, the Supreme Master found the scattered soul of Yu Xu's ancestor and resurrected Yu Xu's ancestor. Today, Yu Xu's ancestor has returned to the world."

"Too high? Yuxu? Resurrection?"

Xian Qingyue Fairy thought for a moment, then she understood Shao Hao's words, "Originally, Master is from Daomen, is the Taoist name Yuxu? And ... Master has been resurrected?"

"Hurry! Hurry! Take me to see Master!"

The huge blue moon suddenly dispersed, leaving only a cloud of green flames floating in front of Shao Hao, "Take me to see Master!"

"Uh, okay!"

Wu Shaohao reached out to take over the green fire, and his heart was helpless. Because ... he didn't know Yuxu Taoist, where did he go now?

"I'm afraid this matter can only be handled by the Supreme Master!"

He put this green fire into the "Extreme Hall", and Shao Hao's heart sank into the ancestral hall of the "Extreme Hall", and made a false accusation in front of the portrait of Li Yu.

"I know this, you don't need to worry about it!"

豫 Li Yu's voice sounded, a flash of light flashed over, and the green moon fire of the "Supreme Hall" disappeared instantly.

Walking in the Supreme Hall next to Shicun, Li Yu reached out and took out a cyan flame.

"The poor way is too high, you are Qingyue, a disciple of Yuxu Daoyou!"

The blue moon fire floating in front of Nodded his head, and then Li Yu sighed again, "Unfortunately, you are just a mark of remnants, not the true soul. The poor can't revive you."

"Disciple Qingyue, meet Taishang Tianzun."

Wu Qinghuo turned into a figure, bowed down to Li Yu, "Dare to ask the Supreme Master, I do n’t know Master now ..."

"Yuxu Daoyou went out to cause the cause and effect of the year, I am afraid also looking for the remnants of your disciples!"

豫 Li Yu shook her head with a sigh. "Your true soul has entered the reincarnation. In this life, she is called Yue Chan. After reincarnation, you are no longer you!"

"The disciple is just a mark of disgrace and the wish in his heart is nothing more than seeing the Master again. Now that I know that the teacher respects the world, the disciple is ecstatic and has no regrets!"

Li Qingyue bowed to Li Yu and worshiped, "Tianzun rescued Master, great grace and virtue, Qingyue has nothing to report."

"No need!"

Li Yu waved his hand, "Since you are here, I will call back Yuxu Daoyou and meet you!"

After a short shot, Li Yu sent a message to the owner of the restricted area.

When the lord of the forbidden zone and others left, everyone took a messenger. Through the messenger, Li Yu immediately contacted the owner of the restricted area.


The lord of the forbidden zone received a message and quickly broke through the void, crossing Tianyu, and rushed over in an instant.

A flash of light passed, and the figure of the Lord of the restricted area appeared in front of Li Yu and the two.

"It really is Qingyue!"

The lord of the forbidden zone saw the manifestation of the blue fire, and sighed.

"Disciple Qingyue, meet Master!"

Qingyue burst into tears and bowed down before the Lord of the forbidden zone. "I ca n’t help seeing the teacher respecting the return of the world ~ ~ The disciples ca n’t help but just disciples can no longer serve the Master. "

"You ... 唉 ..."

The master of the forbidden area can see the situation of Qingyue at a glance. This is just a mark of remnant thoughts, not even the remnants of the soul, even if the Supreme Master is more powerful, it is impossible to revive Qingyue.

"Master does not need to be sad. There is no regret to see Master Wudi, disciple!"

The stubborn dissatisfaction dissipated, and this imprint could no longer survive. A ray of light fell like a light rain, and Qingyue's figure slowly collapsed and dissipated.

In the end, only a green fire floated in the air.

The true immortal, known as the Fairy Fairy, has completely dissipated in the heavens and the earth. The moon cicada born in reincarnation is no longer a blue moon.

"Seeing Qingyue, I remember the young girl brought back by Little Stone last time. She seems to be called Yue Chan? That should be Qingyue's reincarnation."

The master of the forbidden zone reached out and took the green fire into his hand. "Too brother, I plan to accept the moon cicada as an apprentice."

"Oh, just feel free!"

Li Yu understands that the owner of the restricted area is making up for Qingyue's regret. Just like Ye Ren treats Ye Fan generally, the previous life's fate is gone, so this life continues the front fate.

"The young girl named Yue Chan, came from the door of Bu Tian Jiao. You can find her by yourself."

"Thank you brother!"

The Lord of the forbidden area bowed his hand, turned and broke through the void, and went to find his new apprentice.

After Wu Shaohao left the underground ruins, he continued to travel in Huozhou.

"The ancestor once said that there is another fairy house here in Huozhou. You can hit the chance."

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