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Chapter 706: Break through time and space

"Oh, interesting. Is it my strength?"

With this move, Li Yu broke through the joint attack of four quasi-immortal emperors.

Deep in the place of origin, a dark light emperor turned into a black light. When he saw Li Yu's blow, he slightly hesitated, and then laughed again.

The Dark Emperor naturally saw that Li Yu's move just now used his power. To be precise, it was the strength of the half of the stubble he had cut off.

"I made you up? Haha, this is really interesting!"

The Dark Fairy laughed, "Since your achievements come from me, dedicate everything to me, and it should be taken for granted!"

"Fruit, it is ripe!"

The dark light transformed by the Dark Emperor instantly broke through the void and rushed into the endless void.


With a single blow, the world was destroyed, the void collapsed, and everything was destroyed.

Except for the territory where Li Yu stands, the whole exotic ... is gone.

Fortunately, Heaven and Earth Avenue, thousands of roads, have long been conscious of the heart, even if the world is broken, it will not affect Li Yu's promotion.

"The world is gone. What's the point of your world tree still here? Go with the poor!"

When he reached out his hand, the giant tree that shrank through the sky shrank instantly and turned into a small tree of three feet, which was put away by Li Yu.

"Cough! Damn! Why is he so strong?"

At this time, the four quasi-immortal emperors returned to God under the blow just now. One by one, the blood squirted wildly, terrible.

"Did he become an emperor? How is this possible? No one can complete the transformation so quickly. He should have only one blow. If he continues to shoot, he will definitely die!"


The four prospective immortals roared in unison and shot again.

"To deal with the ordinary fairy kings, it is enough to use half the strength of the immortal remains. However, to deal with the four semi-immortal emperors, the strength of the half of the immortal remains cannot be consumed. It's up! "

A gleam of cold light flashed in Li Yu's eyes, "Since you are trying to die, how can the poor be able to complete you?"

"Void imprisonment, eternal prison!"

This is the power of the Dark Immortal. The residual soul and the residual body cooperate with each other, and Li Yu directly drives the immortal emperor's residual body to perform the magic power of the dark immortal.

Rather than draw the power of the immortal, drive other magical powers. This dark immortal's own magical power is more compatible with use and more powerful.


There was a sound of freezing in the void, just like ice freezing.

Under this peerless supernatural power, the supreme power of the immortal emperor is horrible and irresistible.

The vast void was instantly frozen.

In a piece of crystal-like light, the four immortal emperors were frozen in the void.

"Although the power of Xiandi's remains is very large. But it is over."

Four quasi-immortal emperors have been frozen in the void by eternal prison. Li Yu stretched out his hand and put away the four frozen Emperors.

After the disaster is eliminated, Li Yu has enough time to complete the final transformation.

However ... the anomalies are abrupt!


The dazzling black light broke through the void, like the same round of dark sun shining endless time and space, sweeping the world and shaking the space and time.

The extreme darkness gave birth to light, black light.

This is the origin of all darkness and ominousness, this is the beginning of all sin and evil.

This is the Dark Emperor.

When this round of darkness manifested, in the endless void, in all realms, darkness covered the light, and the whole world was shrouded in deep dark terror.

The vision of Li Yu's promotion, the manifested sacred glory, was expelled instantly, squeezing only a little flaming fire.

Like a bunch of bonfires in the night, even though it is weak, it is still firm, absolutely, blooming with light and heat, bringing the only bit of light to this dark world.

"Dark Emperor!"

Li Yu's brow frowned.

The appearance of this person completely surprised Li Yu.

This half-immortal emperor who fell into the darkness is an extreme dead house that has not raised his eyelids for hundreds of millions of years. It is almost a fossil.

Such a guy would even appear?

"Transformation is about to be completed, only the last step! Very good! It is great! This last step is for me to complete! Everything you have is mine!"

The Emperor of Darkness laughed loudly, but just a burst of laughter shattered endless time and space, and destroyed countless realms.

"Everything you want? Oh, I'm afraid you don't have such a big appetite!"

Right now, the most important thing is delaying time. Li Yu did not hesitate to attack, extracting the power from the immortal emperor's body, and clapping at the dark immortal.

"Void exile!"

This is a magical power that drives the enemy into the endless void and lets the enemy be lost in the void. At this time when time is needed, this supernatural power is most suitable.

"Use my strength against me? You are naive!"

The Emperor of Darkness sneered, and after a round of darkness, Li Yu's "Void Exile" fell apart and dissipated.

"Of course more than that!"

Couldn't Li Yu know that "Void Exile" was the power of the Dark Emperor? The reason for casting this magical power is only ...

"The power of space, I will too!"

A handprint, the "Void Exile" magical power that had just been scattered by the Dark Emperor, that immortal-level, intense and extreme space force instantly rioted.

"Out of order portal!"

The power of the chaotic and disorderly emptiness exploded into a chaotic portal, covering the round of darkness in the void.

"Very thoughtful. It's a pity ... those forces are essentially mine."

A dark light burst out in the dark, and in an instant, the disorderly portal burst and burst into nothingness.

"It's almost time, so I won't play with you. Fuck it! Everything you have is mine!"

The black sky exploded in the sky, and a huge palm of black light condensed ~ ~ and grabbed it in front of Li Yu.

This is the first real shot of the Dark Immortal.

The power is terrible!

Grasp it with one palm, the sky collapsed, everything turned into nothingness.


Li Yu did not hesitate to perform the fixation technique. Although it may not be possible to trap the Dark Emperor for a long time, it only takes a little time.

At this moment, Li Yu's entire strength is in the process of promotion and transformation, and cannot be used. The power of the immortal emperor's body is meaningless to the dark immortal.

Li Yu directly decomposed the four quasi-immortal emperors and devoted all his strength to this technique of "fixing body."

Timeless circulation, everything in heaven and earth, everything rests still.

As once seen in Kunpeng's lair, the full power of the four quasi-immortal emperors erupted instantly, and the fixation technique has settled the time and space of the chaotic ancient times.

However ... this still cannot stop the Dark Emperor!


The immense darkness burst into endless light, and the Dark Emperor also used all his power.

"Break me!"

The overwhelming darkness of the palm slammed down, shattered thousands, blasted the world, and smashed the still space and time.

At this moment, time and space are broken!

The void has shattered into chaos. And time ... has been reversed.

This blow penetrated time and space.

Rebellion in time and space, change in the void, the figures of Li Yu and the Dark Emperor appeared in a strange battlefield.

The killing sound was so loud that blood stained the world.

Here ... the mighty bells trembled forever, the thick Dading collapsed the world, the whistling Jianguang tore the sky.

"Tianzun ..."

Li Yu heard a shocked and surprised call behind him.

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