System Supplier

Chapter 76: It's time to start selling systems again

系统 "System, let the spirit of Tianshu remind Zhou Yi, there are good things in Yuanshi."

Li Yu is very happy now.

After giving the system to Zhou Yi, this is the first real harvest. Although it is not very eye-catching, as long as Zhou Yi moves forward, Li Yu will continue to gain.

Now Zhou Yi is about to reach the Northern Territory, and the scanning ability of the etheric heaven book, if Zhou Yi goes to gamble on stones, it is definitely a huge profit.

As long as Zhou Yi has harvested, all the ancient treasures in those source stones can become things in Li Yu's pocket.

"The monkey brother and the princess of the silkworm are all fine. But Kirin's immortal medicine ... You are welcome to be poor. Hahahaha."

豫 Li Yu couldn't stop smiling.

"Brother, my hair is combed!"

Xiao Xiaoting Ting held an ivory comb on Li Yu's head and knocked a few times, "Slacker, get up!"

"Alright alright!"

豫 Li Yu smiled helplessly, stood up from the rattan chair, reached out and hugged Xiao Tingting, "Go!"

"Hee hee hee!"

Xiao Xiaoting's crisp laughter was as pleasant as a wind chime.

Accompanied Xiaoting Ting to eat breakfast, and then let Qing Lian detached and led Xiao Tingting to stroll around Cangwu Mountain.

Li Yu returned to the mall space.

"The foundation of the main world has been solid. Now what we need to consider is the development of the system mall."

Li Yu sat down in the pavilion beside the linden tree and began to think about the next plans.

"The mall space must be expanded, and the resources for mall construction must also be constantly enriched. So ... we have to consider selling the system again."

系统 "System, my main task has completed the first step, what is the second step task now?"

The last time the system was sold, the mainline mission was started, and a system was required to be manufactured and sold within one year.

Li Yu completed this task, and elevated his authority to the second level. To expand the mall space, you must constantly elevate permissions. Elevation of authority depends on completing the task.

"The user has completed the initial task of the main line and started the long-term task of mall construction. Whether the advanced task is eligible, whether to start the advanced task."

"On." Li Yu ordered.

"Advanced quest opens."

"Advanced Task: Users sell systems in more than ten worlds, and establish mall bases in the target world."

"Mall base? What do you mean?"

Li Yu heard the word mall stronghold, obviously a little inexplicable. The stronghold ... it sounds like a hard hit!

"The mall base is the coordinate point anchored by the system mall in the target world. When the user permissions are sufficient, you can locate the mall base and mount the mall space on the target world."

"So this is ah!"

I heard the systematic explanation, Li Yu nodded.

As the positioning coordinates for mounting the mall space, this is well worth the effort. Each positioning coordinate represents a world and a backward road. Who knows what will happen in the future? In case some world can't get mixed up, there is a place to run!

"How will this stronghold be constructed?"

豫 Li Yu was a little concerned about the mall base, and quickly asked the system for details.

"The mall base is selected by the user to build the site, and provides materials with sufficient energy levels to be directly constructed by the system. The shape can be specified by the user, and the shape selection range includes all currently known building types."

"That's it!"

When I heard this, Li Yu frowned slightly. "The so-called material with sufficient energy level, what kind of material is the energy level? Well, the weapon materials of the above world will be explained as an example."

"The materials used to build the stronghold of the mall must not be lower than the materials of the dragon soldiers."

"Hualongjingling soldier materials? That's okay!"

After hearing this material request, Li Yu was relieved. The material of the spirit soldiers to transform the dragon realm is not too scarce, as long as it is not a world with too low power level, this material can be found.

As for a world with too low power, what can I do if I can't find the material? Li Yu said what is the purpose of such a low-level world?

系统 "System, when can I enter other world selling systems?"

After understanding the relevant information, Li Yu began to ask the next question.

"Advanced tasks are open, users can start tasks at any time to enter other worlds."

"Any time? Okay."

Li Yu nodded.

"Now there is Qinglian sitting here on Cangwu Mountain. There is basically no problem. The enlightenment ceremony that needs attention is still early. It is too late to cross one world and come back. You can consider the problem of entering the next world.

"Oh, right. System, I now teleport to other worlds, how long is the stay? Or is it only one year?"

Li Yu suddenly remembered the last transmission, and only stayed for one year, and quickly asked the system.

"There is no time limit for advanced tasks, users can decide the stay time. But the system must be sold before the return, otherwise you cannot return."

"Is there no time limit? Good!"

This news is very beneficial to Li Yu. Due to the unequal time between the two worlds, after Li Yu's transmission to other worlds, he has enough time, he can use this time to cultivate, and he can quickly improve his strength.

"Since nothing is happening now, you can start advanced tasks."

豫 Li Yu said with a heart motion, greeted Qinglian who stayed in Cangwu Mountain, and then let the system start advanced tasks.

"Advanced task is open, please ask the user to extract the initial task destination."

"Don't draw again? Can't you choose the world yourself?"

"Insufficient user rights to select world by yourself."

"Okay, permission!"

Li Yu poked his lips ~ ~ was waved and said, "Extract it! I'd like to see what kind of world it is again!"

"Destination extraction ..."

A roulette is revealed, with a pointer in the center of the roulette, surrounded by countless fan-shaped grids.

"Yangshen, Honghuang, Xianhu, Doubo, Xianni ..."

Looking at the text displayed in the fan-shaped grid, Li Yu froze, "A few more worlds than last time? Is this because of the increased authority?"

"Wow ..."

The roulette spins rapidly.

"It's time for luck again? How do you feel this thing is a bit like a casino stuff? It's all about luck."

豫 Li Yu smiled and shook his head, and waved his hands casually, "Stop!"

As soon as the voice fell, the spinning roulette came to an abrupt end.

The long pointer suddenly points ...

"Haha? Is it here? This is interesting!"

Seeing the target world pointed by the pointer, Li Yu couldn't help laughing.

"There is still a fellow in this world! After arriving in that world, should you say hello to him first? Just ask him, brother, did you wear it?"


Even if he was spoofing, thinking of that scene, Li Yu couldn't help laughing.

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