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Chapter 887: Jiang Fen's revenge, foreigners struck


Jiang Fen smashed a few cases in front of him.

Today's ritual ceremony can be described as losing all. After returning to the station, Jiang Fen was irritated and screamed at Ji Shu's head and face.

"My daughter and grandson are missing. You lost again, and you also lost the Tatar's staff. I have provided you with such a good condition that you can't do anything? You say, what use do you have What else can you do? "

With a beard and staring, Jiang Fenhu was furious.

It was really furious.

Bi Fang is also a fire beast, Jiang Fen also cultivates fire magic. At this moment of anger, the flames of Sanzhang were rising from the top of his head.

"The other party used an unknown secret treasure. The staunch staff does not work, did you not see it! Can you blame me for this?"

Ji Shu glanced angrily, and spewed a few sparks from his nostrils.


Jiang Fen took a deep breath, pressed his anger in his heart, and glanced toward Jinwuling with a sullen expression on his face, "This matter, I won't just let it go. I'm going to 'Blood Moon' 'You stay at home and wait for my news.'

"Blood Moon? We can't deal with them now, what are we going to do?"

Ji Shu froze and looked at Jiang Fen in doubt.

"Who says there is no way to trade? They want slaves. Are they slaves? We can't help Ji Xia now, but ... isn't Qingyi a relative of his family?"

Jiang Fen sneered, "Although the power of the" Blood Moon "attacked the Qingyi Department, the benefits would certainly be much less. But slowly, we will kill Ji Xia sooner or later, and sooner or later will retake the Fire Raven Department."

"Okay! I also have a group of soldiers who share my heart. We unite 'Blood Moon' and destroy the Qingyi Department first!"

Ji Shu grabbed the big axe and looked stunned.

At this time, Qingming didn't know that someone was going to hit his old nest.

After the ceremonial ceremony, Ji Xia regained control of the Fire Crow Department, and the relationship with the Qingyi Department became closer.

"Very good! Qingyi has secured a strong ally."

On the way to the rise of the Qingyi Ministry, there needs to be a strong ally support. Until the Qingyi Department has the strength to be a one-sided player, the ally of the Fire Raven is indispensable.

"In the end, I don't have enough strength!"

Even if Qing Ming had convened fifty "mountain giants" and "trees of war" in the realm of great witches, this power was not enough.

Compared with the big tribe such as the Fire Raven, not only does the population base differ greatly, but even the high-end forces are far behind.

After resigning from Ji Xia, Qing Ming returned to Qingyi Department.

See the hundreds of thousands of people in the mountains and fields of the Fire Ravens and the hundreds of masters in the realm of witches. Qingming deeply realized that the rise of Qingyi Department is still very long.

Even such large tribes as the Fire Raven are not the top tribes in the Southern Wilderness. The Bifang Department, the Suzaku Department, and the dominator of the Nanhuang ... Vulcan Zhurong Department.

Those tribes are the most powerful existence of Nanhuang.

After returning to the Qingyi Ministry, Qingming asked the "Mountain Giant" black owl and "War Tree" iron sandalwood to convene the same clan around to enrich the Qingyi Ministry.

He also went deep into the wilderness, hunted various wild beasts, absorbed strength, penetrated the meridians in the body, and consolidated the foundation of practice.

Twelve thousand nine hundred and sixty meridians, one through the other, are a huge project. Qingming predicts that it may take a year or two to complete this "foundation" phase.

Time passed slowly in the rush.

On this day, when Qing Ming stepped out of the room and was planning to go out for hunting, Heng Luo ran towards Qing Ming with a nervous expression.

"Enemies! Ferocious enemies!"

Hen Luo's pretty face was pale, "Qing Ming, I heard the forest crying, I heard the grass mourning! They told me that the enemy is here! Raw brutal! Thousands of raw brutal! And other enemies, they said It's ... a giant spider! "

"Raw? Spider?"

After hearing Heng Luo's words, Qing Ming frowned tightly.

Spiders or whatever, presumably the poisonous spiders in the southern wilderness. That thing, a handful of medicine can be dealt with, it is not a matter at all.

But ... it's troublesome.

Life is like a human race, but it is more than twice as tall as a human race. Strong and powerful, and ... they eat people.

If Li Yu were here, he would definitely give Shengman a new name, such as "ogre".

The brutality of this world is almost like an ogre.

Adults are brutal, at least have the power of the little witch realm. With thousands of savage troops, it's not surprising that there were a dozen savage leaders and sacrifice.

The brutality of more than a dozen big witch realms, plus thousands of ordinary brutalities, would be enough to destroy the Qingyi Department if they did not obtain the "Mountain Giant" and "Old Tree of War".


The enemies are strong, but ... the strength of the Qingyi Department is enough to kill them.

"Woo ..."

Reaching for the horn around the waist, Qing Ming took a deep breath and sounded heavily.

"An enemy attack!"

Hearing the horn, all the members of the Qingyi tribe were shocked. The young and strong picked up their bows and arrows and leapt to the wall, while the women and children hid in the castle.

After the reconstruction of Qingyi Department, there is already a small city!

"Qing Ming, are there any enemies?"

The old sacrifice grabbed a wooden staff, and hurriedly came to Qing Ming's face, nervously asking.

"Heng Luo heard the news that thousands of people have come to kill our territory!"

Qing Ming nodded, "Sacrifice your lord, you lead all the wizards and prepare for battle."


The old sacrifice took a breath of air, and solemnly nodded, "The leader is assured that I will let the savages taste the power of my witchcraft!"

Everyone was waiting for each other.


In the mountains ahead, I remembered a wild roar.

He rushed out of the forest and appeared in front of everyone. The huge body and huge power are daunting.


These savages seemed to be under some control, but unlike the previous savages, they swarmed up. Instead, waiting outside the forest seemed to be waiting for someone's order.

"Orderly brutal?"

Qing Ming frowned slightly, only to feel that these students are quite unusual, and this battle may not be so easy.

However, Qing Ming had no idea that his enemies were already in trouble at the moment.

"Is this a joke?"

In the depths of the mountain forest, a huge metal spider stood by the cliff.

On the belly of the metal spider, a hatch was opened. A man in a delicate silk robe with a slender figure and three eyes on his head, looked up at the high walls and the city ahead, sneer.

"Dear Jiang Fen, this is the tribe you are talking about?"

The three-eyed man turned his head to look at Jiang Fen and Ji Shu below, and the vertical eye on his forehead shouted a sound like a squalling wind. "A small tribe with a castle? Is it a joke to worship the adults?"

"Or are you telling me that your tribe has grown so that a small tribe owns a castle?"

The frost on the forehead burst into the cold cold light ~ ~ sacrificed to the Lord, you are teasing a nobleman. You are teasing a Yu nobleman! "

"Emperor ... Emperor Di Luo, I swear, two months ago, they didn't have a castle here! Not to mention, they only have a big witch, and even if there is a castle, they can't stop your army!"

Jiang Fen rubbed the cold sweat on his forehead, turned his head and gave Ji Shu a stern glance, and his heart was scolded again.

"Hope your information doesn't go wrong again!"

The three-eyed man snorted coldly, "The enemy has a castle, and my soldier must be damaged a lot. Your share, minus 20%."

No longer paying attention to Jiang Fen and Ji Shu, the three-eyed man waved, "Order! Attack!"


Health and howling, rushed towards Qingyi Department.

A big war is about to begin!

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