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Chapter 890: War hall

"You are going to kill me? You, a tribal leader of the southern desert, dare to kill me?"

Emperor Luo stunned for a moment, then his face was stern, "I am an aristocrat in the vein of the Emperor Yu. Our Emperor controls the Blood Moon Army. If you dare to kill me, you will welcome the anger of the Blood Moon Army. Your territory will become scorched earth, and your people will all die. You need to think clearly! "

"Sorry, I don't know what the Blood Moon Legion is."

Qing Ming shook her head with a smile, "I only know that you are the enemy. For the enemy who invaded his homeland, Nanhuang people have always dealt with it only one way. That is ... kill!"


As Qingming's voice fell, the ancient trees of war and the archers on the trees launched an attack at the same time.

"Asshole! You uncivilized barbarians!"

Although this proud so-called "nobleman" has the strength of the great witch realm, he has no resistance against the joint attack of thirty ancient war trees.

In desperation, Emperor Luo's face was sullen, and his eyebrows were raised with a flash of crystal light.

"Dead! Let's die together!"

With a roar of madness, the sound of winds and howls rang out in the eyebrows, and the crystal wind blades rushed out.

Like a tornado, the sky wind swept across.

The wind blade is sharp and unmatched, and the mountains and stones passing by are smashed. Even the ancient trees of the siege of Di Luo were cut into numerous branches.

"And such a trick?"

The wind blade bursting out of Di Luomei's heart was very powerful. If there was no resistance from the ancient trees of war, Qing Ming and the archers would be crushed by this blow, and the bones would not exist.

However, there were thirty trees of war in the presence, and the final counterattack of Di Luo was like this!

"Om ..."

A cyan light curtain lit up, and the iron sandalwood carried a group of ancient trees, cast witchcraft, and turned it into a mask, imprisoning the wind blade to death.


After being imprisoned, Windblade Tornado couldn't rag, and eventually burst out.

Roll up countless debris, the scattered wind blade tornado, scattered into tens of thousands of palm-sized wind blades, shattered everything within a dozen square feet, crushed even a deep hole in the earth.

"Barbarians, you are dead! The anger of the Bloodmoon Legion, after all, is upon you! My brother will not let you go!"

The last desperate trick didn't work, Di Luo shouted frantically, cursing loudly.

"Rage of the Bloodmoon Legion? I'm waiting!"

Qing Ming sneered, and raised his bow and arrow, "Intruder, I'll show you off!"

"call out!"

Sharp arrows leave the string, flying through the air!

The last power had erupted, and Ti Luo completely lost his resistance, and could only watch the arrow openly, piercing his throat.

"Giggle ..."

After a few hard struggles, Ti Luo fell to the ground.

"Clean the battlefield!"

With a wave of Qingming's hand, the ancient trees of the war branched out a branch, rolled up metal spiders, silver armor warriors, and the body of Di Luo, all the way back to the station.




When Qingming returned to the tribe's residence, everyone in the entire Qingyi Department cheered.

This is an unprecedented victory.

Thousands of savages, five hundred strong enemies, and nearly twenty enemies in the realm of great witches, all destroyed in the hands of "mountain giants" and "old trees of war".

At this moment, everyone pays high respect to Qing Ming, the miracle leader!

"Boss Wansheng!"

The Qingyi tribe, together with the old sacrifice, bowed down to Qingming.

"For the tribe!"

Standing on the branches of the iron sandalwood, Qingming raised her arms and shouted.

Well, this slogan ... seems to be spreading.

"Qing Ming, what about the iron golems we caught?"

At this time, the old sacrifice pointed to ten metal spiders stacked on the castle square, as well as three hundred heavy armored armored weapons and two hundred fire raven soldiers' weapon armors.

As for those who use these weapons, it goes without saying.

The group of wizards led by the "Black Mountain Giants" and the old sacrifice could not have let them survive.

"Remake, these armored weapons and metal spiders can be used."

Qing Ming walked into the square, saw these exquisite armors and weapons, and saw these metal spiders, a smile appeared on his face.


The old sacrifice paused, shaking his head with a grin on his face.

In the southern wasteland, no one can make such exquisite and gorgeous armors, nor can anyone make such delicate objects as metal spiders.

If you want to change, you do n’t know where to start.

The armor and weapons of the heavily armored soldiers were cast in accordance with the "four-eyed ghost", also known as the "Jia".

The warriors of the Jia tribe are taller than the soldiers of the Qingyi Ministry. Compared with the Berserker of the Fire Raven.

It will not work at all without rebuilding.

"Leave it to me! I have a way!"

Qing Ming walked in front of the pile of iron golems, waved his hand, and the pile of huge steel works disappeared instantly.

"Master Muhuang, how can I transform and rehearse these things?"

According to "Wood Emperor" 's instructions, after putting these things away, Qingming still had some scratches.

"This is the hall of war."

The wooden emperor showed a peculiar building in Qingming's mind. "You choose a house, and I will make the hall of war."

"By that time, everyone in your tribe will be able to make armor in the hall of war. And wizards will be able to deploy various potions through the hall of war."

This so-called "War Hall" is naturally a collection of Boss Li's "Refiner Pavilion" and "Danfang"!

The "Hall of War" has all come out. Boss Li has gone further and further on the evil road of "Warcraft."


Qing Ming was overjoyed when he heard the words of Mu Huang.

I have to admit that the alien's refining technology has thrown the human race still in the "primary application of materials" a few streets.

Strong armor, sharp weapons, this is what the Nanhuang peoples dream of.

The reality is that the armor of human races is sewn from animal skins. Human weapons are made of animal bones and various materials.

Silly and clumsy, that is the characteristics of Terran equipment.

Once the Qingyi Department completed the "War Hall". Continuously refine a variety of exquisite equipment and potions ~ ~ That is a steady stream of wealth!

Well, the current Terrans don't even have currency. Internal transactions are bartering. External transactions ... use foreign currencies.


Between the colorful glow of light, an exquisite and elegant hall stood on the side of the square and the original tribal warehouse.

"Clan, this is the foundation of our Qingyi Ministry! This is our hall of war!"

After Qing Ming reconstituted a giant sword of an alien race into a fine and sharp sword, he raised the sword and announced the good news to all the people.


Seeing all the Qingyi people in this process, they cheered loudly.

Sturdy armor, sharp blades, plenty of potions.

At this moment, everyone knows clearly that the future of Qingyi will certainly be glorious.

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