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Chapter 905: Qingming wants to go to the front

"Qing Ming, what are you doing? Why go to Akasaka?"

Quietly pulled over Qing Ming, Ji Hao asked with doubt on his face.

"Of course to protect the Middle-Turkish people, to ..."

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Before Qing Ming's words, he was interrupted by Ji Hao. He looked at Qingming with a scornful look, and Ji Hao pouted his lips. "Tell this to others!"


There was a weird smile on Qingming's face, "I have the secret method, and I can practice the" Jingyuan Dan ". This elixir can be quickly improved. In order to make an elixir. Without killing the aliens, I ca n’t kill the witch of the human race, right? "

"How effective is it?"

Ji Hao's eyes brightened.

"A fine Yuandan can let the little witch peak directly open a witch and promote the big witch."

Qing Ming raised his head proudly, and glanced at Ji Hao with a look on his face!


Ji Hao laughed and reached out and patted Qing Ming's shoulder. "Good brother, seeers have a share!"


Qing Ming rolled his eyes silently, "Materials are provided!"

"Of course! Of course!"

Ji Hao laughed and it was not easy to kill the big witch on the battlefield, but it was not too difficult. With Ji Hao and Qing Ming's strength, it is no problem to kill the ordinary witch one-on-one.

By then, the strength will skyrocket!

In fact, Ji Hao's guess is still wrong. Qing Ming's plan is harder than he thought!

"Let's go, we're here."

The giant tortoise of the caravan stopped next to a towering mountain. Wu Wenming took everyone off the giant tortoise, pointed his finger at the mountain, and introduced to everyone: "This is Chongshan, which is my home."

"Chongshan? It turns out that this is Chongshan!"

Ji Hao sighed, but her mind turned to another thought. Before Lu Wenming succeeded the Emperor, he had a title called "Chongbo." This place called "Chongshan" is naturally a fiefdom.

Below Chongshan is a green field.

Countless people are cultivating farmland. The mountains and rivers stand side by side, the chickens and dogs smell each other, a peaceful rural scene.

"It is indeed the emperor of the future. This means of governing the place is truly extraordinary."

Secretly admiring their hearts, the crowd followed Lu Wenming's life and came to a stone-built, very simple house.

"You take a break here, and after I have met the Emperor, I will take you to Akasaka."

Saying hello to the crowd, Lu Wenming left Chongshan and went to Puhan to meet Di Shun.

No words overnight.

Early the next morning, everyone was awakened by the sound of "bangs".

I saw a huge herd of tortoises on the wide boulevard under Chongshan, galloping on the sound of rumbling footsteps.

On the broad armor of Lu Xinggui, a group of soldiers with guns and swords stood upright. A huge banner stood high and fluttered fiercely.

"Come up!"

On one of the forehead turtles, Lu Wenming stood on the railing and waved at everyone.


A promise was made, and everyone flew down from Chongshan and quickly landed on the back of the turtle.

"Uncle Wenming, these people ..."

Ji Hao pointed at the soldiers behind him and asked Hao Wenming.


Wu Wenming nodded slightly, "Sit tight. We are going to speed up!"


The Lu Xing turtle under his feet roared in the sky, and the power of the earth was full of luster on the Lu Xing turtle.


Like the wind and the electricity, the whole team is like an arrow off the string.

It took me half a month to hurry so fast.

Akasaka is already in the distance!

A giant mountain range stretching for millions of miles stands high on the ground.

Except for some old trees and old trees growing on the top of this mountain, no grass grows in the lower half.

Smooth cliffs, smooth cliffs, there is no soil between the peaks and the peaks are all rocks.

What makes people apprehensive is that the whole mountain is as red as blood!

Whether it is a mountain or a cliff, or even the gravel in a river valley, all the rocks in this mountain range are all red and bloody, reflecting the heartbreaking blood in the sun.

This is Akasaka, and this is the front line of the war between humans and aliens.

Before Emperor Shun became the leader of the tribal alliance, during the reign of several kings, Akasaka was a natural dividing line between Yu Chao and the human race.

Numerous times, alien troops attacked from the north, and the human races relied on Akasakayama as a line of defense, blocking the terrible alien army in the north.

Years later, the blood of too many soldiers was incorporated into the rocks of Mount Akasaka, making the mountains of this mountain more red.

Even though there is still a long way to go from Akasaka, it is far away, but in the mountains of Akasaka, the roar like a tsunami landslide is heard, and the killing sound is trembling!

"The battle is so fierce?"

There are thousands of miles away from Akasaka, and you can hear the trembling sound of the sky. What has been done on Akasaka Mountain?

"Not so intense every moment!"

Wu Wenming turned his head and smiled at Ji Hao and others, "This should be another alien who has replaced a new commander. The new officer takes office and wants to build his career!"


Hearing this situation, Ji Hao and Qing Ming looked at each other.

Commanders often changed by aliens? Let's say ... Didn't they fight seriously? Just like training, did you use the Akasaka battlefield as a training ground?

"Actually ... aliens are stronger than us."

Wu Wenming saw Ji Hao and Qing Ming's faces, they knew what they were thinking, explained with a bitter smile, and in his eyes ... revealed deep helplessness.

Except for weapon armor and ordnance supplies, they are inferior to other races. The most important reason is that the various parts of the human race cannot concentrate all their strengths, and even the internal mess.

"Interracial invaders, from another world. They are the enemy of all people to all beings and races in our entire world. Unfortunately, ..."

Yun Wenming sighed, "Unfortunately, the Dragons hide in the ocean, and the Phoenixes are high in the clouds. They have not participated in the war. Only our people have been resisting the invasion of aliens. And within our people ..."

Having said that, Wu Wenming shook his head slightly, silent.

Lu Xinggui continued to gallop.

Gradually, everyone has come to the bottom of Akasaka Mountain.

Ahead, the birds vacated, and the war beasts galloped.

At the southern foot of Akasaka Hill, a barracks stretched out for thousands of miles.

Numerous fighters from various tribes came from here to form a large-scale coalition army and waged a protracted war with aliens.

"Uncle Wenming, I will refine."

At this time, Qing Ming reached out and took off the long sword at the waist, and handed it to Yun Wenming, "Uncle, this is what I made myself. The set of Ji Hao's body is also made by me ~ ~ You made it? "

Wu Wenming was suddenly surprised, "I have noticed the armor and weapons on your body already. It's just hard to ask. I didn't expect it to be made by you? Great! Great!"

Terran's weapon armor, compared to aliens, it is simply not a grade!

During these years of battles, the Terrans have also gained a lot of alien trophies. Through various studies, the Terrans' weapons and equipment have also been slightly improved. However, compared to aliens, it is still far behind.

Now, the weapon in Qingming's hands is even better than the weapon of other races!

"Good boy! Good boy!"

Yun Wenming patted Qing Ming's shoulder, his face full of joy.

"Fuck! What's your idea?"

At this moment, Ji Hao knew Qing Ming's plan, "I hope you don't get too dark, otherwise, the quartermaster will be corrupted and he will be killed!"

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