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Chapter 894: Enemy struck and surrounded

"Qing Ming, the enemy is here!"

Two days later, when Qing Ming had just stepped onto the city wall, Heng Luo, riding a fiery leopard, fell to Qing Ming's side.

"Snake! A lot of snakes! There are other enemies. There are many, they are everywhere."

After being promoted to Dawu, Hengluo has a wider range of communication with flowers and trees, but ... Flowers and trees are plants without brains, and they can only convey simple messages.

"Are you finally here?"

It's no surprise that the enemy came, but the enemy this time must be the Blackwater Xuan Snake Department. Except for them, no tribe's royal beast is a snake.

"Ji Hao, get ready, the enemy is here!"

Qing Ming quickly found Ji Hao and informed him of the enemy's attack.

"Damn! How come so fast?"

Upon hearing the news, Ji Hao's face was a bit ugly.

Although already reported to Jinwuling, let Ji Xia bring someone to help. However, the enemy's offensive is now coming faster, and reinforcements have not yet arrived.

"We must block enemy attacks before reinforcements arrive."

Put on the armor and lift up the epee, Ji Hao and Qing Ming together issued a combat order. The fighters of the Fire Raven and Qingyi Departments are waiting for each one.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The heavy footsteps shook the ground, the jungle fell, and sawdust flew.

A group of huge iron armored bulls rushed out of the forest. On the backs of these savage cows, sat a tall man with a horned helmet and a huge axe stick.

A ox-head flag flew high above the battlefield.

"Very cow department!"

Seeing these strong men riding iron armored bulls, Qing Ming frowned tightly, "Are the neutral tribes such as the wild cows all involved in the war?"

"Finance is moving."

Ji Hao snorted and held the epee tightly.

"Boom! Boom!"

Another huge roar remembered that around the cold valley, a banner of war was held up, and a group of murderous soldiers rushed out of the forest.

"Tooth Tiger Department, Angry Lion Department, Wind Eagle Department, and ... Mighty Ghost Department, Cricket Department, Insect Bug Department! Damn, these guys hiding in the old mountains of the mountains all came up?

Raising his eyes, he saw a battle flag erected around Lengxi Valley. Ji Hao and Qing Ming suddenly became gloomy.

The other tribes are all the same. The three tribes, the Ghost Tribe, the Tribe Tribe, and the Tribe Tribe, almost never deal with the outside world.

These three tribes are terrifying. Ghost and pupa are like ghosts, and pupa is good at poisonous insects. In the southern wasteland, it is a very different tribe.

"Before the Lord came, we were deeply engulfed. This battle is not easy to fight."

Qing Ming raised his eyes and glanced around, seeing that the surrounding banner was held high, and a group of fierce warriors surrounded the Lengxi Valley.

"These tribes came out of the nest? At least these soldiers are nearly 100,000."

The tribes surrounding the Cold Valley are not big tribes. Several tribes united to bring together 100,000 fighters, which had already emerged from the nest.

The garrison in Lengxigu has only 40,000 fire crow fighters and five thousand Qingyi archers. The power of the great witch realm is less than thirty, including the "old tree of war" and the fire crow.

In the face of these 100,000 coalition forces, they have been stretched, not to mention, there is a more powerful and horrible Blackwater Xuanshe Department.


Below the Lengxi Valley, the river flowing through the valley suddenly burst into the sky, as if the whole river's water had been lifted.

"His ..."

The giant snakes, which are one hundred feet long and dark, revealing the cold and cold air, rushed out of the icy water, spit out scarlet tongues, and roared upward.

The men in black, wearing snakeskin tights and holding snake-tooth swords, rushed out of the water behind the giant snake.

A huge banner of black snakes on a white background was erected high, and the cold murderousness was overwhelming.

"Hei Shui Xuan Snake Department, finally here!"

At this moment, the enemies gathered and the war broke out.

"Fire Raven, Cold Valley is a public area, not your Fire Raven's site. All our clans have a share in the mine here."

A figure in a black robe stood on the head of a black giant snake, exuding the cold water and pointing at the direction of Lengxigu, yelling loudly.

"Give up the mine, otherwise, kill everything, chickens and dogs will not stay!"

The man in the black robe raised a snake-boned bone wand in his hands, and the water gathered in the sky, and the mighty water was like the tide.

"Hand over the mine!"

"Hand over the mine!"

"Hand over the mine!"

The enemies all over the mountain sent out a screaming roar, and the sound was like a tsunami landslide.

Such a monstrous voice, the color changed.

"Damn! That's the great sacrifice of the Blackwater Mystic Snake Department, Blackwater Golem. He and his snake are the strength of the great witch."

The Fire Raven and Blackwater Mystic Divisions are feuds. Ji Hao naturally knows the high-end power of the Blackwater Xuan Snake Department.

The power gap between Dawu and Dawu is also huge.

One witch is also a big witch, and a hundred witches are still big witches. However, the strength is hundreds of times different.

In the area of ​​Nanhuang, a peak witch like Heishuiyu who has opened nearly a hundred tricks is already a hegemon and a top power.

Faced with this top-level power, Lengxigu's strength cannot be resisted at all.

"Fire Raven, do you pay or not?"

The mighty water light condenses on the bone stick, and on the top of the black water urn, there is a vast ocean.

As long as this rod is thrown out, this vast ocean will fall into the cold valley.

It is not impossible to destroy the entire Lengxi valley with the witchcraft power of the peak witch. At that time, everyone will die except the life that the witch can escape.

But ... it is impossible for Ji Hao and Qing Ming to hand over Lengxi Valley.

"The cold valley is our place. It is impossible for us to surrender the cold valley. If you want to fight, fight!"

Ji Hao and Qing Ming looked at each other and nodded heavily.

This time, I can only desperately!


Hei Shui took a cold glance at Ji Hao and Qing Ming, and did not directly blast out this witchcraft. Instead, he reached out and ordered a war.

"Sure enough, he didn't want to destroy the mine!"

Seeing that Heishuiyu didn't attack directly, Ji Hao and Qing Ming both breathed a sigh of relief. As long as it is not the unstoppable power, there is still a fight.


The sound of the killing sounds loud.

Hei Shui ordered a war, and the soldiers from all over the mountains roared, waved their weapons, and killed the cold valley.


A group of giant eagles carrying wind eagle warriors launched attacks from the sky.

On the ground, the cavalry cavalry ~ ~ Saber-toothed tiger cavalry, angry lion cavalry, and a dark fog, revealing the ghostly roar, and the black cloud-like insect swarm, as cold as the tide Gullies came.


The soldiers in Cold Valley yelled and waved their swords.

The war officially broke out.


The fire crow writhed the flames and met the windhawk.


The archers of the Qingyi Department released the arrow rain.

"For the tribe!"

The ancient trees of war burst out into the sky, and numerous thorns and vines are twisted.

Splashing blood, roaring blades, crazy roar.

Throughout the cold valley, a raging flame of war ignited.

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