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Chapter 900: Warcraft begins to storm

"Master Muhuang, is that all right?"

Hearing the method the wooden emperor said, Qingming was unbelievable.

Just worshiping can turn other clans into clan members? This is ... too amazing, right?

"Of course! What is this seat? How can I deceive you?"

The wooden emperor snorted displeasedly.


Qing Ming looked at the trembling captives below, nodded his head, waved his hand, and a blue light burst into a rush.

The mighty blue light spreads over the sky.

On the top of Qingming's head, there was a phantom of a giant tree that seemed to support the whole world.

"Bye bye! Bye bye to the wooden emperor!"

Looking up at the captives below, Qingming opened his arms, "Worship the Emperor, since then, you are no longer slaves, no longer captives, but ... our people, our brothers and sisters!"

"As the leader of the Qingyi Ministry, I promise you that I will treat you all fairly. Just like my brothers and sisters!"

As soon as these words came out, the whole square was dead.

The hundreds of thousands of captives, women and children opened their mouths and stunned.

Is there such a good thing?

In the tribal battles in the South Wasteland, it was good to be a slave as a defeated party. It's not uncommon to kill everything and use it to sacrifice ancestors in blood.

At this moment, the leader of the Qingyi Ministry actually said, "No longer a slave?" And ... have also become a member of the Qingyi Ministry?

Is there really such a good thing?

Even if I don't believe it at all, but ... since the leader asks to worship, he can only worship!

"Meet the Emperor!"

At this moment, all the captives fell to the ground together and bowed deeply to the giant tree in the air.


When all the captives fell down, the sky was shining above the giant tree.

The mighty radiance is rippling like a tide, permeating, covering the entire Qingyi resident.

Bathed in this blue light, the vigorous vitality surging and rippling. The injuries suffered by all the captives and women and children were healed quickly in this blue light.

"Is the pain gone?"

The captives and women and children were horrified to find that not only the new wounds were healed, but even the old wounds that had been suffered in the past were healed in this glare.

"Qingyi Department ... is it so generous? Are they stupid to this extent?"

At this moment, some people even had the intention to find a chance to destroy the Qingyi Department.

It's a pity ... The majesty of the wooden emperor is more than just a cure.

The mighty blue light is rippling like water, washing, and the change comes out instantly.

Whether it was the soldiers' captives or the various women and children, they instantly found that all the magical powers they had practiced had disappeared, and they were completely washed away by this blue light.

"Lost in power?"

At this moment, all the captives and women and children looked at each other and shivered.

How great is this power to wash away everyone's power in an instant? Is this "wood emperor" ancestor of Qingyi Department so powerful?

However, this is just the beginning!

"Om ..."

There was a sudden tremble in the blue sky. The mighty blue light instantly turned into cyan light spots, which fell like raindrops and fell into the captives and women and children.


All the members of the angry lion department exploded all over the body, showing a green tree mark on their brows.

Then ... in the huge roar, one by one turned into a lion. The next moment, these lions burst into a green light again, and turned into human figures again.

There have also been changes, as well as the people of the Wind Eagle. They are constantly changing between giant eagles and human figures.

"Druid? Lord Muhuang, what is Druid?"

Hearing that the wooden emperor was called a "druid" to such a tribe capable of turning into a giant eagle and a lion, Qingming was somewhat inexplicable and did not know what it meant.

"It's just a title, what do you care about?"

The wooden emperor answered angrily. Actually ... as a system intelligence, it must obey all instructions from His Majesty Yu Huang, but it also does not understand what a "druid" is.

Changes are still happening.

In addition to the wind eagle and the angry lion, changes have also been made in the ghast and crotch.

Dark green runes emerged from their original half-human and half-ghost bodies, and their eyes had no white eyes, but only a dark green light.

"These people ... are called demon hunters? But ... what is a demon?"

Qingming was completely scratched.

"I told you all, this is just a title!"

The wooden emperor was also depressed. Your Name, Your Majesty the Emperor Yuhuang?


Qing Ming nodded, seeming to understand, and continued to look at the remaining prisoners.

The maggots have changed the most. The maggots that they originally kept in their bodies have turned into green light clusters, like giant fireflies, hovering and flying in mid-air.

The wooden emperor named these giant fireflies "elves".

Well, this time Qingming no longer asks what a "elf" is.

As for the tribe members, there have also been changes. They have the same talents as the common tribe members.

As for the tooth tiger department, they became a profession called "sentinel". According to the wooden emperor, the "sentinel" can ride on tigers and leopards, and can also release a spiral flying knife, which is regarded as a ranged cavalry.

As for the final barbarian department, their changes are not big, but they have turned a magical power into a wooden magical power, and they are also warriors.

After all the changes were completed, the original Qingyi tribe opened their mouths one by one, completely stunned, and did not know what the situation was.

Well, Qingming himself is also stunned!

This ... he couldn't explain it, and didn't know how to explain it. Because he couldn't figure it out by himself.

"Meet the leader!"

After the reconstruction, the people of all ethnic groups fell down in front of Qingming. In the eyes, there was no fear, no panic, no resentment, only admiration.

At this moment, all the captives and women and children have become members of the Qingyi tribe, and they are very loyal and have no heart at all.

"Get up, from now on, we are one family! We are all members of the Qingyi tribe."

Seeing the crowd bowed down below ~ ~ Qing Ming clearly felt the loyalty and admiration in people's hearts through the wooden emperor, and was very pleased.

The wooden emperor really has great power.

"Long live the boss! Long live the Qingyi Department!"

Cheers rang through the clouds.

At this point, Qingming has nearly 200,000 people of various ethnic groups, all of which have become members of the Qingyi tribe.

This made the Qingyi Department, which had only tens of thousands of people, suddenly soar in population, and ... the strength soared.

Those transformed so-called "Druids", "Demon Hunters", "Sentinels", "Little Elves" and "Buffalo Warriors" are all combative.

As long as it takes a while to grow up, the Qingyi Department just pulls out a person, and they are all qualified soldiers.

"Is that what 'Mercedes' said when he said it?"

Qing Ming said that the wooden emperor was too unpredictable. He couldn't understand a single word!

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