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Chapter 905: Master Qingming

"Come, I'll show you to Lord Lieshan."

After the transfer of the reinforcements brought by them, Wu Wenming took Qingming and others to a camp set up in a huge valley.

The fire here is sky-high.

The fiery flames reddened half of the sky.

Just entering the valley, a heat wave rushed towards me, as if stepping into a magma and fire.

The scorching heat!

Ji Hao came from the Fire Ravens Department, and it was quite the daughter of Zhu Rong. This hot sea of ​​fire, to them, was just as comfortable as going home.

As for Qing Ming, after he penetrated the whole body meridian, he was no longer a pure wood-based magic, and he didn't care much.

But Hen Luo couldn't carry it.

"Oh, it's so hot here!"

Hang Luo pulled the leopard and frowned tightly.

As a wooden charm, Hengruo naturally did not like flames. And in this valley, there is a sea of ​​fire, which makes Hen Luo very uncomfortable.

"After Lord Lieshan is Emperor Yan, this fire-fighting magical power is very scary. You can't resist it, and it's normal."

Wu Wenming smiled, reached out his hand, and a yellow light flashed, protecting everyone under the light.

Although only Hengluo couldn't carry it alone, Wu Wenming still protected everyone. Can the future emperor not understand this humanity?

Along the hot valley, a huge magma lake is surging in the depths of the valley ahead.

A group of strong men with flickering lights grabbed red iron bars from the magma lake, waved their hammers, and smashed them severely.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

The loud percussion made the eardrums painful.

"Master Lieshan, I want to see you!"

Walking to the edge of the lava lake, Lu Wenming shouted at the huge row of stone houses behind the lava lake.

"Chongbo is here? Please!"

An old man's hearty voice sounded in one of the stone houses faintly red.

"Come on, let's meet Lord Lieshan."

He Wenming took everyone around the magma lake and came to this huge stone hall with red light.

Entering the stone hall, there is a hot furnace.

An old man with a tall, muscular body, and full of flames, pressed his hands against the furnace, and poured it into the furnace fiercely.

"Chongbo is here!"

Hearing everyone coming in, the old man turned back and smiled, and nodded. "Last year I snatched a piece of metal ore from a stranger. The old man's effort didn't melt. Those five-eyed ghosts really have some ways."

"Five-eyed ghost?"

Ji Hao and Qing Ming chatted for a while. The three-eyed ghost is the Yu tribe, the four-eyed ghost is the Jia tribe, what is the five-eyed ghost?

"An alien master craftsman, the Dai people. They have five eyes on their heads. Among the aliens, the Dai people have top-notch skills. Weapon armor, organ puppets, war fortresses, and inscriptions are all their specialties."

He Wenming explained to everyone, and then looked up and saluted the old man, "Master Lieshan, Wen Ming brought a refiner wizard. He has no less than the refinement talent of the Dai people."

"Refiner Wizard? No less than the Dais?"

The old man of Lieshan was suddenly shocked. The flames in his hand suddenly extinguished, and he turned quickly, staring at his eyes, staring at Lu Wenming, "Where? Where?"

"it's him!"

Lu Wenming pointed to Qingming, "Master Lieshan, this is Qingming. From the Qinghuang Department of Nanhuang."

"Qingyi Department? Branch of Dongyi Department? Are they not archers who are good at wood witchcraft? What tools can they practice? Chongbo, are you kidding me?"

The old man from Lieshan lifted his eyes and glanced at Qingming, and shook his head. "The little girl of Zhu Rong's family, the little cub of Jinwubei, I can still believe that they can refining. The Qingyi refining ... Can you make bows and arrows? "

"Hmm ... wait."

The old man of Lieshan suddenly saw the armor on Ji Hao's body, his eyes suddenly lighted, and he rushed over, staring directly at the armor.

Moreover, he reached out his hand tremblingly, stroking the armor, and exclaimed in his mouth, "Exquisite and solid, whether it is the fusion of materials or the inscriptions of runes, it has reached the limit that the material can bear. I am afraid that this technique is only 侑The clan master can reach this level. "


Ji Hao's heart is so crooked!

A bad old man stretched out his hand and stroked it on his chest, with a look of intoxication, which was just torture!

"This is made by Qingming. This is made by Qingming."

Ji Hao shouted continuously, stepped back without a trace under his feet, and avoided the old man's claw.

"You made it?"

The old man from Lieshan turned to look at Qingming, with an incredible expression on his face, "You ... the woody magic power of Qingyi Department, can you also use it?"

"I don't just master wood magic."

Reaching out a hand, Qing Ming burst into a blue light in the palm. Suddenly, the woody blue light was transformed into red firepower, then the yellow earth force, then the gold and water systems, and finally reduced to the wood system.

The five elements flow and the cycle continues.

"The Five Elements of Shengke? How can you do that?"

At this moment, even Yan Wenming was taken aback.

Originally, Wu Wenming thought that the Qingming Refiner was the secret method of mastering any refining device, which was similar to the ability of a practitioner to make magic.

Unexpectedly, Qing Ming could even transform his own magical attributes at will.

This ability is completely unexpected.

"The magic is so delicate, it's not surprising that you can refine it!"

The old man in Lieshan smiled, reached out a hand, grabbed a huge tomahawk, and reached out to Qingming, "I haven't finished the tomahawk. This is the weapon of a big witch in the father's department. You try Let me see your skills. "

The man introduced by Lu Wenming believes the old man of Lieshan.

However, for things like refining tools, after all, Wenmingming is not a specialty and doesn't know much. Whether Qingming is as powerful as Lu Wenming said, it is not necessarily.

As Ji Hao said, his armor was made by Qingming, and the old man in Lieshan didn't believe a word.

Such a fart boy has a technique comparable to that of the Grand Master of the Dai nationality?

The old man has studied the refiner for a lifetime, and it is still ten thousand miles away. If you are a kid, even if you start the refiner from your mother's womb, how much skill?

"Big father's big witch?"

Every day, Kuafu, these big guys who run fast, don't they all hit someone with a stick? Actually use an axe?

Qing Ming reached out to take the giant axe, but felt his hand sink. This huge axe is very heavy. With Qing Ming's current strength, he almost did not pick it up.

Now that he is going to use an axe, just make an axe.

Qing Ming took up the axe, pretending to be a refiner.

In fact, Qingming himself does not know the refiner. Isn't he just borrowing the power of the Hall of War?


A blaze of flames rose, a roll of fiery flames, and in the stunned old man of Lieshan, the giant axe instantly melted into a pool of molten metal.

"The matching ratio between Adamantite and Black Iron is not appropriate ~ ~ There is too much Adamantite. Although harder and sharper, it makes the axe brittle. It is easy to crack."

"Burst runes engraved with red copper, although they have greater magic power and stronger power. But it is easy to damage the runes. It won't be long before they are turned into furnaces. It is better to change to sharp-edged runes. Weapons and sharpness are enough ! "

Reshaping the Tomahawk, removing some materials, and modifying the rune layout, Qing Ming also commented.

After hearing these comments, the fiery red face of the old man in Lieshan ... seemed a little bit redder.

When the flames dissipated, a shiny battle axe appeared in the hands of Qingming.

Smooth arcs, cold and sharp axe blades, this is a beautiful and violent weapon.


The old man from Lieshan fell on his knees, "Master, please accept me as a disciple!"


Even Li Wen's life was frightened by the old man from Lieshan!

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