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Chapter 910: Na Zhoutian starred in his heart and became "the great emperor"

"The emperor once said that spiritual practice is spiritual cultivation."

Qing Ming followed the heart's induction, looking at the shining stars, a smile appeared on his face, "Since it is spiritual cultivation, that is what you want."

"So, I think ...... are elected!"

As soon as the thought was born, my heart was shocked, and the endless starlight burst suddenly.

Western white tigers, seven dragons, eastern blue dragons, seven stars, and central purple micro altar stars, at the same time burst out endless brightness, all reflected in Qingming's heart.

At this moment, Qingming's heart firmly imprinted all the stars of the three galaxies.

As if ... Qinglong Qisu became his left hand, Baihu Qisu became his right hand, and Ziwei Altar became his skull.

"It seems ...... is not complete?"

There are hands and heads, but chest, abdomen and legs are missing.

"Among the four images, as well as the North and the South Suzaku basaltic seven places in seven places. There are three altar Tai Wei altar and altar-day city. Just make up your feet and chest."

As soon as Qingming's heart moved, other stars were to be brought into the body, but he suddenly discovered that he could not sense the other four galaxies at all.

"Oh, you little guy, you're really ambitious! You have to count Zhou Tianxing into your body."

Wood Emperor smiled, "since the thought, then do it!"

"But ...... I could sense the other stars ah!"

Qing Ming complained bitterly to the emperor.

"You suddenly becomes how silly it? Forget the five elements of?"


Wong heard wood tips, Qing Ming understood why.

Before the presentation with Mr. Hill's have been transforming the five elements of the law, this time, how to forget it?

Give birth to an idea of ​​the Holy Blood of gold in the two wood, wood-based power instantly transformed into fire. Wood fire, monstrous flames billowing into the sky.


Between vaguely, Suzaku crowing loudly. Southern Suzaku seven places motivate the moment, the mighty star power imprinted in the mind, composed his left leg.

Random, gold-based forces into water, motivate northern basaltic seven places, into his right leg.

Four images and one, force metaplasia of the earth.

In San tractor bitcell, Taiwei Tan Tan city and day, the same priming respectively of the chest and abdomen.


At this moment, Zhou stars suddenly startled, broke the star-studded.

Between the sky and the stars, Qingming found that the entire starry sky turned into his body, and every move was echoed by Zhou Tianxing.

"Zhou Tianxing's Lord is for ... Tiandi!"

Between the trance, an inexplicable message flowed into the mind, shocking Qingming.

"Heaven ... Heaven Emperor?"

This title made Qingming startled.

"Fool, now that you are in the heart of Zhou Tianxing, naturally you are the Emperor of Heaven. Do n’t let it go, the time is fleeting, and announce your Emperor to Heaven!


Accidentally, you have created a personality of the emperor? This made Qingming's heart startled.

Heavenly Emperor's position is like never dreaming!

For a while, where did you come up with what emperor?

"My name is Qingming, then ... I'm Qingtian Emperor!"

In a hurry, we can only take the name of "blue sky".


A roar shook the world.

"Qingtian has come out, take charge of the sky!"

One side seemed to be the seal of Zhou Tian's stars, and instantly fell into Qingming's mind.

Immediately after that, the sky turned round and round, Qing Ming's mind was instantly lifted from Zhou Tianxing and returned to the body.

"Master Muhuang, what is going on with this" Heaven Emperor "?"

With his heart in his body, Qingming hurriedly asked the Emperor.

Just mess up like this and become the emperor? Isn't this too fun?

"The position of the Emperor of Heaven has been suspended for a long time. For the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor of Heaven does not return, and the way of Heaven is not complete. You just happened to meet your measurable instrumental sage, and you received Zhou Tianxing in your heart. It's one by one. "


Hearing the explanation from Mu Huang, Qingming was stunned.

Could it be said that ... this emperor still has to sit by catching people? Heaven is so miserable?

"Although the Pangu world has deep roots, it is also the top heaven and earth in this universe. However, Pangu died early, and even the five sides of the earth did not merge into one, and the heavens are naturally incomplete."

"In addition, several heavenly saints born from Pangu's body do not want to fit together to complete the heavenly Tao. Do you think this heavenly Tao is miserable?"

Hearing that the Emperor Mu said, Qingming had no more expectations for the so-called "blue emperor".

"Don't think about it. Although you have now achieved the Witch King and made great strides. But it is still too early to truly become a" blue sky. "In a word, it is" the weak and the strong and the strong ". You, the emperor, have no Eligibility to command heaven and earth. "

"This is also true!"

Qing Ming nodded. Although he now has the status of a "blue emperor". However, unless he closed the door and became his own emperor, he would not have the right to order heaven and earth at all.

The strength of the Witch King, who cares about you!

Not to mention the Sanqing and Two Buddhas, even if it was the common ruler of the human race, Shun, it was impossible for him to meet Qing Ming, the "blue emperor" and respect the "blue emperor" command.

Not to mention the more ridiculous Dragon and Phoenix.

"Boy, fist is the last word! Even Pangu can hang up, not to mention you are‘ blue sky ’? Try hard to practice!”


Qing Ming shook his head. Originally, there was no expectation for this "blue sky". At this moment, when the Emperor Mu said that, it was even more hopeless.

Fortunately, the skyrocketing strength is real.

With 120,000 witches all over his body, Zhou Tianxing was in the heart, and Qingming's power had changed dramatically, and it could be said that he had stepped into the sky in one step.

In addition to lack of combat experience, his current strength is stronger than that of Lu Wenming.

After all ... except for him, no one else can have more than one star power. But he has the power of Zhou Tianxing, all the stars.

As far as power is concerned, even the witch emperor above the witch king does not have such a strong power.

"With your current strength, you can be considered a master in this world. Be prepared, the war is coming."

The wooden emperor reminded him that he would no longer care about Qingming ~ ~ Is the war coming? "

Qing Ming heart started, "Could that be about to launch a massive alien attack?"

Positive thinking, and suddenly the door "bang Lang" was smashed open person, Horeb old man frantically rushed.

"Is holy, you can refine a large number of arrows and weapons like it? ...... alien alien impending onslaught. Unprecedented scale. This is a national war. We Terran life and death, to see that the war."

Horeb old man looked at his face Qing Ming message of hope, looking forward to creating this appliance Avenue "saints", can bring surprises.

"Terran matter of life and death? How is it?"

Qing Ming heart surprised, quickly toward Horeb old man asked.

"According to spies to report, interracial twelve ruling emperor, to make the whole family from the military forces invaded the south, vowing in one fell swoop destroy my family. This is unprecedented war! Is holy adults, Terran life and death, to see that the war."

"So even the emergency?"

Qing Ming nodded, "all material mixing device all move over there how much to move, I have a way a lot of the mixing device."

For the "war lobby", as long as you provide enough material, we will be able to practice out of what you want. Number ...... there is no number. How many how much material can be refined.


Horeb old man was ecstatic!

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