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Chapter 912: Only 1 egg knife?

"I have to make a weapon for the remaining materials."

Although the strength has advanced, but the war is about to start, naturally the stronger the better. Qing Ming did not hesitate to use the remaining materials to make his own weapons.

"What kind of weapon should we build?"

Qingming at this moment is no longer the original archer, and the choice of weapons must naturally conform to his own path.

"Boy, you have Zhou Tianxing, but don't you think there is anything missing?"

The wooden emperor reminded him in Qing Ming's mind.

"Zhou Tianxing, what's missing ..."

Qingming suddenly realized, "Yeah! I have Zhou Tianxing, but ... I still lack the sun and the moon!"

Without Sun and Moon, Zhou Tianxing is incomplete after all.

The weapons to be refined now naturally need to make up for this defect.

Heart settled, Qing Ming acted immediately. The colorful glow rose up, and the remaining Pangu incisors melted instantly and divided into two melts.

A mass of molten liquid turned into a disc shape. Around the disc, there was a row of serrations, as if the flames were tumbling.

This weapon represents the scorching sun.

The other half of the melt turned into a crescent shape, a curved edge like a moon.

"Well, it's finally here."

After the refining was completed, Qing Ming smiled slightly and reached out his hand. A crescent-shaped sharp blade appeared in his hand.


Ji Hao shouted in shock, "Look, egg knife!"

"Egg Knife? What kind of ghost name is this? It's awful."

Qing Ming waved the crescent-shaped blade in his hand a few times, "Let's call it the moon blade!"

"Obviously an egg knife, what is the moon blade?"

Ji Hao poked his lips, his face was speechless, "Only the sentry is called Moonblade!"

"What a mess."

Qing Ming ignored Ji Hao and took out another weapon.

"This is called the Sun Wheel!"

The blade of war like a scorching sun hovered and fluttered in its hands, exuding a bright atmosphere like the sun rising east.

"I'm going! You only have an egg knife? You actually only have an egg knife?"

Ji Hao cried again, "Brother, this is not enough! With only an egg knife, you are an incomplete man!"

"You are an incomplete man!"

Qing Ming rolled his eyes, too lazy to care about Ji Hao.

"Change to two egg knives! Brother, I'm for your sake!"

Ji Hao was still jumping and shouting.

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Zhentian's war drums have sounded.

"Woo ..."

The screaming horn shook the world.

Hearing the drums of war and horns, everyone in the entire Akasaka Camp stood up suddenly, "Come!"

At this moment, everyone knows that a battle about the survival of the human race is about to begin.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sound of heavy footsteps rang, and countless soldiers from various ministries, armed with swords, rushed to the battlefield like tides.

"Let's go! We are going to the battlefield too."

Put on the armor, lift the two sharp blades, Qing Ming took a deep breath, and stepped out of the hall.

"Yeah! This war is about the survival of the human race. We must do our best to fight it!"

Ji Hao lifted the sword and raised his head with a serious face, "In the autumn of life and death, my generation should swear to death!"

"Master Qisheng, you don't have to go! You still make weapon armor here!"

As soon as he stepped out of the hall, he ran into the old man in the same uniform and holding a huge hammer.

Seeing Qing Ming step out of the hall, the old man of Lieshan quickly stopped.

"Master Lieshan, you don't have to stop it."

Qing Ming shook his head. "If this war tribe wins, I will naturally have countless time refiners."

As for Terran defeat ... then needless to say. All human races are extinct. What else to say?

"That ... OK! Let's go to the battlefield together!"

The old man in Lieshan lifted the sledgehammer in his hand and shouted at the rear. "The children of the Lieshan Ministry, the ancestor Yannong Shennong, are watching us in the sky!"

"Battle! Battle! Battle!"

In the scream of the sky, the big men, wearing heavy armor and holding sledgehammers, stepped on the heavy steps and gathered from all over the valley, neatly lined up behind the old man of Lieshan.

"set off!"

The high-spirited team rushed out of the Refiner Valley and converged towards the Akasaka Camp.

Out of the camp, I saw the field in front of us, the mountains and the mountains, there were a large army rushing to the front line of Akasaka.

"Look, there is our tribe."

During the march, Ji Hao pointed at the team on the left side of the field and shouted.

"Yeah! That's our tribe."

In the group, there is a flame banner in front, and there are countless soldiers in the Ministry of Rongrong. To the right of the Zhu Rong Department, a Jinwu banner and a giant tree banner are flying high.

That's the Fire Raven and Qingyi.

At the moment of the march, Ji Hao and Qing Ming had no chance to join the clan.

"Victory is life, and defeat is death. In this battle, we can only do our best."

Qing Ming and Ji Hao stared at each other, holding the weapon tightly, "a fight to death."

"Woo ..."

A sound of horns came one after another, and a continual team gathered.

In the wilderness of the southern part of Akasaka Mountain, there are already endless troops.

"go ahead!"

The old man of Lieshan led the soldiers of the Lieshan Department all the way up to Akasaka Mountain and came to the highest peak of the Akasaka Mountains, the peak of Aya Cliff.

At this moment, among the high platforms on the mountain peak, Di Shun and a group of high-level people are looking up from the platform and looking north.

There ... are overwhelming enemies.

"Ah? That ... that's ..."

Ji Hao was stunned when he looked at the northern sky.

Not too many enemies. Although ... it's really scary. The aliens that came out of the nest gathered tens of millions of troops in one fell swoop.

At a glance, it was overwhelming, the mountains and the mountains were dense, and all were enemies.

What really shocked Ji Hao was the huge battleship floating in the sky.

The warships were huge, the smallest, and ten miles long.

Among them, the largest battleships are twelve giant ships that are as large as a pyramid.

Each battleship shone with a brilliant light, like bright stars.

However, the huge muzzle above that huge ship shone with the light of destruction that destroyed the world. Even if it hasn't really been stimulated yet, it's already chilling all over.

"Even the space fleet? How else can this be fought?"

Ji Hao felt numb for a while!

One side is the Cold Weapon Tribe era, and the other side has entered the space era. This technology gap ... is not a level at all!

"Isn't it just some iron shells? I have Lao Tzu's incisors ... with that sword, even if you are weak, you can chop a few.

"Yeah! Why am I stuck in my old way of thinking?"

Ji Hao from later generations ~ ~ saw the space warship, and subconsciously raised the enemy's strength infinitely. But I forgot that in this age, I am not measuring the strength of both sides at the level of science and technology.

Cold weapons ... the battleship is even more fierce!

If you can find Pangu Kaitian's axe, it will be easy to straighten these warships with an axe.

"It's just ... the power gap between the two sides is still too big."

The twelve Pyramids must be the car of the Twelve Reigning Emperors of the Other Races. Twelve witch gods, this power is much stronger than the human race!

"Heaven blesses my people!"

On the high platform, Di Shun pulled out the Xuanyuan Sword and pointed at the alien in front. "This battle ... is worthless! Kill!"

"Very bad! Kill!"

The roar of Zhentian sounded, and the battle between human life and death was officially started!

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