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Chapter 941: Essence Jindan, Zifu Yuandan

"The practice of the Meteor Master is very valuable."

The owner of Meteor is an immortal, although it is a scum in the entire universe. However, his exercises also have methods to open up the inner world and open up the small world.

For Li Yu, all he needed was this method.

"Cosmic origin energy? Gold, wood, water, fire, earth, light, dark, wind, thunder and other cosmic origin laws, fuse the laws of space and time to open up a world?"

This method did not exceed Li Yu's expectations. Essentially, matter and energy, order and law, are placed in any world as the origin.

"It's just ... the path of spiritual practice in this world has been its own world from the beginning. Star rating, star rating, universe rating, domain master rating, world master rating ... and so on."

The planetary star is the birth of a condensed planet in the body. Then, the planets became stars, the stars became galaxies, stars, and vast seas of stars.

"Although the world that exists in a planetary situation is not a traditional place of roundness. But in the end, the endless starry sky inside the body is very extraordinary."

Luo Feng, the protagonist of this world, finally trained the internal world to a trillion light years in diameter. The vastness and breadth is already terrifying!

"Unfortunately ... I don't have that much time!"

Li Yu shook his head with a sigh and said, "In the later period, Luo Feng retreated once, which was 36 trillion years. The poor road didn't take that long."

You can only stay in this world for a hundred years at most. If you spend too long, you will lose more than you pay.

"So, my operation in this world can only be planned for a hundred years. Within a hundred years, Liu Ziqing must be the master and give me a complete demonstration of the process of opening up the internal world."

This information is naturally used for research!

"As for the rules of the heavens and the earth, the original universe of this world, and even the unfortunate‘ Sit Mountainer ’, are very suitable sources.”

There should be no surprises in these two main plans, as long as they work slowly.

"In a few months, the egg of a golden horned monster will be dropped on the earth. This golden horned monster was eventually taken away by Luo Feng and became the body of Luo Feng."

This golden horned monster was born with an inner world. As you grow, the body world continues to grow.

Therefore, this golden horned monster is worth studying.

After landing on the earth from the beast eggs, Li Yu will study it carefully to see how this golden horned monster emerged from the body world.

"Chaos are like chickens. The birth of this beast egg and the world inside it should give me some gains."

After the planning was completed, Li Yu sat on the golden willow again, and began to interpret the exercises that mimic this world, realizing the principles of opening up the internal world and the external world.

The way to open up the world is very simple. After looking at it, Li Yu understands the essence, and he can open up a world with a flick of his finger.

However, this is not what Li Yu wants. What he wants is "why does this open up the world"? "What is the cause"? "What is the principle?"

This is another long process of thinking and experimenting.

At this time, Liu Ziqing embarked on a new journey.

"This is Australia!"

Flying all the way to the sword, at ten times the speed of sound, Liu Ziqing soon came to this ... green primitive wilderness.

Before the world changed, there were not many people in Australia. After the world changed ... no one at all!

This is a paradise for strange animals.

On the earth, hordes of rabbits ... galloping across the grassland.

The news of rabbit disaster was well-known before the world changed. After the great changes of the earth, it was the rabbit that became a disaster.

In addition, wolves, foxes, and kangaroos are all piece by piece, in groups!

As for cattle and sheep, that's more.

"This is Western Australia."

Falling down on a high mountain, Liu Ziqing found that the place was still a huge iron mine.

"I wonder if there will be something like black iron?"

After the great changes in the earth, will there be any abnormal changes in the minerals? Liu Ziqing also became a little curious.

"There is black iron all over the star. The thing is not a good material. What's the use?"

Purple gold gourd prevented Liu Ziqing from exploring Xuan Tie, "boy, you have to deal with Donghai Qinglong first!"

"This is also true!"

Liu Ziqing smiled and nodded.

The Donghai Qinglong who cut the East China Sea Dragon, the Beast Emperor Realm, is full of valuable materials.

"The dragon scale and dragon skin will be refined on my black gold robe. Dragon teeth, dragon horns and dragon bones, for me to make a flying sword. The flesh will be trained into elixir!"

After finishing the Dan, you can use the sword array. The sword array is very complicated. For the time being, Liu Ziqing cannot use two swords to display the sword array, so he can only use a lot of flying swords to set up the array.

Divine devotion, control of most flying swords, and combining sword arrays is much easier than sword light differentiation.

After a period of practice, when Liu Ziqing's imperial swordsmanship was promoted to the state of "out of the magic", it was only possible to talk about Jianguang differentiation.

Without "preoccupation", "Jianguang differentiation" cannot be achieved.

"Boy, you've refined it, you can use it!"

A faint cyan robe, a lively elixir, and a thousand swords!

Dragon teeth, dragon horns, spines on the back and keel were trained by Zijin gourds to thousands of flying swords.

"To separate a thousand thoughts, I don't know when."

Liu Ziqing smiled, put on his robe, took off his sword, sat on the cliff and began to take the elixir of Qinglong's flesh.

"The realm of the beast emperor, that is, the stellar star is Qinglong, presumably will increase my strength a lot."

Swallowing the elixir with mouth, Liu Ziqing runs the exercises, continuously digests and absorbs this pure vitality, and the whole body strengthens again.

The surging force swept through the body, and the body and spirit continued to grow.


There was a loud noise in my mind ~ ~ The flowing mist of the soul suddenly contracted, quickly condensed, and flashed in the flash. In Liu Ziqing's sea of ​​knowledge, a crystal ball was formed.

Glittering and dazzling, it looks like a planet floating in the void.

This is the sign of a spiritual star.

Following the martial arts practice, the level of spiritual masters has also been raised to the star level.

The majestic strength is still being incorporated into the body. The golden ball in the Dantian and the crystal ball in the sea of ​​knowledge constantly absorb this vitality and continue to grow.

Planet first order, planet second order ... has been promoted to planet nine order.

The golden ball in Dantian and the crystal ball in the sea have grown to the size of a fist. The majestic force is surging, as if it can crash the earth and tear the sky.

"Essence Jindan, Zifu Yuandan, both have achieved, yes! The accumulation of strength is sufficient, and the rest is continuous strengthening exercises."

The pure vitality of Zijin gourd after refining has allowed Liu Ziqing to save countless meditation exercises and absorb the vitality of the world.

However, the process of hard work is also lacking. This hard work can only be accomplished in constant battles.

"Then kill it!"

A rush of sword light rose, Liu Ziqing flew forward and plunged into the vast wilderness where the strange beast ran!

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